Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
It is a tragedy of contemporary humanity that in modern educational system, there is very little or no understanding and acceptance of this symbiotic relationship between language and consciousness. The education should essentially be designed to facilitate a child evolve his or her consciousness in non-intuitive domains and use the linguistic skills as a fluid-facilitative ‘media’ to express the excellence of intent of the contents of consciousness. Holism of education still eludes humanity. Consciousness of a child and its augmentation is largely at the mercy of inattentive parents, uncaring family and precarious peer groups, whereas education is imparted in schools of mediocre credentials. This process of holistic ‘learning’ has to start early for a child and this involves not only schools but parents, families and ambient cultures. Sadly enough, primary schooling syllabus globally are in experimental quandary and parents-family seldom extend their roles and support to the needs of child. It is only natural that a modern child grows up usually with a conflated consciousness and abstracted language. The ‘specificity’ of ‘representational’ roles is confused and has its impact on the popular cultures we have.
Essentially, we need to focus on the fact that as we see external Reality as a ‘representation’ of the neuro-chemical mapping engendered inside the brain plexus; similarly the language is also a ‘representation’ of a ‘Reality’, which the same brain states create. The structural and functional faculties and plexuses must be strong and sufficient for this ‘representation’ to be good and right. It is not only about language; all realities we see and feel being ‘representations’, their actualization in optimal quality and quantity depends primarily on the strength and sufficiency of consciousness; the Emergent, Transient, Evolving and Dialectical registry of the brain states. Consciousness itself is the media of body-brain reality and the language being the ‘media’ of the Media of consciousness, we must first fix the issues with primary media of consciousness. This seldom happens and most kids are either very poor in this ‘representational’ tasks or have good linguistic skills but poor media of consciousness. The trouble is manifested in the conflict-confusion-chaos of cultures. The psychologists love to give them the name of a syndrome and parents-family feel acquitted of their ‘culpability’ by blaming it on the ‘disease’. Denial, deception and depravity comes natural to most humans as these tools pave way to install Shamelessness – the foolproof guarantee of imminent success. The plexus of profitability is happy preying on stupidities.
Often, generic as well as specific and conscientious as well as non-conscientious stupidities and hypocrisies find expression and meanings through the language we speak. However, they belong largely to and owned majorly by the insufficiencies of the consciousness. Almost always, it does not require a genius to gauge and decide how good or bad is the knowledge base and upbringing of a person by the content of the language he or she speaks and the way he or she presents them. The brilliance of the Media cannot cover up the deficiency and depravity of its Master – the Consciousness.
This symbiosis between consciousness and language is critical element of wellness of an individual as well as cultures. If humans pretend to be far superior to higher animals in many ways, language happens to be one huge parameter of excellence, segregating humans from animals. Naturally, we humans need to understand the mechanism and processes of linguistic science in detail. The ontology and epistemology of language and its symbiotic relationship with consciousness must be understood in detail for larger wellness. This must also be made part of the educational and learning spectrum of children in later years of schooling. We shall keep coming back to the idea of language and deliberate about it in detail later in this eBook. We shall rather include a ‘possibility’ about this symbiosis, which may prove a facilitative knowledge for empowerment and wellness.
Many times more, people die and are debilitated by climate change, pollution, lifestyle wrongs and cultural, especially populist political choices but we never accept it, as deaths, deprivations and devastations happen in long run and seldom in front of our eyes. Intuitively, we accept something only when it happens in short run and in our immediate, localized and ambient milieus. Reality for most is like that – Localized and Intuitive. The Covid pandemic menace and the death, deprivation and devastations happened quickly and we all could see them happening all around us. The world over, most people accepted the Covid devastation as true, real and hugely impacting Reality. However, compared to the deaths and miseries the climate changes, pollutions, lifestyle wrongs and cultural choices, political-administrative mediocrity and depravity etc heap on humanity every passing day, the Corona devastation is like peanuts.
We all were shocked and cried in unison for quick remedies and corrections of the Covid pandemic but majority of people are never convinced about the colossal losses humanity faces every year because of above reasons, as we never accept them as true and real. This is because of our poor and restrictive body-mind design. We are armed innately only with intuitive thinking and perceptions. We are not designed to see and perceive the vastness and holism of that part of Reality, which is available for perception only through non-intuitive thinking, which we have talked about earlier.
The human trouble and its Reality have to be understood and solved only through the holism of non-intuitive thinking. We are not innately designed for it. We have to evolve our consciousness to that level of wisdom. We take a painkiller pill and the pain goes away. However, this pill cannot correct the source of the pain. It is intuitive to feel and accept the pain only and feel ‘happy’ as it goes away by a pill. It is however the artistry and mastery of ‘non-intuitive’ thinking and perception to delve deep into diverse causalities of body-mind-milieus, which may engender the probabilities of pains. There are around 300 body-conditions, which can cause a fever. However, most of these fevers can temporarily or permanently go away by a single pill. Nobody cares, what caused the fever as the pill makes it go away. The long run of ‘causalities’ is seldom the intuitive genius of average men and women. We live and die in short run. Our survival economics has trained us to accept – ‘All worth and utilities are in short run as in the long run, we all are dead!’
