» Pets » life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕

Book online «life of a horse by kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee (reading like a writer txt) 📕». Author kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee

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As me and my sister strawberry were kicking and running around. The once quiet mountain morning was split by a piercing crash of thunder and crack of fierce lightning my eyes grew big and I whinnied with fear and started running to find my mother. As darkness started to over come the side of the mountain I thought I would never find my mother again I started to panic running in circles whinnying for my herd then I noticed I had forgotten strawberry. The rain started pouring and the thunder started getting louder and louder I walked helplessly along the the flat river bed when a hard stiff rope was lassoed over my neck i started thrashing and kicking to get loose but it didn't work. One man on a horse was pulling on the rope making it get tighter around my slender neck then a women came pushing me on the ground and tying all of my legs together. I saw the women give the man a signal as he made the horse walk backwards it started dragging me onto the bank where the girl picked me up and lay me in a dry dark place. As I lay on the bottom of this dark place it suddenly started moving I whinnied in fear and waited for a response and surprisingly one answered mine I looked blindly in the place trying to find the horse that answered and noticed laying a few feet from me lay strawberry. She sounded as scared as I was but sounded weak as I looked up I saw something different on her I started smelling the air through my nostrils to see if I could pick up what was wrong with strawberry then the scent came to me... it was blood.


As soon as Emma Arana reached the exit of the Rocky Flats High school she burst into full speed down the side walk, racing for her bike. She didn't pay attention to the clusters of teens laughing and signing year books. It wasn't as if they were going to sign her year book anyways. Slinging her book bag into the basket of her bike, she quickly pedaled down the street. Her long curly hair flowed with the wind, and a small smile crept up her face. It was summer and she planned to do nothing but spend hours with her new horse Breeze. A 12 year old girl had given her Breeze. The girl was an old neighbor, but she was moving. Emma had often seen the shining brown horse prancing in the pasture the back of Emma's dad's old farm house. "I know you'll take care of her," the girl had said softly, bravely keeping the tears back. "Daddy said it was either you or the slaughter house. There's no space for Breeze where I'm going. I saw you slipping some carrots to her. She loves sugar cubes too, on Sunday she loves having a nice run. All the supplies for her is in the stables, you can take it to your barn." Emma smiled at Sara, who was holding tightly to the reins of Breeze. "I promise I'll take care of her. You just take care of your self, I'll send pictures if you want. Its sweet of you, and I'll help Breeze not forget you." The girl, Sara, smiled a little now, gave a kiss to the horse who nuzzled into her elbow. She whispered a few words, than walked away. Emma's dad wasn't too sure, but at the glowing face of his 15 year old daughter, he let her keep the thoroughbred. It wasn't often that Emma got excited over something. Emma didn't have many friends, and the death of her mother brought a solemn appearance to the beautiful dark blue eyed girl. Emma knew that this summer was going to be different in a beautiful way.


I gasped as I woke up looking at the time. I cradled myself again because I had another nightmare. Same one, but more terrifying. I hopped out of bed and threw my clothes on. It was only four in the morning yet perfect temperature for a ride. I ran downstairs and popped the door open. I ran out into the barn and turned the lights on. All the horses popped their heads out. "Hey you guys!" I said cheerfully. "Who wants to go ride'n!" I walked by my mares stall, Blaze. I walked in. "Girl, you need to have that baby you are way over due." I rubbed her stomach and felt a kick. I laughed. She nickered. I gave her a kiss and walked out. "Hey buddy!" I said to my blue roan gelding. "You ready to go!" I ran to get a halter and brought it back. I saddled him up and walked out. He knew what we were doin. He eagerly set toward the barrels. I nudged him to a trot and opened the gate to the arena and grabbed my hat. I always set it on the pole. "Woe." I said firmly. I stared at the barrels. His ears twitched with excitement waiting for me to yell, go. I sat there for a couple more seconds then yelled, "GO!!!" He took off fast as a bullet how I loved the wind in my face. "Whoa!" I said he slowed to a fast lope. I yelled, "GO!" He ran toward the next barrel my hands were firm on the reins but I knew I could've let go and he would know the whole course. "Whoa!" He slowed again to a fast canter. "Get!" I yelled. His feet were steady as he ran. His four hoofs beat with grace yet with speed too. "Whoa." I said firmly again. Then I kicked tell the finish and said, "Whoa." We did a slide stop. "Good boy." I said as I patted his neck. I walked him off as he breathed heavily through the walk. "Alexis!" I looked back behind me and saw my mom. I kicked buddy right to her he was unsure of what we where doing but followed my commands. My Mom jumped out of the way. I ran out into the wild not sure of what was to come Soon I slowed Buddy down and looked into the light. The sun was just halfway set and I was guessing it was about five in the morning. I made buddy lay down and slowly fell asleep on him. I woke up with the sound of hoofs. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a blurry black figure in the distance. I slowly found out it was a horse. "Good thing we brought a rope." I said to buddy. He stood up and I saddled him and got on. "Lets go!" I yelled. He ran anxiously trying to catch up with the black horse. We came near and I swung my rope. I caught it. "Gotcha." I said.I slowed it down and gasped at the horse.It was beautiful! It bucked and reared. I struggled with it and slowly got it back to the barn and in the round pen. I looked it in the eye and turned around and my mother was right in front of me.


