Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
It is this relationship of brain and milieus, which create the intuitive perception of Time in its populist form to humans. This in turn stands out as the singular benchmark of ‘contemporaneousness’ of a person as well as a culture. How?
If we accept a non-intuitive perspective, a human baby born either in 2021 or 1221, or for that matter a million years back, begins with singular sense of Time. So, we can say, the timeline for all new born, irrespective of when and where they are born, is always zero. This means, for the new born; be it Manhattan or Masai Mara; the milieu and its culture are irrelevant and non-impacting at the moment of birth. This happens as we can say that the new born has Zero Information. However, soon after the birth, the ambient milieu and its existing popular culture begins to stamp its timeline on the brain or mind consciousness (subconscious) of the new born, as Information creeps in and memories of Information are stacked in brain states. As and when the new born attains awareness of subjective self; this definitive sense and feel of ‘I’, the grown up person accepts the perceptional regime of Time. The ‘context’ has already been formed in his or her mind – one of early memories of experience of Information and other of current Information. It is all about ‘information’, which the brains of different humans receive from their ambient milieus. If human brain or mind consciousness is a soil, it is almost common for all new born. However, whether tall buildings or thatched hutments are erected on this soil depends on the parents, family, ambient culture, historicity and geographical determinism, etc. The date or place of birth of the ‘soil’ does not but the ‘buildings’, which decide the Time for the person. These buildings are metaphors for Timeliness.
Now, what this Time is? If the grown up person, who started his or her life with a zero timeline, acquires and lives up to the entire existing knowledge pool of the humanity available at that point of time, he or she is at the same level of ‘contemporaneousness’, which the humanity at large is. Therefore, his or her timeline shall be the same as in the contemporary calendar of humanity. However, if he or she acquires and practices only that level of knowledge, which collective humanity had in 1221, his or her timeline is the same. The 2021 calendar is an illusion for him or her. This illusion of the larger reality this grown up person shall live till death but the Time shall not change. Simple hypothesis is – Time for consciousness is contextual to contemporaneousness of the holistic Template of Information, at any point of progression of collective humanity.
Timeline evolves as the brain acquires contemporaneous plexus of information of the Reality available to humanity at that point or stage of collective life-living and the mind consciousness suitably lives up the contemporaneous timeline. Human tragedy is that majority of humans are never at the Contemporaneousness of Timeline. They do not have any inclination to upgrade their knowledge domain to contemporaneous levels. Knowledge has never been a priority for human societies and cultures. It is always the handful, who leads and ventures into knowledge pursuits and keep upgrading the collective knowledge pool of humanity. The vast majority of men and women only live and die in illusion of Time – Born in one timeline, yet living in a timeline, centuries back.
The 7.5 billion humans on earth at this point of time and space are in varied timeline – most lagging in centuries and decades; many still in before Christ era of inceptional cultural and civilizational time and space. Though the individual men and women cannot be stripped off their personal culpability; much of the blame is shared by the ambient cultures they live in as these cultures are in a timeline centuries back. The milieu is a huge impact on consciousness. The milieu and its timeline is the localized ‘sky’, the over-encompassing and impacting informational umbrella that muffles individuals under it. Intuitively, they can see only a small part of ‘sky’ and accept it as their ‘universe’. The non-intuitiveness, which can pull them out of the ‘illusion’, is not available to them as this brain-training is not made available to their mind consciousness.
What we are deliberating in this eBook is primarily about the ‘Illusions’ of average human life-living, which the entrenched and generic ‘Intuitiveness’ of un-evolved and untrained mind consciousness engenders for mass majority of humanity. This then entails that we discuss in details about how to develop and engineer this very critical element of non-intuitiveness of the same mind consciousness to break FREE of the illusions and decipher and understand the true Realism in its holism and entirety. The pathway, which we entail here, is that the illusions of the mind consciousness must first be ‘Unlearned’ so that alternative and novel truth and reality of life-living becomes available to our consciousness and cognition. However, in our journey to the Non-Intuitiveness and alternative realities, we shall traverse other domains too and shall make a short stay at various places of worth and utility. This is the true joy of journeying and also the right utility.
As you gear up for this journey, readying to go ahead with this eBook, I humbly request you that you should not burden yourself with unnecessary baggage. Just make a start not bothering about anything. Yes; just keep this small but very worthy ‘tool’ of Skepticism of mind consciousness. Never ever accept what I say and what I propose as a hypothesis. Test everything; doubt and self-explore the veracity and utility of everything with the help of objective scientific knowledge, which contemporary humanity has and is available gratuitously in public domain. If you objectively and scientifically ‘judge’ something yourself, then only you can internalize it. Internalize it but keep it evolving with the evolving knowledge pool of humanity. Be always ahead of the Time, which your calendar shows. This, your non-intuitive mind consciousness shall facilitate and muffle you with joy and satisfaction. Welcome…!
