» Pets » life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕

Book online «life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕». Author kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee

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her legs tucked underneath her neatly. She didn't fall asleep first thing. She laid there and thought for a long while. She processed everything that had been going on. She was taught to handle a sword, she had a real talk with Rain, there would soon be a new addition to the kingdom, so much to take in. She rolled over on her back, on her side, back to her legs tucked underneath her, and so many others before she finally got comfortable. She thought about things for a little while longer, before slowly dozing off.She was quite at peace until she heard a stirring, and constant movement. She opened an eye, and looked around, flicking her ears in every direction. It seemed to be coming from outside. She frowned, flicking her ears still, to see what she could pick up. It eventually stopped, and she relaxed again, before falling asleep, finally


Emilie woke up to the sounds of panicking people outside the castle. There was shouts and hoofbeats and she swore she heard daggers being thrown. It sounded like a protest out there. Emilie immediately leaped to her feet, and looked around. She and two other females were the only ones that weren't outside in the fight. She shot them looks, and they replied with shrugs. They must have just woke up, like her. She let out an anxious sigh before trotting from the sleeping quarters to the main room. Empty. Of course. Emilie looked around before quickly making her way across the drawbridge, where she bumped into a Faun who was in the process of shouting his anger. There were the ones who were quiet, the ones who just looked plain upset, and then there were the ones that were shouting at the top of their lungs and throwing daggers. Emilie found Rain among the shouting, her mother among the upset, and general Oreius and his wife among the quiet. All of the kingdom had gathered out there in the courtyard, so it was very loud. Emilie, at the moment, couldn't be more confused.She pushed past all the Fauns and Satyrs and Dryads and Naiads and Centaurs and everything else there to get to Rain, and grabbed him by the ear before forcefully dragging him away. "Ow, ow, ow, ow.." "Oh, hush it." She came to a halt at the drawbridge, and let go there. "Now, stop your shouting for a moment and.. please, do tell me what's going on." She raised an eyebrow, and waited for him to explain. Rain stuttered and stammered for about a minute before finally spitting it out. "The Royal Treasury that belongs to our Rulers and our Rulers only has been stolen by, what we suspect, our enemies." Rain crossed his arms over his broad chest, obviously not very happy with the whole situation. Emilie sat there gaping for a moment. "But.. but doesn't that mean.. there.. there will be a war?" She managed to stammer. Rain gave a simple shrug. "No one knows quite yet. The last thing we need is a war." He growled the last part under his breath, turning away to look back at the crowd. Emilie glanced at Rain, the crowd, then their High King, who stood at the front, obviously stressed.".. and the last thing we need is a war." Emilie ranted to her best friend, Alambil. She had paced a circle in the clearing where they stood, obviously not very impressed with the whole thing. Alambil, who always thought positive, tried to lighten Emilie's mood. "Oh, come on, who said there was gonna be a war? There shouldn't be, we could just walk on up there with our army and have a little conversation with the enemy. Absolutely nothing to worry about."Emilie continued to think otherwise.


The early winter sun shown and the icy wind blew my oaky blonde hair back as I cantered up to the jump on my bay quarter horse mare, Tess. It was early winter in Wyoming and I could see the ice capped mountains from my 15hh mare's back.Tess sailed over the fence as per usual, and when we reached the ground I smiled and dismounted. I still had the new horses my dad bought to exercise.I took the striped reins from over Tess' head, and kicked my white riding boots in the dust. Specks of dirt flew on to my jeans, but I didn't care much. I quickly walked back to the barn and untacked, fed and groomed Tess and after I got the next horse, Splash, ready, I was out to the arena again.But as I was leading Splash to the outdoor arena, the paint mare letout a shrill neigh. I patted the mare but she wouldn't calm down. Low but shrill nickers filled the air. I turned my gaze to the mountains, almost ready to turn back to the barn. But what I saw, the untamed, free and fast legs of horses high in the large, steep landform, the flowing manes and tangled tails, and dirty yet beautiful coats, almost made me drop Splash's reins . Sorry if this was really boring, I have better plans for future parts. Also, this is my first story on here in like 2 years so sorry if it's really bad....