Going into that box for the first time was one of the scariest things that ever happened to me. It made weird rumbling noises and had no food in it. I looked down and saw my scraped legs. Everything re-winded in my mind. Blood, screaming, yelling, tears. I felt the pain in my chest bump harder and harder, It can't happen to me again. The two-legs tugged on the rope that was hooked onto a head piece onto me. I pulled harder and harder as my muscles tensed. No. It will NOT HAPPEN AGAIN! I threw my head up and pulled until the two-leg fell to his knees. I stomped my hooves and bucked, kicking one of the two-legs in the stomach. They moaned loudly and fell to the ground. I reared. Then, I felt the worst pain in history. Everything went black. I woke up in another box. One much warmer. Filled with sand on the ground. I picked at it. My legs were covered with white bandages that showed some red. It re-winded again. More screaming. More tears. More blood... I shook my head, shaking the memory out as well. Suddenly I smelled a wonderful thing. Food. In some oval things there water and food. I bit the grain. It tasted amazing. Nothing like grass. A small cage hung from the wall. Hay. I ripped it from the cage and chewed. I slurped water. It trickled down my throat. It felt so good. I heard a slap. The same sound that I heard before I blacked out. Except smaller. Then a neigh and a scream and hooves stomping. I tried to look out but metal bars kept me prisoned from seeing what was happening. Next day, I looked out my window. I didn't see anything really. Only birds and cats walking around. When I turned around I saw more two-legs hovering by my box. They opened up the bars (boy, were they strong) and put the headpiece on my head again. This time they looked nicer, and didn't hold that rubber stick that made that noise. They put the rope on me and led me outside to a circle. After an hour, I learned "woah" means slow down or stop. A clucking noise they made from their mouths meant faster and pulling on the rope go the other way. When I wasn't listening they pulled out the stick again.


I'm going to tell you a story about me! One day I was galloping around a field. Suddenly I heard screaming! I turned my head and saw My best friend, Holly, being taken away from a man. The man looked at me. My owner, Emily, ran toward me. She looked at me and cried, "That man is going to take you away! He steals horses so he can sell them to other people!" I lowered my head sadly. Emily looked up and saw the man standing right next to her. "Leave her alone! Stay away from her!" Emily yelled. The man pushed her to the ground. He jumped on me and whipped me until I ran. "No matter what happens! I will find you!" Emily screamed as the man whipped me. We rode for a long time. Then it went dark. The man led me into a thorny stable like thing. I reared and bucked. He knew I was trying to escape. He looked at me and whipped me. "Come on!" He yelled in a deep voice. I was in a stall. There was more horses. They looked terrified. The man put this sleepy gas in the stable. I collapsed. I said to myself, "I wish I was free." Then I fell asleep. When I awoke, I saw a little girl smiling at me! I froze. "What will she do to me?" I asked myself. The little girl opened her mouth and said, "I like you! My name is Sarah!" I stood up. Sarah came closer, so I backed away. "Don't be afraid." She said in a gentle voice. She read into her pocket and pulled out a carrot. I looked at it. "It's a carrot. Here you go." Sarah said holding the carrot out to me.

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