Happiness Is A Scam by Santosh Jha (great books for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
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We are so used to accepting ourselves in a way, which is essentially culturally evolved and installed. Our acceptance and feel of ‘I’ or self; in our routine life-living, simply does not take into account the hugely long and complex mechanisms and processes, which created what we are today. If what we accept as ‘Aware’, is only partial and often misinformed one; then we are susceptible to scammed insinuations. Science knows a lot about this all but mass majority of men and women do not have any knowledge of this all and even if they have; they seldom factor them in their acceptances of reality about their identity, existence and life-living. This is in itself is a huge scam. We perceive ourselves; like so many realities, for example happiness and successes; in a way, which is symbolized, analogued and metaphored by humanly-designed intelligence; much against or in divergence of the over-encompassing intelligence of nature and evolution, which is still there in our brain states. In reasonable likelihood, therefore, we experience perceptions of realities in a vitiated, depraved and even criminalized ways. Happiness is also very likely experienced in these ways.
Human brain has evolved in a unique way and it has structures, which render it as a multi-organ entity and reality. Human brain works in very precarious and awkwardly poised cooperative processes of different brain parts; evolved over different timelines. It is a unique probability that human brain works in a cooperative ways but seems to have different ‘contexts’ for accepting causalities of information processing. This idea of information processing is still not fully known. How human brain works out realities and how it arrives at perceptions and decision-making, amid competing and conflicting choices; are still shrouded in mist of very partial knowledge. Still, it seems, human brain handles two different sets of intelligences, which are probably in conflict and competitiveness. This seeds loads of hypocrisies as well as delusional insinuations and propensities in human brain’s processing and working out of realities. Happiness is probably also perceived and expressed in such ways.
Modern science now has enough insight into our brain and its evolution in millions of years to understand that the uniqueness of human brain creates a somehow exclusive nature of consciousness. We all know about conscious, subconscious and unconscious layers of our sense of awareness. Science tells us that human consciousness is probably a unique reality because of the evolved precariousness of its embedded conflicts between two different sets of intelligences, which evolved not exactly in linear progression but as a ‘jump off’. The societal-cultural factor occasioned this jump. That is why, human consciousness, this sense of subjective self; the personal feel of self-dialogue and self-introspection happened and evolved in long period of time. Science tells us that human brain is multi-organ yet a cooperative mechanism and that is why there is a continuum in all three stages of awareness – unconscious, subconscious and conscious. The three layers keep switching roles as per the need in external milieus. However, the conscious sense of definitive and aware ‘I’, someone who ‘willfully’ decides or declines some decision, comes only when we face a ‘conflict’ situation in life-living, requiring us to shuffle through different options for a decision. This conflict is somehow exclusive to humans as higher animals may also have conflicts of choices but they are so basic or clearly defined that they are handled by subconscious and the animal does not need to experience the conflict. The humans experience the conflict as most of their conflicts are complex, requiring inter-related information, emanating out of the complexities of societal-cultural milieus. It is primarily the complexities of conflicts and milieus of multiple and competitive options in life-living, which happens only in complex societal-cultural-political-economic-belief system milieus, which engenders the conscious feeling of subjective self. This means – conflict is embedded in brain states and consciousness was required in its evolved and heightened functionality only in humans and not animals as only humans have brains with two competing intelligences, made possible by exclusivity of milieus. The perception and expression of Happiness, in three different layers of unconscious, subconscious and conscious, having continuum yet contextual-conflicts, probably uploads abstractions, vitiations and even depravity on the idea of Happiness.
Human brain is unique not because of its power and ability to process huge information data and compute different information from huge domains; owing to its massive plexus of trillions of cells. This even a computer can do now and surpass in near future. Human brain’s genius or what we may call its entropic propensities or pathology is embedded in its complexities of processes, in somehow bizarre and precarious cooperativeness. If you make a machine in a time period of 2-3 billion years; adding different parts to it, every now and then and still make it work its original function; you can understand, what this machine could be. Its viability shall definitively be ascribed to its layered continuum, complex symmetry and synchrony with all added parts, which makes it work in viable cooperation with all newly added parts to work out, what may seem a systematic functioning but it is not, always. It is only a natural conclusion that such a system may have good propensity towards entropy and ‘patched-up’ functionality. What this complexity means for human perceptional spectrum and behavioral architecture is a hypothesis, which we are saying is scammed. They probably engender such processes and lead to such emergence of reality, which may be models of mystical and delusional feel and cognition. The element of mysticism and delusion gels well with the perception and expression of Happiness; also Love. We all have experiences of this probable reality.