Alternative Culture And Time Appropriateness…
The core scientific world of theoretical physics always talks in terms of what is Fundamental to Reality. The domain of the building blocks of Reality is about what is fundamental or what we may call as ‘elemental’ for Reality. Most scientists accept that Time is not fundamental. It is primarily temporal, ‘personal’ and subjectively intuitive for humans. Therefore, for objective Reality, Time, as average human perceives, is an Illusion, which suggests, it has to be ‘unlearnt’ and a new scientifically objective realism of Time needs to be ‘learnt’ and accepted by new humanity in the new millennium.
What about culture? We can say with definitive certainty that like Time, the culture is also an abstract and non-fundamental element of Reality. What we popularly construe of culture is a function of or product of the collective and cooperative cognition of Reality. Like the intuitive and populist perception and feel of Time, that of the culture is also temporally and subjectively perceived intuitive cognition of a collection of elements, physical as well as psychological. Both Time and Culture, in their populist-intuitive avatar are microcosmic representation of a macrocosmic reality. It is seemingly all about metaphors. We need to deliberate the issues in details to have a clear understanding.
Science of Reality has been a fantastic journey of humanity. Especially in the new millennium, the progression of unraveling the fundamental building blocks of Reality has been mesmerizing. No doubt, they are not the final words (may never be) and still evolving; still, how the new knowledge of structures and functions of Reality has opened the doors of probabilistic non-intuitive cognitions for larger humanity is colossal and hugely impacting to how we all should accept Reality. It has its definitive stamp on the probabilities of future excellence for humanity.
We can say with enough satisfaction of earned humility that gradually, collective human knowledge is moving confidently towards the singular building block of Reality. Somehow, everything probably needs emancipation from rigors of one’s own engendered discipline. Physics; probably also needs to break free of its insistence on self-sustained metaphors of physicality, which it seems to be moving towards. It seems, this new millennium Fundamental element of Reality is – Information.
The trouble here is the same – we probably cannot understand the Holism and Entirety of the idea of the fundamental nature of the element of Information with the usual and populist Intuitive consciousness and cognition. This has been the trouble of humanity and its cultures, throughout the ages and shall always remain so, until humanity evolves alternatively. Here, there is better likelihood that if we do not define Information in a few words and instead leave the idea to be expanded and persevered with all along the eBook, we shall have ease and facility in unraveling the novel and alternative idea of Information. This way, we probably can bypass the trap of intuitiveness. Do kindly allow me to opt the later choice for you…
The central and cardinal idea of contemporary science of reality is that for all realities, the fundamental element may be considered as Information. This must always be accepted as a hypothesis; a perspective or a probability through which we may humbly attempt to unravel and decipher the colossal cosmic holism of Reality. This information at macrocosmic levels is what the universe can be construed to be fundamentally made of. For theoretical purpose, it will probably be appropriate if we consider; like all other approaches to Reality, Information also as a metaphor or representation of a Reality. There is a new alternative approach to theoretical physics, which probably for the first time accepts that certain building blocks of reality may not be ‘possible’ for physics. Therefore, they have come up with alternative inquisition, different in dimensions from what modern physics have asked so far. The idea is to have better understanding of Reality, through knowledge of alternative aspects and shifting the ‘Context’ of cognition, which are possible and easily explainable for physics. Information perspective may be alternative ‘context’.
Therefore, we can say, even while fundamental building block of reality is accepted as Information, it may not always be possible to decipher all the causalities, the information engenders, which then construct the physics of Reality. However, what we all know and can accept is the hypothesis that Information and its Causalities innately seek ‘Media’ to express itself as perceivable reality. Why So? What we can accept as the basis of this hypothesis that information innately seeks Media? What is the basis and ontology of this ‘innateness’ and ‘inevitability’?
We cannot say with scientific definitiveness! Nothing about Reality is finality; as yet. Even the ‘parts’, which science says it knows, about the ‘holism’ of Reality, may be only metaphoric – a representation of the Media of Consciousness. However, we sure can lend support from scientific philosophization. We can say that may be, the Information itself is the innate and entrenched basis of Gravity; in its entirety and holism. The Matter and Energy, in that sense can be considered a ‘Media’ of Information. The Media in turn creates Reality, which is possible for physics to unravel. Is it too much and too preposterous a presumption to digest!
We do not wish to go into details of hardcore scientific description of this hypothesis about information and media. Our purpose is restricted to hypothesis building for
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