The rest of the school day went by at a snail's pace. As Kaycee was walking home that afternoon, she swore she could hear Clyde's whinny, followed by Ace. But weren't they long gone now? She looked around, a confused look spread across her face. What was that noise? She shrugged her shoulders and walked on, when her thoughts of the Gypsy Farm were interrupted by the clopping of hooves. The steady sound of a canter on concrete. Kaycee hadn't heard it in so long, she was taken into its peaceful spell. The spell was broken, though, when a black blur whizzed past her. She blinked her eyes and looked around wildly. A black horse galloped off behind her. She whistled to it, and it skidded to a stop, its horseshoes screeching on the concrete. It turned to look at her, its big, bright, dark brown eyes blinking. Kaycee put her stuff down and ran to it. She grabbed its reins and studied it for a while. It was a large black gelding. She pondered on his breed. He had two back socks, and those were his only markings. "Well." Kaycee looked at him once more, and chuckled. "Who do you belong to, you little troublemaker? You sure are pretty..." The gelding was long and lean, had big bright eyes, and a shining black coat. He also had the dished profile as of an Arabian. "But you don't look full Arabian." Kaycee commented. "You look like some horse I read in a book once. 'Anglo-Arab... I've never handled a horse like you,'" she stated to him. "Now we have to find out who you belong to." She picked up her stuff, then led the horse by the reins to the direction he came.Kaycee led the horse downtown, and kept going when she saw a riding academy on the hill. "So this is probably where you came from, eh?" She patted the horse on the neck, then led him up the hill. There was four big riding arenas, and five big barns. It was a very nice looking place. "I didn't know there were ANY horses here," She said, astonished. She led the horse into the opening barn. A group of people were carrying on a conversation in the middle. "Where did he run off to?" She was able to pick up. She cleared her throat, and spoke up. "Uhm, I think I have your horse.. here." A young woman, about 26, looked up from the circle. "Oh! Thank you. Denali here is a WRECK." She took the horse's reins. "He's really pretty." Kaycee replied. "Uhm.. are you the riding instructor, or barn manager person?" She said shyly, hiding her hands behind her back. "Why, yes." The lady said. "Would you like to join this city's greatest riding academy?" She asked. Kaycee nodded. "Well.. yeah! And I'd really like to ride Denali if no one's already riding him." She said quickly. "Well, of course. Just meet me in my office real quick."This one was a bit shorter. Hope you still like it though. In the 'Denali' picture, the photographer and horse are unknown.


The first time my heart got broke, a horse broke it. After that day much in life beat my heart up more and more. At age four my first horse was supposed to be a miniature pony but I got a horse for Christmas. I landed in the hospital before I ever got to ride him. I finally did get to ride him. But soon after we had to part ways. Years passed and I still missed him very much . I was emotionally distraught for a long time at having to part ways with him. But he never was for from my mind. Life itself took a toll more and more on my heart. Seems I stayed a emotional wreck all the time. But in the end it was a horse that put my heart , mind and soul back together again. At a time in my life when the world seem to be crashing down on me in every direction. I got the opportunity to learn natural horsemanship with a horse I called peanut. I was finally able for the first time in my life to find peace and direction. The understanding of love, trust and respect and relationship. With at this time one failed marriage and the present marriage falling completely apart, I can say that if it had not have been for natural horsemanship and my horse peanut, I wouldn't be here to tell you this story today. It is a really hurtful thing to come to the realization that someone really doesn't love you even though they say them words to you everyday. There is nothing worth more in this world than having a sound mind a heart that is still able to love and a good soul and feeling complete. I do feel that God is always there in the middle of any horse and a person and natural horsemanship.


As I stepped out into the cool morning air I knew I had to go see my appaloosa. I walked down to the stable where she was, my dog Pip following me and I felt really excited. Today was the day that I was going for my first trail ride ever with my best friend Freya and her stallion, Blackie. I walked up to Pepper and petted her. “Hey girl! Ready to go for a trail ride today?” I said. Pepper whinnied. I gave her breakfast and some water and went to the kitchen. “Morning Haley”! My mum said. “Morning”! I said. “Would you like eggs on toast or a pop tart?” my mum asked. “A pop tart please!” I replied. I gave Pip his breakfast and after I had my breakfast I ran up to my room and put on my jodhpurs, boots and a lime t-shirt. I grabbed my helmet, said goodbye to my dad, kissed my mum and ran to

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