The human brain has the largest and most evolved cortical brain states and it plays deeper and more meaningful role in a human’s navigation in societal-cultural milieus. Science has deciphered many aspects of cortical brain role and functioning. It is believed to be more aligned to process information from the perspective of man-made intelligence. Especially, the prefrontal cortex, which is the newest addition in human brain, deals with conflicting decision-making process and that is why it is said to handle tasks, which is referred as ‘executive decisions’. It is also known that human brain takes long time lapse of around 25 years to evolve to maturity stage. This ‘maturity’ is essentially a human brain’s journey into man-made intelligence. It is a journey from emotional decision-making of wired mammalian subconscious brain functioning to aware and ‘logical’ conscious decision-making. These two metaphoric terms – maturity and logical needs understanding and elaboration from a novel and alternative perspectives. They have seeds of scams. As Happiness in human world is popularly and dominantly bracketed with adult life-living only; not factoring in that of the children and teens; the scammed ideas of maturity and logical automatically get aligned with the mature-logical perception and expression of Happiness. How much criminality and chaos this ‘adult’ maturity-logicality has wreaked on human world; history tells us precisely.
Human brain works out its functions through chemical messaging and motor signals. Science has journeyed a long way to decipher the language of chemical coding. More than 3 billion DNA pairs and their coding have been deciphered by science. How the chemical system works in brain processing is also gradually being understood. This is a huge domain and also probably the most important area of knowledge, which can change human life-living in a big way. It has already but most people do not know anything about them. If ever, humans can think of successfully living 200-300 years of life; this knowledge of genetic language and its chemical coding alone can make it possible. There are key aspects of human life-living, which have roots in the way chemical processing happens in the brain states. The idea and cognitions of pleasure, pain, experiences, memory, intentionality, consciousness, et al may be understood better if science fully unravels the details of brain’s processing mechanisms. However, there are enough headway to philosophize on novel and alternative ideas and perspectives about the above-mentioned realities. This may help us arrive at a probable model of deeper wellness. This we shall deliberate later. In modern times, science has focused its attention on consciousness but as this huge and complex idea of human consciousness is being studied, there are some key ideas, which have emerged and has facilitated understanding of brain functioning. We have already talked about the core idea of Intentionality. The intentionality element can very well be accepted as the core structural foundation of consciousness and entire behavioral spectrum of humans in different life-living situations. Happiness cannot be truly understood without the complete comprehension of the reality of Intentionality.
Keeping these aspects in mind, we need to deliberate upon three aspects of our brain functioning, which shall help us unravel and understand the probability of the ‘Scam’ we are hypothesizing about –
Context of Perception of External-Internal Reality
We have already discussed how even a simple multi-cellular organism has perception of the external milieus, where it has to move for food and mating. For almost all animals, the sole and singular ‘Context’ of the core perceptions are represented in brain states as ‘Intentionality’ of six emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise. No doubt, the perceptions of these core emotions are conditioned by experiences, which are embedded in the memory of the organism’s brain states. However, the perceptions do not vary much and has very little abstractions in it. That is probably why we see ‘herd mentality’ in all animals. They innately move in pack and follow collective consciousness. The human world of perception however does not have this singular context. However, we can see this ‘herd behavior’ in humans too when a large group of people are emotionally charged up over a single, dominant and contemporaneous ‘feel’ or perception. You have seen it in soccer matches, mass protests against governments, etc. The primary reason for humans usually not subscribing to herd behavior is that their external milieu is unique and hugely different compared to all animals. Human’s external milieus are essentially societal, cultural and political. Their milieu is predominantly ‘contextual’ to man-made rules, laws, traditions, attitudes, rituals, faith system, ethnic identities, security structures, sexual practices, gender sensitivities, relationship benchmarks, et al. The list of these elements, which present ‘contexts’ to perceptions to average humans are exclusive in human world; unknown to animal kingdom. The possible list of emotions, which scientists call as ‘evolved emotions’ is long, having more than 50 shades of emotions. These emotions are not only amalgamations of some related or even different emotions; they are also overlapping. A brilliant scientist called Consciousness a ‘suitcase’ idea or term, which he said, packs over 30-40 similar cognitive feels and perceptions. This makes consciousness and its feel hugely abstracted and conflated. The same is with human emotions. They have become ‘suitcase’ cognitions. We also need to factor in the fact that the confusion and abstractions about a perception also emanate out of the languages humanity has evolved and speak. It is a matter of detailed inquiry but the fact remains that much of the criminality of human intent is owned by languages. This is not a case with animals. Therefore, we can see, how the very primary and basic element of our brain functioning, related with perception-making is confused, conflicted and given to abstract cognitions. This happens because human brain’s largest and most ‘contexts’ for perception of brain comes from an external milieu, which itself is not as singular as those of animals and have loads of diversities, conflicts and abstractions. As later evolution of human brain, the cortex parts, which evolved over and above the mammalian brain, have co-opted with the emotional limbic system; there is a good probability that human brain has an inbuilt conflict between what we call the ‘logical’ brain of cortex parts and ‘emotional’ brain of
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