Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Hugo Münsterberg
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Book online «Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕». Author Hugo Münsterberg
So far, then, the bands geometrically deduced present the same
variations as the bands observed in the illusion.
2. Secondly (p. 174, No. 2), “The faster the rod moves the broader
become the bands, but not in like proportions; broad bands widen
relatively more than narrow ones.” The speed of the rod or pendulum,
in degrees per second, equals r. Now if W increases when r
increases, D{[tau]}W_ must be positive or greater than zero for all
values of r which lie in question.
rs - pr’
W = ––– ,
r’ ± r
(r’ ± r)s [±] (rs - pr’)
D_{[tau]}W = ––––––––— ,
(r ± r’)
or reduced,
r’(s ± p)
= –––—
(r’ ± r)²
Since r’ (the speed of the disc) is always positive, and s is
always greater than p (cf. p. 173), and since the denominator is a
square and therefore positive, it follows that
D_{[tau]}W > 0
or that W increases if r increases.
Furthermore, if W is a wide band, s is the wider sector. The rate
of increase of W as r increases is
r’(s ± p)
D_{[tau]}W = –––—
(r’ ± r)²
which is larger if s is larger (s and r being always positive).
That is, as r increases, ‘broad bands widen relatively more than
narrow ones.’
3. Thirdly (p. 174, No. 3), “The width of The bands increases if the
speed of the revolving disc decreases.” This speed is r’. That the
observed fact is equally true of the geometrical bands is clear from
inspection, since in
rs - pr’
W = ––– ,
r’ ± r
as r’ decreases, the denominator of the right-hand member decreases
while the numerator increases.
4. We now come to the transition-bands, where one color shades over
into the other. It was observed (p. 174, No. 4) that, “These partake
of the colors of both the sectors on the disc. The wider the rod the
wider the transition-bands.”
We have already seen (p. 180) that at intervals the pendulum conceals
a portion of both the sectors, so that at those points the color of
the band will be found not by deducting either color alone from the
fused color, but by deducting a small amount of both colors in
definite proportions. The locus of the positions where both colors are
to be thus deducted we have provisionally called (in the geometrical
section) ‘transition-bands.’ Just as for pure-color bands, this locus
is a radial sector, and we have found its width to be (formula 6, p.
W = ––– ,
r’ ± r
Now, are these bands of bi-color deduction identical with the
transition-bands observed in the illusion? Since the total concealing
capacity of the pendulum for any given speed is fixed, less of
either color can be deducted for a transition-band than is deducted
of one color for a pure-color band. Therefore, a transition-band will
never be so different from the original fusion-color as will either
‘pure-color’ band; that is, compared with the pure color-bands, the
transition-bands will ‘partake of the colors of both the sectors on
the disc.’ Since
W = ––– ,
r’ ± r
it is clear that an increase of p will give an increase of w;
i.e., ‘the wider the rod, the wider the transition-bands.’
Since r is the rate of the rod and is always less than r’, the
more rapidly the rod moves, the wider will be the transition-bands
when rod and disc move in the same direction, that is, when
W = ––– ,
r’ - r
But the contrary will be true when they move in opposite directions,
for then
W = ––– ,
r’ + r
that is, the larger r is, the narrower is w.
The present writer could not be sure whether or not the width of
transition-bands varied with r. He did observe, however (page 174)
that ‘the transition-bands are broader when rod and disc move in the
same, than when in opposite directions.’ This will be true likewise
for the geometrical bands, for, whatever r (up to and including r
= r’),
pr’ pr’
–- > –-
r’-r r’+r
In the observation, of course, r, the rate of the rod, was never so
large as r’, the rate of the disc.
5. We next come to an observation (p. 174, No. 5) concerning the
number of bands seen at any one time. The ‘geometrical deduction of
the bands,’ it is remembered, was concerned solely with the amount of
color which was to be deducted from the fused color of the disc. W
and w represented the widths of the areas whereon such deduction was
to be made. In observation 5 we come on new considerations, i.e., as
to the color from which the deduction is to be made, and the fate of
the momentarily hidden area which suffers deduction, after the
pendulum has passed on.
We shall best consider these matters in terms of a concept of which
Marbe[3] has made admirable use: the ‘characteristic effect.’ The
Talbot-Plateau law states that when two or more periodically
alternating stimulations are given to the retina, there is a certain
minimal rate of alternation required to produce a just constant
sensation. This minimal speed of succession is called the critical
period. Now, Marbe calls the effect on the retina of a light-stimulation
which lasts for the unit of time, the ‘photo-chemical unit-effect.’
