Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
This probably installed the ‘primeval dualism’ – the emergent elements of specificity of somethingness of Information beginning to play around the larger sphere of hugely randomized probabilism. It probably also created the seeds of Entropy as primary elements of emergent-transient specificity began to interact with encompassing but itself evolving sphere of hugely high energy probabilism. This dualism probably was the soil, which kept the crop of Information growing in mass and magnitude. The microwave background provided the soil for the seed of specificity to grow the first crop of ‘specificity’ of Information. This, we can say, engendered the first plan of determinism. Deterministic elements and commensurate dimension probably take shape only when the Information attains specificity.
For the sake of clarity, we can say that it is like we are always muffled up by a sphere of air all around us. When the air has no Information, it is not expressed and we do not feel air around us. However, when there is high heat at some part of the vast landscape and heated light air lifts up, the cooler air mass from surrounding areas gush in to fill in the vacant space. It is the heat energy, which creates a dimension of gradient, which is the Information, the air mass follows. This information is physical but emergent, specific information. As this happens, wind starts and this Information is then expressed and communicated by so many elements in nature – the tree leaves, the dust, the clouds, smoke, etc. The specificity of Information is the deterministic element of the ‘gradient’ the ambient energy creates and installs. As this Information happens, different media come to live it and Reality emerges, even though they were already there. The energy is element of Information; as it communicates to the media of mass. Hypothetically, it may be said that in the cosmic microwave background, the ‘specificities’ began to happen and the Information began to take deterministic ‘Forms’. The Gravity in this context may metaphorically be accepted as criticality of specificity, which in turn induces different Media to live out the emergent Information as Reality.
We can assume; when this mass of information evolved to a critical level of specificity, with deterministic elements beginning to dominate the space, Gravity happened. Gravity itself may be construed as the warping of the fabric of Space-Time because of the mass of emergent Information, which predominant specificity of elements generate. Therefore, Space, Time, Matter, Energy, Gravity et all may well be philosophically considered as ‘contexts’ or ‘specificity’ of Information, which engendered the Causality or ‘Causation’ to formalize the cognition of Reality. As matter and energy began to take deterministic forms and gravity happened; stars, galaxies et al were formed and so on. So, Information itself engendered ‘Causalities’ for different ‘Media’ and they in turn donned the mantle of causalities, for emergence of infinite ‘forms’ of Media we see in the contemporary world.
So, can we say; the Information itself creates; or may be, we could look for some better word like, ‘cognitizes’ the Observer as well as Observable? How can we say? The very cognition of Information is precarious! If we hypothesize that Information ‘cognitizes’ the infinity of cosmos, how colossal and complex Information could be, which we are hypothesizing as building block of Reality? That is why we must humbly accept that we are just dealing with a convenient Metaphor of Information and that too for the convenience of understanding a Slice of Reality.
This metaphoric probability is largely for understanding of a Reality, which we are part of. It is being proposed as hypothesis to understand how Reality is such an idea, which probably cannot be Known through intuitiveness but probably is Knowable, through non-intuitive tools of metaphors and representation. It is the possibility within the restricted cognitive threshold of human consciousness.
This hypothesis must also be subject to personal skepticism and continued evolving knowledge of contemporary science. This hypothesis is more of a philosophical ‘metaphor’ for the facility of understanding the core and critical element of Information and how it may be accepted as central to Reality for ease of acceptance. In Physics, most things are still not beyond the stage of ‘Hypothesis’. The Theory of Everythingness is still elusive and may always be for the simple reason that even if there is a definitive building block of Reality; they remain so probabilistic that there may always be multiple Realities, as many believe there are multiple universes. Even in a block universe, where everything remains simultaneously existing; some Causalities or Causations may well be available for physical possibility; within the intuitiveness of Time and Space. However, large part of the Information may always elude humanly physical possibility as they probably remain majorly ephemeral and transient; therefore not amenable to ‘specificity’ of critical mass, which could engender causality or causation, for physical possibility. Hypothesis is the safest territory to live in…!
