Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Hugo Münsterberg
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Book online «Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕». Author Hugo Münsterberg
It may be passed before the rotating disc by hand. For the sake of
more careful study, however, the rod should be moved at a constant
rate by some mechanical device, such as the pendulum and works of a
Maelzel metronome removed from their case. The pendulum is fixed just
in front of the color-disc. A further commendable simplification of
the conditions consists in arranging the pendulum and disc to move
concentrically, and attaching to the pendulum an isosceles-triangular
shield, so cut that it forms a true radial sector of the disc behind
it. All the colored bands of the illusion then appear as radial
sectors. The radial shields should be made in several sizes (from 3 to
50 degrees of arc) in black, but the smallest size should also be
prepared in colors matching the several discs. Such a disposition,
then, presents a disc of fused color, rotating at a uniform rate, and
in front of this a radial sector oscillating from side to side
concentrically with the disc, and likewise at a uniform rate. Several
variations of this apparatus will be described as the need and purpose
of them become clear.
Although Jastrow and Moorehouse (op. cit.) have published a somewhat
detailed study of these illusion-bands, and cleared up certain points,
they have not explained them. Indeed, no explanation of the bands has
as yet been given. The authors mentioned (ibid., p. 204) write of
producing the illusion by another method. “This consists in sliding
two half discs of the same color over one another leaving an open
sector of any desired size up to 180 degrees and rotating this against
a background of a markedly different color, in other words we
substitute for the disc composed of a large amount of one color, which
for brevity we may call the ‘majority color,’ and a small amount of
another, the ‘minority color,’ one in which the second color is in the
background and is viewed through an opening in the first. With such an
arrangement we find that we get the series of bands both when the wire
is passed in front of the disc and when passed in back between disc
and background; and further experimentation shows that the time
relations of the two are the same. (There is, of course, no essential
difference between the two methods when the wire is passed in front of
the disc.)” That is true, but it is to be borne in mind that there is
a difference when the wire is passed behind the disc, as these authors
themselves state (loc. cit., note):—“The time-relations in the two
cases are the same, but the color-phenomena considerably
different.” However, “these facts enable us to formulate our first
generalization, viz., that for all purposes here relevant [i.e., to
a study of the time-relations] the seeing of a wire now against one
background and then immediately against another is the same as its now
appearing and then disappearing; a rapid succession of changed
appearances is equivalent to a rapid alternation of appearance and
disappearance. Why this is so we are unable to say,” etc. These
authors now take the first step toward explaining the illusion. In
their words (op. cit., p. 205), “the suggestion is natural that we
are dealing with the phenomena of after-images…. If this is the true
explanation of the fact that several rods are seen, then we should,
with different rotation rates of disc and rod, see as many rods as
multiplied by the time of one rotation of the disc would yield a
constant, i.e., the time of an after image of the kind under
consideration.” For two subjects, J.J. and G.M., the following
tabulation was made.
J.J. G.M.
Av. time of rot. of disc when 2 images of rod were seen .0812 sec. .0750 sec.
” ” ” ” 3 ” ” ” ” .0571 ” .0505 “
” ” ” ” 4 ” ” ” ” .0450 ” .0357 “
” ” ” ” 5 ” ” ” ” .0350 ” .0293 “
” ” ” ” 6 ” ” ” ” .0302 ” .0262 “
“Multiplying the number of rods by the rotation rate we get for J.J.
an average time of after image of .1740 sec. (a little over 1/6 sec.)
with an average deviation of .0057 (3.2%); for G.M. .1492 (a little
over 1/7 sec.) with an average deviation of .0036 (2.6%). An
independent test of the time of after-image of J.J. and G.M. by
observing when a black dot on a rotating white disc just failed to
form a ring resulted in showing in every instance a longer time for
the former than for the latter.” That this constant product of the
number of ‘rods’ seen by the time of one rotation of the disc equals
the duration of after-image of the rod is established, then, only by
inference. More indubitable, since directly measured on two subjects,
is the statement that that person will see more ‘rods’ whose
after-image persists longer. This result the present writer fully
confirms. What relation the ‘constant product’ bears to the duration
of after-image will be spoken of later. But aside from all
measurement, a little consideration of the conditions obtaining when
the rod is passed behind the disc will convince any observer that
the bands are indeed after-images somehow dependent on the rod. We may
account it established that the bands are after-images.
