Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Hugo Münsterberg
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Book online «Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕». Author Hugo Münsterberg
K (50) -33.72 33.72 71.33 +19.49 19.49 55.22
L (20) -39.10 45.90 33.60 -68.65 69.25 25.20
Average: - 9.61 41.20 36.85 -19.94 39.02 28.48
Normal: -64.14 67.08 33.51
The results of rotating the whole body backward through forty-five and
ninety degrees are given in the following table:
Observer. Rotation of 45°. Rotation of 90°.
C.E. A.D. M.V. C.E. A.D. M.V.
B (30) + 4.10 24.57 18.56
D (30) +291.03 291.03 61.86
G (50) +266.78 266.78 22.83 +200.16 200.16 11.00
F (60) +116.45 116.45 17.14 - 36.06 36.30 6.29
J (20) +174.30 174.63 30.94
Average: +170.53 174.69 30.66
The errors which appear in these tables are not consistently of the
type presented in the well-known rotation of visual planes
subjectively determined under conditions of abnormal relations of the
head or body in space. When the head is rotated upward on its lateral
horizontal axis the average location of the subjective horizon,
though still depressed below the true objective, is higher than when
rotation takes place in the opposite direction. When the whole body is
rotated backward through 45° a positive displacement of large amount
takes place in the case of all observers. When the rotation extends to
90°, the body now reclining horizontally but with the head supported
in a raised position to allow of free vision, an upward displacement
occurs in the case of one of the two observers, and in that of the
other a displacement in the opposite direction. When change of
position takes place in the head only, the mean variation is decidedly
greater if the rotation be upward than if it be downward, its value in
the former case being above, in the latter below that of the normal.
When the whole body is rotated backward through 45° the mean variation
is but slightly greater than under normal conditions; when the
rotation is through 90° it is much less. A part of this reduction is
probably due to training. In general, it may be said that the
disturbance of the normal body relations affects the location of the
subjective horizon, but the specific nature and extent of this
influence is left obscure by these experiments. The ordinary movements
of eyes and head are largely independent of one another, and even when
closed the movements of the eyes do not always symmetrically follow
those of the head. The variations in the two processes have been
measured by Münsterberg and Campbell[1] in reference to a single
condition, namely, the relation of attention to and interest in the
objects observed to the direction of sight in the closed eyes after
movement of the head. But apart from the influence of such secondary
elements of ideational origin, there is reason to believe that the
mere movement of the head from its normal position on the shoulders up
or down, to one side or the other, is accompanied by compensatory
motion of the eyes in an opposite direction, which tends to keep the
axis of vision nearer to the primary position. When the chin is
elevated or depressed, this negative reflex adjustment is more
pronounced and constant than when the movement is from side to side.
In the majority of cases the retrograde movement of the eyes does not
equal the head movement in extent, especially if the latter be
[1] Münsterberg, H., and Campbell, W.W.: PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW,
I., 1894, p. 441.
The origin of such compensatory reactions is connected with the
permanent relations of the whole bodily organism to the important
objects which surround it. The relations of the body to the landscape
are fairly fixed. The objects which it is important to watch lie in a
belt which is roughly on a horizontal plane with the observing eye.
They move or are moved about over the surface of the ground and do not
undergo any large vertical displacement. It is of high importance,
therefore, that the eye should be capable of continuous observation of
such objects through facile response to the stimulus of their visual
appearance and movements, in independence of the orientation of the
head. There are no such determinate spatial relations between body
position and the world of important visual objects in the case of
those animals which are immersed in a free medium; and in the
organization of the fish and the bird, therefore, one should not
expect the development of such free sensory reflexes of the eye in
independence of head movements as we know to be characteristic of the
higher land vertebrates. In both of the former types the eye is fixed
in its socket, movements of the whole head or body becoming the
mechanism of adjustment to new objects of observation. In the
adjustment of the human eye the reflex determination through sensory
stimuli is so facile as to counteract all ordinary movements of the
head, the gaze remaining fixed upon the object through a series of
minute and rapidly repeated sensory reflexes. When the eyes are closed
and no such visual stimuli are presented, similar reflexes take place
in response to the movements of the head, mediated possibly by
sensations connected with changes in position of the planes of the
semicircular canals.
If eye-strain be a significant element in the process of determining
the subjective horizon, the induction of a new center of muscular
equilibrium by training the eyes to become accustomed to unusual
positions should result in the appearance of characteristic errors of
displacement. In the case of two observers, A and H, the eyes were
sharply raised or lowered for eight seconds before giving judgment as
to the position of the illuminated spot, which was exposed at the
moment when the eyes were brought back to the primary position. The
effect of any such vertical rotation is to stretch the antagonistic
set of muscles. It follows that when the eye is rotated in the
contrary direction the condition of equilibrium appears sooner than in
normal vision. In the case of both observers the subjective horizon
was located higher when judgment was made after keeping the eyes
raised, and lower when the line of sight had been depressed. In the
case of only one observer was a quantitative estimation of the error
made, as follows: With preliminary raising of the eyes the location
was +36’.4; with preliminary lowering, -11’.4.