And he says (op. cit., S. 387): “If we call the unit of time
1[sigma], the sensation for each point on the retina in each unit of
time is a function of the simultaneous and the few immediately
preceding unit-effects; this is the characteristic effect.”
[3] ‘Marbe, K.: ‘Die stroboskopischen Erscheinungen,’ _Phil.
Studien._, 1898, XIV., S. 376.
We may now think of the illusion-bands as being so and so many
different ‘characteristic effects’ given simultaneously in so and so
many contiguous positions on the retina. But so also may we think of
the geometrical interception-bands, and for these we can deduce a
number of further properties. So far the observed illusion-bands and
the interception-bands have been found identical, that is, in so far
as their widths under various conditions are concerned. We have now to
see if they present further points of identity.
As to the characteristic effects incident to the interception-bands;
in Fig. 7 (Plate V.), let A’C’ represent at a given moment M, the
total circumference of a color-disc, A’B’ represent a green sector
of 90°, and B’C’ a red complementary sector of 270°. If the disc is
supposed to rotate from left to right, it is clear that a moment
previous to M the two sectors and their intersection B will have
occupied a position slightly to the left. If distance perpendicularly
above A’C’ is conceived to represent time previous to M, the
corresponding previous positions of the sectors will be represented by
the oblique bands of the figure. The narrow bands (GG, GG) are the
loci of the successive positions of the green sector; the broader
bands (RR, RR), of the red sector.
In the figure, 0.25 mm. vertically = the unit of time = 1[sigma]. The
successive stimulations given to the retina by the disc A’C’, say at
a point A’, during the interval preceding the moment M will be
green 10[sigma],
red 30[sigma],
green 10[sigma],
red 30[sigma], etc.
Now a certain number of these stimulations which immediately precede
M will determine the characteristic effect, the fusion color, for
the point A’ at the moment M. We do not know the number of
unit-stimulations which contribute to this characteristic effect, nor
do we need to, but it will be a constant, and can be represented by a
distance x = A’A above the line A’C’. Then A’A will represent
the total stimulus which determines the characteristic effect at A’.
Stimuli earlier than A are no longer represented in the after-image.
AC is parallel to A’C’, and the characteristic effect for any
point is found by drawing the perpendicular at that point between the
two lines A’C and AC.
Just as the movement of the disc, so can that of the concealing
pendulum be represented. The only difference is that the pendulum is
narrower, and moves more slowly. The slower rate is represented by a
steeper locus-band, PP’, than those of the swifter sectors.
We are now able to consider geometrically deduced bands as
‘characteristic effects,’ and we have a graphic representation of the
color-deduction determined by the interception of the pendulum. The
deduction-value of the pendulum is the distance (xy) which it
intercepts on a line drawn perpendicular to A’C’.
Lines drawn perpendicular to A’C’ through the points of intersection
of the locus-band of the pendulum with those of the sectors will give
a ‘plot’ on A’C’ of the deduction-bands. Thus from 1 to 2 the
deduction is red and the band green; from 2 to 3 the deduction is
decreasingly red and increasingly green, a transition-band; from 3 to
4 the deduction is green and the band red; and so forth.
We are now prepared to continue our identification of these
geometrical interception-bands with the bands observed in the
illusion. It is to be noted in passing that this graphic
representation of the interception-bands as characteristic effects
(Fig. 7) is in every way consistent with the previous equational
treatment of the same bands. A little consideration of the figure will
show that variations of the widths and rates of sectors and pendulum
will modify the widths of the bands exactly as has been shown in the
The observation next at hand (p. 174, No. 5) is that “The total number
of bands seen at any one time is approximately constant, howsoever the
widths of the sectors and the width and rate of the rod may vary. But
the number of bands is inversely proportional (Jastrow and Moorehouse)
to the time of rotation of the disc; that is, the faster the disc, the
more bands.”
Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9.]
This is true, point for point, of the interception-bands of Fig. 7. It
is clear that the number of bands depends on the number of
intersections of PP’ with the several locus-bands RR, GG, RR,
etc. Since the two sectors are complementary, having a constant sum of
360°, their relative widths will not affect the number of such
intersections. Nor yet will the width of the rod P affect it. As to
the speed of P, if the locus-bands are parallel to the line A’C’,
that is, of the disc moved infinitely rapidly, there would be the
same number of intersections, no matter what the rate of P, that is,
whatever the obliqueness of PP’. But although the disc does not
rotate with infinite speed, it is still true that for a considerable
range of values for the speed of the pendulum the number of
intersections is constant. The observations of Jastrow and Moorehouse
were probably made within such a range of values of r. For while
their disc varied in speed from 12 to 33 revolutions per second, that
is, 4,320 to 11,880 degrees per second, the rod was merely
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