From this beginning one might have expected to find in the paper of
Jastrow and Moorehouse a complete explanation of the illusion. On
other points, however, these authors are less explicit. The changes in
width of the bands corresponding to different sizes of the sectors and
different rates of movement for the rod and disc, are not explained,
nor yet, what is more important, the color-phenomena. In particular
the fact needs to be explained, that the moving rod analyzes the
apparently homogeneous color of the disc; or, as Jastrow and
Moorehouse state it (op. cit., p. 202): “If two rotating discs were
presented to us, the one pure white in color, and the other of ideally
perfect spectral colors in proper proportion, so as to give a
precisely similar white, we could not distinguish between the two; but
by simply passing a rod in front of them and observing in the one case
but not in the other the parallel rows of colored bands, we could at
once pronounce the former to be composite, and the latter simple. In
the indefinitely brief moment during which the rod interrupts the
vision of the disc, the eye obtains an impression sufficient to
analyze to some extent into its elements this rapid mixture of
stimuli.” The very question is as to how the eye obtains the
‘impression sufficient to analyze’ the mixture.
It may be shown at this point that the mistake of these authors lies
in their recognition of but one set of bands, namely (ibid., p.
201), ‘bands of a color similar to that present in greater proportion’
on the disc. But, on the other hand, it is to be emphasized that those
bands are separated from one another, not by the fused color of the
disc, as one should infer from the article, but by other bands,
which are, for their part, of a color similar to that present in
lesser proportion. Thus, bands of the two colors alternate; and
either color of band is with equal ease to be distinguished from the
fused color of the main portion of the disc.
Why our authors make this mistake is also clear. They first studied
the illusion with the smaller sector of the disc open, and the rod
moving behind it; and since in this case the bands are separated by
strips not of the minority but of the fused color, and are of about
the width of the rod itself, these authors came to recognize bands of
but one sort, and to call these ‘images of the rod.’ But now, with the
rod moving in front of the disc, there appear bands of two colors
alternately disposed, and neither of these colors is the fused color
of the disc. Rather are these two colors approximately the majority
and minority colors of the disc as seen at rest. Thus, the recognition
of but one set of bands and the conclusion (ibid., p. 208) that ‘the
bands originate during the vision of the minority color,’ are wholly
erroneous. The bands originate as well during the vision of the
majority color, and, as will later be shown, the process is
Again, it is incorrect, even in the case of those bands seen behind
the open sector, to call the bands ‘images of the rod,’ for images of
the rod would be of the color of the rod, whereas, as our authors
themselves say (ibid., p. 201), the bands ‘are of a color similar to
that present in greater proportion’ on the disc. Moreover the ‘images
of the rod’ are of the most diverse widths. In fact, we shall find
that the width of the rod is but one of several factors which
determine the width of its ‘images,’ the bands.
Prejudiced by the same error is the following statement (ibid., p.
208): “With the majority color darker than the minority color the
bands are darker than the resulting mixture, and lighter when the
majority color is the lighter.” If this is to be true, one must read
for ‘the bands,’ ‘the narrower bands.’
Another observation found in this article must be criticised. It is
asserted that difference of shade between the two sectors of the disc,
as well as difference of color, is essential to the illusion. To
support this, four cases are given: two in which the sectors were so
similar in luminosity as to bring out the illusion but faintly; two in
which like luminosities yielded no illusion at all. The present writer
agrees that if the two sectors are closely similar in luminosity, the
illusion is fainter. He also selected a red and a green so near each
other in brightness that when a rod 4 mm. broad (which is the largest
rod that Jastrow and Moorehouse mention having used) was passed by
hand before the disc, no trace of a band could be seen. The pendulum,
however, bearing a shield considerably wider than 4 mm. (say of 15
degrees) and moving before the very same red and green shades, mixed
in the same proportions, yielded the illusion with the utmost
clearness. Colors of like luminosities yield the illusion less
strikingly, nevertheless they yield it.
Again (op. cit., p. 205), these authors say: “It has been already
observed that the distance between the bands diminishes as the
rotation rate and the rate of movement of the rod increases.” But what
had been said before is (ibid., p. 203) that ‘the bands are
separated by smaller and smaller spaces as the rate of movement of the
rod becomes slower and slower’; and this is equivalent to saying that
the distance between the bands diminishes as the rate of movement of
the rod decreases. The statements are contradictory. But there is no
doubt as to which is the wrong one—it is the first. What these
authors have called ‘distance between the bands’ has here been shown
to be itself a band. Now, no point about this illusion can be more
readily observed than that the widths of both kinds of band vary
directly with the speed of the rod, inversely, however (as Jastrow and
Moorehouse have noted), with the speed of the disc.
Perhaps least satisfactory of all is their statement (ibid., p. 206)
that “A brief acquaintance with the
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