When the illuminated button is exposed in a darkened room and is
fixated by the observer, it undergoes a variety of changes in apparent
position due to unconscious shifting of the point of regard, the
change in local relations of the retinal stimulation being erroneously
attributed to movements in the object. These movements were not of
frequent enough occurrence to form the basis of conclusions as to the
position at which the eyes tended to come to a state of rest. The
number reported was forty-two, and the movement observed was rather a
wandering than an approximation toward a definite position of
equilibrium. The spot very rarely presented the appearance of sidewise
floating, but this may have been the result of a preconception on the
part of the observer rather than an indication of a lessened liability
to movements in a horizontal plane. Objective movements in the latter
direction the observer knew to be impossible, while vertical
displacements were expected. Any violent movement of the head or eyes
dispelled the impression of floating at once. The phenomenon appeared
only when the illuminated spot had been fixated for an appreciable
period of time. Its occurrence appears to be due to a fatigue process
in consequence of which the mechanism becomes insensible to slight
changes resulting from releases among the tensions upon which constant
fixation depends. When the insensitiveness of fatigue is avoided by a
slow continuous change in the position of the illuminated spot, no
such wandering of the eye from its original point of regard occurs,
and the spot does not float. The rate at which such objective
movements may take place without awareness on the part of the observer
is surprisingly great. Here the fatigue due to sustained fixation is
obviated by the series of rapid and slight sensory reflexes which take
place; these have the effect of keeping unchanged the retinal
relations of the image cast by the illuminated spot, and being
undiscriminated in the consciousness of the observer the position of
the point of regard is apprehended by him as stationary. The
biological importance of such facile and unconscious adjustment of the
mechanism of vision to the moving object needs no emphasis; but the
relation of these obscure movements of the eyes to the process of
determining the plane of the subjective horizon should be pointed out.
The sense of horizontality in the axes of vision is a transient
experience, inner conviction being at its highest in the first moments
of perception and declining so characteristically from this maximum
that in almost every case the individual judgment long dwelt upon is
unsatisfactory to the observer. This change I conceive to be a
secondary phenomenon due to the appearance of the visual wanderings
already described.
The influence of sensory reflexes in the eye upon the process of
visual orientation was next taken up in connection with two specific
types of stimulation. At top and bottom of the vertical screen were
arranged dark lanterns consisting of electric bulbs enclosed in
blackened boxes, the fronts of which were covered with a series of
sheets of white tissue-paper, by which the light was decentralized and
reduced in intensity, and of blue glass, by which the yellow quality
of the light was neutralized. Either of these lanterns could be
illuminated at will by the pressure of a button. All other
experimental conditions remained unchanged. The observers were
directed to pay no special regard to these lights, and the reports
show that in almost every case they had no conscious relation to the
judgment. The results are presented in the following table:
Light Below. Light Above.
Observer. Const.Err. Av.Dev. M.Var. Const.Err. Av.Dev. M.Var.
C (40) +156.37 156.37 19.67 +169.85 169.85 19.22
D (20) + 39.30 43.30 17.95 + 46.65 47.35 15.41
F (30) + 19.47 19.47 8.83 + 58.37 58.37 7.83
G (50) + 66.11 112.76 14.65 +117.86 117.86 13.10
H (30) -147.63 147.63 21.07 -105.30 105.30 30.31
J (20) + 1.90 31.95 22.33 + 44.40 44.40 20.55
Average: + 22.59 85.28 17.42 + 55.30 90.52 17.74
The eye is uniformly attracted toward the light and the location of
the disk correspondingly elevated or depressed. The amount of
displacement which appears is relatively large. It will be found to
vary with the intensity, extent and distance of the illuminated
surfaces introduced. There can be little doubt that the practical
judgments of life are likewise affected by the distribution of light
intensities, and possibly also of significant objects, above and below
the horizon belt. Every brilliant object attracts the eye toward
itself; and the horizon beneath a low sun or moon will be found to be
located higher than in a clouded sky. The upper half of the ordinary
field of view—the clear sky—is undiversified and unimportant; the
lower half is full of objects and has significance. We should probably
be right in attributing to these characteristic differences a share in
the production of the negative error of judgment which appears in
judgments made in daylight. The introduction of such supplementary
stimuli appears to have little effect upon the regularity of the
series of judgments, the values of the mean variations being
relatively low: 17’.42 with light below, 17’.74 with it above.
In the final series of experiments the influence of limiting visual
planes upon the determination of the subjective horizon was taken up.
It had been noticed by Dr. Münsterberg in the course of travel in hill
country that
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