Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
… It is for sure, it is not something, which happens to me only. My brain states and mind consciousness are not unique. It is what 7.5 billion people on earth have. This has also not been beginning to happen only now. It is described in ancient Buddhist literary traditions that around 2500 years back, when Buddha attained enlightenment, the first lines he said was – ‘The walls of the house I lived in are now shattered and collapsed.’ What Buddha actually said or didn’t say cannot be verified but what the traditions accept him saying, clearly means that even thousands of years back, there was this consciousness, which accepted that Reality, when unraveled and deciphered in its holism and when true and objective knowledge of Reality dawns upon the surface of intellect, the walls of existing intuitive Reality, which stands as the ‘House of Illusion’ collapses and falls flat. What Buddha did after his enlightenment is known to all. He chose not to speak as probably what he understood was exclusively personal and not amenable to language. The consciousness is a massively potent window but language as the media of expression of consciousness is very restrictive and susceptible to misunderstanding. Buddha definitely understood – Words are most probable design to carry the culpability of unintended and un-conscientious violence. However, he was urged by his followers to speak and as he spoke, five of his closest disciples left him. Even today, when Buddhism is popular, most followers have failed him and what they do in the name of Buddha is definitively not what Buddha believed and preached. It is primarily because for an average untrained mind, it is impossible to understand what Buddha meant and what enlightenment seeks. The intuitiveness can never ever be the tool and technique to unravel and decipher the elements of reality in non-intuitive domain. The untrained mind therefore corrupts and mystifies a reality as it has the perpetual love for Illusion, which is Reality for average mind consciousnesses…
It sure raises a critical question – is humanity ready for knowledge of reality in its entirety and holism, which is now available to humanity but still not popular and restricted to a very small minority of scientists and aware people. It sure shall reach gradually; though vitiated and ritualized, and average human mind is so untrained to handle it. Already, half the humanity is finding it tough to handle the new conflicts and chaos the modern contemporary life-living has exposed people to. In the new millennium, we live in a very complex world with contemporary milieus filled with conflicting and competing shades of memes of realities. Mental disorders and mind debilitations are already posing as mounting challenge for wellness and poise of larger humanity. An average untrained mind is not poised to handle such complexities and diversity of illusions of reality. What shall happen when finally, the mass majority of people will have to confront the brute reality about existence, life-living and human body-mind realities? The new knowledge shall drastically alter the contemporary cultures, as it already has started to do, and then, the contemporary human mind with all its mediocrity and depravity shall be in for disaster. The early pink hue of the inevitable dawn of impending disaster is already on the horizon. A discerning mind, armed with non-intuitive cognition can see it coming…
This enterprise, this eBook, very compassionately and affectionately invites you to venture into a ‘journey’ of this tough terrain of ‘Internalization’ domain and processes. We accept that our intellect and the consciousness, which engenders it, are powerful media yet very insufficient because the REALITY is so colossal, diverse and the Internalization of Knowledge for lasting peace and poise is hugely tough. This humility makes our journey possible. This fills us with compassion, which alone qualifies us as humans. This humility makes us accept the cosmic duty that evolution bestowed on us by assigning humans the mesmerizing marvel of mind consciousness…
Together, in equal partnership and equal investment of all faculties that are available to our media of consciousnesses, we intend to traverse those issues, ideas, questions and probable answers, which humanity has not yet bothered to deal with. The Intellect shall delve into holism of available scientific and objective knowledge but we shall have to accept that intellect has to be evolved and matured to a level of conscious positioning and cognition, which opens up and makes possible a rather critical element of ‘Non-Intuitive Thinking’ and perceptional acceptances. We are intentionally dropping the use of the term ‘Counterintuitive’ and using the word Non-Intuitive, because, the former necessarily means opposite of Intuitiveness, whereas, the later is not necessarily one but a holism of both. Intuitiveness also has utility and we surely cannot label it as something always detrimental to consciousness. We must never miss the magic and marvel of Holism; non-intuitiveness is about this assimilation…
Much of the contemporary objective and holistic knowledge of humanity has come primarily through this core and cardinal tool of non-intuitive thinking. Sadly, average person is never trained to acquire this tool. More tragic is the fact that most of us even do not ever think, mind training is required to unravel and decipher big part of the holism of Reality. We are not even told, it is some eligibility for good life-living. Reality in its holism is available for deciphering and unraveling only through these cognitive processes. Thankfully, contemporary science has empowered us with this required knowledge for larger and deeper wellness. This eBook primarily pertains to the realm of Non-Intuitiveness of 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causalities…
Give me your hand; do kindly feel the warmth of trust and genuine objectivity and scientific sincerity. We are beginning a journey, not with the avowed purpose of arriving as we most humbly accept; arriving probably is beyond the genius of our restrictive and scammed consciousness and the journey itself is infinite. The journey traverses through landscapes filled with alternative and novel ideas, realities, awareness, purposes, utilities et al. Journeying itself is incredible invite to the feel of worthiness of Holism. Together, we shall travel, together we shall doubt, witness and experiment; together we test the validity of an alternative possibility, together we arrive; wherever possible…
In classical musical tradition; may be also in all other forms of Art and expression of human thoughts, there is a stage of finality of rendering, where the grammar and Syntactic Discipline of artfulness and exposition loses its primary and cardinal relevance. What remains of singular and lasting utility and worth is the Innocence of the artist and Honesty of art. The only weight that is felt by listeners and audience is that of the uniqueness of Melted Individuality, which the performer transports to the consciousnesses of the audience. This is Emergence – the Physics entering a Dimension where probably its structural plexus remains hidden as ‘roots under soil’ and the feel of functionality blossoms above as fruit-laden tree.