We can also hypothesize that some part of cosmic Information may not yet have embarked upon a ‘Media’ and therefore still remain in ‘dimensions’, not decipherable for contemporary physics. As we shall talk later; much of the Information ‘resides’ in dimensions and every dimension may not be decipherable to all Media. May be, millions of years from now, the Information may change dimensions and new emergent media could engender completely novel and alternative Reality for humanity. Information as well as Media keep evolving and novel emergent realities keep confronting cognitions. In that sense, major part of Information, which we may accept as constituting the holism or everythingness of Reality, may always remain impossible as they are outside the perceivably possible contemporary causation of Time, Space, Gravity, Matter, Energy et al…
In that continuity, we can say that Life, from simple unicellular organism to humanity is a Media and therefore, the innate, entrenched and transcendental role and purpose of Life is to process Information and decipher its possible Causalities with the help of brain, which probably is itself the most ‘Powerful Media’ of the cosmos; a culmination of the evolution of Reality itself. The life happened as Media; the brain happened as Media and the media evolved and kept transforming. The Media also becomes part of the evolving causality of Reality and the new Emergent information energizes the never ending journey of evolution. We all know – Medium Is The Message…
The entities of Time and Culture therefore are also Media and they are the vehicles of expression of information and its causalities, but at very grassroots and microcosmic levels. At this grassroots level, in the microcosmic cosmos of human world and human systems, Intuitiveness is the Gravity; it is the common, collective, agreeable specificity of Information, which mothers all other Media like, Time and Culture. The macrocosm of Information, which is fundamental building blocks of Reality, transforms its intuitive feel, cognitive acceptance and functional dimensions when expressed through the microcosmic space of the Media of Time and Culture. It is only natural that intuitive feel and perception of singular element of Information shall be different from that of non-intuitiveness. Therefore, when scientists say that we all are nothing but stardust, it is impossible for intuitive mind to understand and accept it. When science says, 98 percent of genes of Chimps and 26 percent of wheat are common with us; intuitively, it is a very revolting feel to accept. However, what is being said is from the non-intuitive perspective of the ‘commonality’ of Information, of which everything, every Reality is an expression or Media. So, we can say, if we are 100 percent of a specific Information, chimps are 98 percent and wheat 26 percent of the same information. As we have talked about earlier; we need to accept that Intuitiveness is not bad or wrong. It has evolved out of specific roles and needs of our body-mind media and continues to help good deal in survival. What we are hypothesizing is that it is only very basic and for larger purposes and roles of life-living, we need to rise above the restrictive Gravity of intuitiveness.
Why we are discussing this all? We are doing in to bring home this simple hypothesis that reality may be accepted as dualistic – one at Fundamental level, which is probably impossible to unravel with intuitive cognition and secondly at Media level, available for intuitive perception and understanding. So, the DNA is a Media of information and it has a language of expression. Proteins in bodies of living beings are information and they have a language of expression. How a protein flips, decides what role and function it shall perform in the life-living system of an organism. Why? It is because a ‘flip’ is Information. However, this Information is Media Level. It is a language for expression of information. Everything is information and it is expressed through languages, which happen at ‘Media’ levels. So, when you flip your head in a particular way, it is an Information, which means No. A slightly different ‘flip’ of the same head however means Yes. The flip is a language and it carriers Information…
Philosophically at least and for facilitative hypothesis, we can say, probably, Universe or Multiverse has no language but pure information. Language happens as Media happens. Media probably cannot understand something, which is beyond language. That is why many information may not be ‘possible’ to be deciphered as we humans as Media need the media of language to decipher a Reality. The scientists could unravel so many informations as they used the non-intuitive cognition; beyond the intuitiveness of languages. However, human brain is a miracle as it has this brilliant ability to master the craft of non-intuitive cognition. Therefore, humans are probably the only media, which can decipher something out of the pure information, outside the purview of language. However, cosmic Information plexus is probably infinite and the complexities of diversities of probable languages in the universe are also infinite. A simple molecule itself has this massiveness and complexities, which an average person may never understand. The cosmos, compared to a molecule is beyond intuitiveness of cognition…
A large part of the Media level information is also not possible for intuitive understanding. Scientists have deciphered it through processes of non-intuitive thinking and cognition. However, when these Media level information creates causalities, expressed in physical manifestations, we can intuitively know it. The media level information, transformed into the platform of languages, is also not easy for most. We shall later discuss in detail as why and how languages are ‘media’ of expression of the Consciousness, which is itself a media of body-mind-milieu information plexus. We shall discuss as how contemporary humanity and its cultures have failed big time in understanding this crucial need of evolved consciousness for languages to be effective tool of non-intuitive cognition.
So, what we intuitively feel and accept is only a molecular part of the macrocosmic information, which has suitably transformed itself for expression at Media-Level microcosmic space. Therefore, intuitive cognition is always susceptible to being
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