We are like dust particles in the colossal expanse of the universe and therefore it is always instinctive and innate for us to see, feel and realize only the very localized and ambient milieus in which we live and move. Intuitiveness of a dust particle cannot go beyond a pebble. However, our lives are all intrinsically woven into the massive plexus of every particle of the colossal cosmos. Everything in this unimaginably vast cosmos has the potential to affect our lives as contemporary science can now very reliably tell us as how every speck of the cosmos is causally connected and part of everything else in the infinite universe. It takes this evolved and empowered non-intuitive thinking and cognitive abilities to accept the holistic Reality of human lives, the cosmos and causalities that stand us connected and unified in a singular destiny.
Humanity’s primary trouble is its restrictive and scammed ‘intuitive’ thinking and perception of Reality. Intuitively, average men and women see, accept and realize only a miniscule ‘part’ of Reality and fail to factor in the mega holism of Reality, to which all lives in the cosmos are connected and unified. It takes non-intuitive thinking to visualize the Holism of Reality. It begins with the simple and primary process of ‘Unlearning’.
When we accept this mechanismic trouble of human consciousness and factor in how we stand in the cosmic scheme of Reality, we can very clearly see how disastrous has been human journey to the present. We can see how calamitous cultures, we have created and perpetuated with zeal, which are essentially an expression of our innate stupidities-hypocrisies and Scammed Consciousness. We can see how scammed and depraved is contemporary human systems of life-living and how we are singularly responsible for the disaster we have wreaked on ourselves and yet, we are not even aware of our personal as well as collective culpability. We rather happily become inseparable part of the scammed systems and calamitous cultures. We rather celebrate our personal and collective ‘successes’, which are purely intuitive stupidities and hypocrisies. There is no short-cuts for wellness. Human systems have been a product of innate-instinctive intuitiveness and even today, when we have scientifically proven knowledge about how our own consciousness is scammed, we continue to invest in calamitous cultures and utilities-worth, which are weapons of our own self-destruction. This Cannot Be Changed; It Requires Complete Reconstruction…
Every reality, which since inception of humanity, have been the basis of definition and acceptance of worth, utility and purposes, have now changed drastically; thanks to the contemporary knowledge of science and the reality of REALITY it has established so meticulously and almost definitively. Most of us, busy and struggling to find ways for survival and a good life-living, seldom find time and inclination to go into the details of how much and how mesmerizingly diverse knowledge modern science has created for us, which have the potential to change our lives and its quality very drastically. It has, already!
This quantum of new scientific knowledge however, means that humanity now has the express need to Redefine and Reposition its existing cultures and worldviews completely and holistically. Changes won’t be sufficient as contemporary knowledge has put up an agenda, which seeks complete and novel Reconstruction of most edifices, which humanity has held dear and working for centuries.
Modern contemporary science and the new Realties it has unraveled for us have almost entered the era of unthinkable Singularities. This means – humanity now stands in possession of such hugely empowering knowledge about Realities and causalities that engender realities that most of the Realities, which we all understood and accepted stand metamorphosed and transformed. Very naturally, this new knowledge requires humanity to dump the old realities and wisdom woven around the old and archaic realities. The new knowledge has perfectly exposed the stupidities and hypocrisies of the existing and practicing realities. There is no choice left with humanity to accept a completely new Reality and reconstruct a new wisdom around this newly established scientific Reality. This requires non-intuitive thinking and perception in the part of average men and women. It begins with this easy and inevitable process of unlearning. It is optionless. We do it right and now; or we all continue to rot in devastation and debility and eventually perish.
This critical and devastating lessons humanity has learnt at very high cost during the Covid pandemic global crisis. This crisis exposed the Illusion of strength and capabilities the humanity and its depraved leadership boasted off. The so-called edifice of superiority and brilliance of ‘super power’ humanity and their advanced cultures crumbled like cookies and went down like ninepins. The pandemic proved beyond doubts that humanity has created the castle of a billion worth and utilities over a rather fragile and shaky soil, which could not bear the weight of a rather manageable tremor. The pandemic posted a perfect picture of embedded and embellished stupidities and hypocrisies. It proved true the warnings of many ‘experts’, who kept reminding the humanity about their ‘misplaced’ sense of ‘utilities and worth’ and Illusion of Reality, which created the ‘Purpose’ of human systems around the world.
The fault is not something a ‘change’ can correct. The trouble is equally massively structural as it is brazenly functional. The message is clear and loud – either humanity
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