I, for sure, can never reach to such a stage of finality in my journey as a confabulator. However, this is what I cherish and seek. With all humility and compassionate honesty at my behest, I wish to assure you; I have been a sincere student of ‘The Art’, since last 54 years and shall keep my persevered learning and unlearning processes, till death, on this avowed journey of artfulness of life-living in general and writing in particular. Nobody can be greater than the Art but, the audience, in their compassionate acceptance, sure can encourage the artist for the sake of art itself. I write, because you are; a magnanimous consciousness. Thanks…
Billions of men and women in the past, billions ahead; infinite years in the past and may be, infinite times ahead… The awesomeness of this ‘infinite’ however, is ‘Zero’, sans the advent of consciousness of ‘I’ – Mine and yours. This messy, incredibly fragile, amazingly conflicted and dreadfully ephemeral ‘bubble’ of Consciousness is, however, the brilliantly mesmerizing probabilistic ‘Window’ of endless Realities. The media of consciousness, which engenders the perceptional plexus of Cognition, knows deep down that most of these ‘Realities’ are brilliant but only a handful of them are ‘Happy’ ones.
The legendary poet, Meer mentioned about ephemeral existence and its flamboyantly illusionist positioning in a very famous poetry centuries back –
Hasti Apni Habab Ki Si Hai…
Ye Numaish Sharab Ki Si Hai…
(My existence and beingness is like a bubble, the exhibition of individuality however, is like the liquor…)
The innate and instinctive consciousness and its generic cognition is stupidly designed to understand and accept many a realities as hugely useful and empowering, as they always feel like the ‘happy ones’, but actually and eventually are calamitous for life-living wellness. In Indian philosophical traditions, ‘intuitive utility’ has been equated with an Itch, which all of us are ‘Happy’ scratching; though being fully aware that it shall always end in painfulness, bruised skin and blood stained hands. This ‘happy’ Predilection and innate Bias towards most realities the media of consciousness accepts, is painfully restrictive one. Realities need never be understood and accepted through the prism of ‘Happy Preferentiality’. Rather, most realities, as they present themselves to the intuitiveness of the media of consciousness, are essentially Value-Neutral – neither good nor bad; neither happy nor sad. They are objective causalities or the cognitive effects of causalities, which the vast and variegated milieus, ambient to us or otherwise expansive, present to us.
Consciousness, as a probabilistic ‘Window’, as a media to unravel realities, is a huge gift. A rather disastrously scammed yet mesmerizing media or window! This media is Innately Scammed; assigned to painfulness and conflicted conflations by very design. The media of consciousness has to be understood, accepted with scientifically objective and holistic parameters of contemporary knowledge. This media needs to be trained to Unlearn archaic, instinctive and obsolete auto-alignment to culturally installed and perpetuated ideas of good, bad, right, wrong and happy and sad. Once unlearning happens, the window throws up the brilliantly empowering shades of realities and their utility-worth in life-living wellness and excellence.
Rather, contrary to the ‘happy preferentiality’ about life-living realities, the consciousness must accept the universality and transcendence of Grief. Grief is the most potent energy of Creation. It is the primeval Causality of eternal Evolution. All Marvels of world are deep and embedded expressions of Grief and Pain. Grief is the portal of the singular element as eligibility to being human – Compassion. Sadly, only a handful can truly realize and internalize Grief to miraculous Revelation. The innate and intuitive Happy Preferentiality of untrained and un-evolved mind consciousness restricts ‘Grief-Acceptance’. Most people have the upfront and ever-ready ‘Bouncers’ of Denial and Deception to prevent the entry of grief-aligned compassion. Tragically; Marvels become tools to deny Grief itself. When Grief is denied; Compassion gets eclipsed and Reality stands mystified. Humanity is genius in Enterprise of Denial and Deception of Reality. This is biggest ‘Unlearning’. Together, we do it, together we partner in this enterprise here and right now…
The very sense or feel of ‘Self’ or what we know as ‘I’, the mystical ‘Me’ is largely, if not exclusively, in relation to the milieus outside, not within. Our constant yet ever-changing interactions with our ambient external milieus largely define our Generic Consciousness – this very feel of ‘I’. There are vast Mechanismic interactional processes within our body and
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