» Psychology » Happiness Is A Scam by Santosh Jha (great books for teens txt) 📕

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that much of the grief and painfulness come to us primarily because of our scammed sense of reward, happiness and success. A conscious change in cognition of the populist and dominant cultural consciousness, which guides us to accept a grief or pleasure, can emaciate much of the grief and pain perceptions. It is a dual process of ‘unlearning’ subconscious cognitions and then ‘learning’ to replace it with consciously assigned novel and alternative perceptions of everything – pleasure or pain.

I may be wrong, but I believe, nature and evolution may be a stupid engineering, still, what this engineering innately installs is a ‘Happy Life’ for all living beings, from a single cell organism to 30-trillion cell human. This ‘happy’ hypothesis emanates out of the ‘Infinite Potential’ that nature-evolution processes create in every little or big adjustments to make lives more suitable to ‘successes’ in their ambient milieus. Life’s continuity and living experiences themselves are ‘successes’ in many ways. A healthy, normal and aware human being is the stamp of success of billions of years of magical progression of time in nature’s lap. It is a culturally mounted ‘benchmark’; which may be deemed as scam; to waste life-living potentials and embedded success in mad, depraved and criminal pursuits of external happiness and successes. This hypothesis unravels a marvelous landscape of probabilities, which must never be accepted as Reality and be objectively accepted as neutral – neither happy nor sad. The fact remains that the landscape is brutally opportunistic, as billions of organisms, including humans, wage a constant battle to survive and succeed. This battlefield of living landscape therefore presents the transcendental feel of grief as muffling milieu. The inevitable mortality and predatory-structure of food chain stamps the dominance of grief on all living beings. However, despite this inevitable grief landscape, we can clearly see how nature and evolution has designed all living beings to innately stand in happy propensities. All animals are unusually in happy state. Healthy and normal kids of humans are in happy state. Rest of humanity is also incessantly and singularly in persevered pursuit of happiness. How bizarre and brilliant this juxtaposition is! The landscape of living beings is a grief-landscape yet; most living beings are innately inclined to be and remain in happiness milieus. As we said earlier, evolution didn’t design and install a sadness hormone in organisms, even when it installed a very powerful and dominant ‘Happy Hormone’ called dopamine, made it a massive system pervading body-brain plexus and also created handy and supportive associate hormones of Oxytocin (love hormone) and Serotonin (mood hormone). The nature and evolution want us to be ‘happy’ and they created sufficient and strong structures for that. But; these structures are all within consciousness. They are in our body-brain mechanisms and processes. Still, majority of people in most of times are either unhappy or not so happy. It is therefore, very clear that the trouble is not in innate intelligence but the man-made intelligence of happiness perception and actualization. Science has begun to understand the trouble insinuations in man-made intelligence as it has begun to decipher the deep-seated sensibilities and wisdom of nature and evolution. Essentially, it suggests that true and real happiness in synthetic human intelligence has become a scam. This scam has eclipsed the innate propensities of happiness. Global researches on longevity of life and happiness among humans have repeatedly shown that the optimality of all human wellness benchmarks are attained when humans live in honest, peaceful, amiable, sociable, compassionate and simple milieus. How sad that humanity has destroyed all these elements of true happiness themselves. Globally, in all cultures, ‘success’ benchmarks are money, wealth, power, consumption and fame. Humanity defines ‘growth’ and ‘development’ in these terms. This is deception of self. Humans are geniuses of deceiving themselves and denying reality. They live out scams of perceptions and finally, they become scams. Unlearning this scam is easy, if we understand Reality as it has now been deciphered by science in great details.



There is a design; pattern and symmetry in the vast universe. Then, there are scales, magnitude, dimensions and diversities. Everything listed above are in massive stretches, the extremes of their two ends is beyond intuitive perception and feel of average person. In modern scientific parlance, they all are Information – we and our lives are also Information. The information and its interacting plexuses engender what we have discussed as Intentionality. This intentionality seeks a ‘Media’ of expression to energize its incessant evolution. Knowledge, which is popularly known as science, is inquiry into Information – in its originality as well as evolutional finality. Scientists call it Landscape. Our lives and living experiences therefore have them all – Design; Pattern, Symmetry, Scales, Magnitude, Dimensions, Diversities, Information, Intentionality, Media, et al. We, our body, our brain prowess, our consciousness are a poor and insufficient Media to decipher and unravel them all in their holism. Only knowledge keeps enabling and empowering this poor media to evolve and expand the width and depth of perceptions and awareness. Knowing about them all is a journey towards optimization of the best of potentials of self or consciousness, which life-living offers the rare opportunity to experience. This empowerment; this eligibility to experience the optimization of potential is a process, which is a huge wealth and massive Contentment. It requires a novel and alternative cognition and consciousness to internalize this contentment. This evolves as one consciously aligns with the humility and acceptance that experiencing and then internalizing realities in its unlimited probabilities is the ultimate process of perpetuity of happiness. I do not believe in the utility of words in carrying the intent; still I write what I have internalized in my own life, to make sure, someone, who wishes to embark on the journey of optimizing his or her best potentials, may find it helpful in some peripheral way. I write to invite you to attain your best potentials. Thanks, all best.


A Humble Request

I am always sure about two realities – First my own worthlessness and secondly about your worthiness as reader. That is why I humbly invite you to have a look at my other eBooks, which await your attention to install some utility and worth in them. They may facilitate some idea about how contemporary scientific knowledge about different shades of realities has the potential of leading us to larger and better wellness successes. Thanks. All best!


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


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Publication Date: 03-01-2022

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