Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory by Hugo Münsterberg (100 books to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Hugo Münsterberg
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backward until finally they relapse into confusion.
But let the rate of the rod be not decreased but always steadily
increased. The bands will reappear, this time three of each color with
six transition-bands. As before, the system at first rotates backward,
then lies still, and then moves forward until it is dissolved. As the
rod moves still faster, another system appears, two bands of each
color forming a diameter and the two diameters lying at right angles.
This system goes through the same cycle of movements. When the
increased velocity of the rod destroys this system, another appears
having one band of each color, the two lying on opposite sides of the
center. The system goes through the same phases and is likewise
dissolved. Now, at this point the rod will be found to be rotating at
the same speed as the disc itself.
The explanation of the phenomenon is simple. The bands are not
produced by a single interruption of the vision of a sector by a rod,
but each band is made up of successive superpositions on the retina of
many such single-interruption bands. The overlapping of bands has been
already described (cf. Fig. 10 and pp. 196-198); superposition depends
of course on the same principle.
At the moment when a system of four bands of either color is seen at
rest, the rod is moving just one fifth as rapidly as the disc; so
that, while the rod goes once around, either sector, say the green
one, will have passed behind it exactly four times, and at points
which lie 90° apart. Thus, four red bands are produced which lie at
right angles to one another. But the disc is revolving at least 24
times in a second, the rod therefore at least 4.8 times, so that
within the interval of time during which successive stimuli still
contribute to the characteristic effect the rod will have revolved
several times, and with each revolution four red bands at right angles
to one another will have been formed. And if the rod is moving
exactly one fifth as fast as the disc, each new band will be
generated at exactly that position on the disc where was the
corresponding band of the preceding four. The system of bands thus
appear motionless on the disc.
The movement of the system arises when the rate of the rod is slightly
less or more than one fifth that of the disc. If slightly less, the
bands formed at each rotation of the rod do not lie precisely over
those of the previous rotation, but a little to the rear of them. The
new set still lies mostly superposed on the previous sets, and so
fuses into a regular appearance of bands, but, since each new
increment lags a bit behind, the entire system appears to rotate
backward. The apparatus is actually a cinematograph, but one which
gives so many pictures in the second that they entirely fuse and the
strobic movement has no trace of discontinuity.
If the rod moves a trifle more than one fifth as fast as the disc, it
is clear that the system of bands will rotate forward, since each new
set of bands will lie slightly ahead of the old ones with which it
fuses. The farther the ratio between the rates of rod and disc departs
from exactly 1:5, whether less or greater, the more rapid will the
strobic movement, backward or forward, be; until finally the
divergence is too great, the newly forming bands lie too far ahead or
behind those already formed to fuse with them and so be apperceived as
one system, and so the bands are lost in confusion. Thus the cycle of
movement as observed on the disc is explained. As the rate of the rod
comes up to and passes one fifth that of the disc, the system of four
bands of each color forms in rapid backward rotation. Its movement
grows slower and slower, it comes to rest, then begins to whirl
forward, faster and faster, till it breaks up again.
The same thing happens as the rate of the rod reaches and exceeds just
one fourth that of the disc. The system contains three bands of each
color. The system of two bands of each color corresponds to the ratio
1:3 between the rates, while one band of each color (the two lying
opposite) corresponds to the ratio 1:2.
If the rod and the disc rotate in opposite directions, the phenomena
are changed only in so far as the changed geometrical relations
require. For the ratio 1:3 between the two rates, the strobic system
has four bands of each color; for 1:2, three bands of each color;
while when the two rates are equal, there are two bands of each color,
forming a diameter. As would be expected from the geometrical
conditions, a system of one band of each color cannot be generated
when rod and disc have opposite motions. For of course the rod cannot
now hide two or more times in succession a sector at any given point,
without hiding the same sector just as often at the opposite point,
180° away. Here, too, the cycle of strobic movements is different. It
is reversed. Let the disc be said to rotate forward, then if the rate
of the rod is slightly less than one fourth, etc., that of the disc,
the system will rotate forward; if greater, it will rotate backward.
So that as the rate of the rod increases, any system on its appearance
will move forward, then stand still, and lastly rotate backward. The
reason for this will be seen from an instant’s consideration of where
the rod will hide a given sector.
It is clear that if, instead of using as ‘rod’ a single radial sector,
one were to rotate two or more such sectors disposed at equal angular
intervals about the axis, one would have the same strobic phenomena,
although they would be more complicated. Indeed, a large number of
rather narrow sectors can be used or, what is the same thing, a second
disc with a row of holes at equal intervals about the circumference.
The disc used by the writer had a radius of 11 inches, and a
concentric ring of 64 holes, each 3/8 of an inch in diameter, lying 10
inches from the center. The observer looks through these holes at the
color-disc behind. The two discs need not be placed concentrically.
When produced in this way, the strobic illusion is exceedingly pretty.
Instead of straight, radial bands, one sees a number of brightly
colored balls lying within a curving band of the other color and
whirling backward or forward, or sometimes standing still. Then these
break up and another set forms, perhaps with the two colors changed
about, and this then oscillates one way or the other. A rainbow disc
substituted for the disc of two sectors gives an indescribably
complicated and brilliant effect; but the front disc must rotate more
slowly. This disc should in any case be geared for high speeds and
should be turned by hand for the sake of variations in rate, and
consequently in the strobic movement.
It has been seen that this stroboscope is not different in principle
from the illusion of the resolution-bands which this paper has aimed
to explain. The resolution-bands depend wholly on the purely
geometrical relations between the rod and the disc, whereby as both
move the rod hides one sector after the other. The only physiological
principles involved are the familiar processes by which stimulations
produce after-images, and by which the after-images of rapidly
succeeding stimulations are summed, a certain number at a time, into a
characteristic effect.
Kirkpatrick,[1] in experimenting with 379 school children and college
students, found that 3-1/3 times as many objects were recalled as
visual words after an interval of three days. The experiment consisted
in showing successively 10 written names of common objects in the one
case and 10 objects in the other at the rate of one every two seconds.
Three days later the persons were asked to recall as many of each
series as possible, putting all of one series together. The averages
thus obtained were 1.89 words, 6.29 objects. The children were not
more dependent on the objects than the college students.
[1] Kirkpatrick, E.A.: PSYCHOLOGICAL, REVIEW, 1894, Vol. I., p.
602.Since the experiment just described was performed without laboratory
facilities, Calkins[2] repeated it with 50 college women, substituting
lantern pictures for objects. She obtained in recall, after two days,
the averages 4.82 words, 7.45 pictures. The figures, however, are the
number of objects or words remembered out of ten, not necessarily
correctly placed. Kirkpatrick’s corresponding figures for college
women were 3.22 words, 5.44 objects. The two experiments substantially
agree, Calkins’ higher averages being probably due to the shortening
of the interval to two days.
[2] Calkins, M.W.: PSYCHOLOGICAL, REVIEW, 1898, Vol. V., p.
451.Assuming, thus, that objects are better remembered than names in
deferred recall, the question arises whether this holds true when the
objects and names are coupled with strange and arbitrary symbols—a
question which is clearly of great practical interest from the
educational point of view, as it is involved in the pedagogical
problem whether a person seeking to acquire the vocabulary of a
foreign language ought to connect the foreign words with the familiar
words or with the objects themselves. And the further question arises:
what are the facts in the case of movements instead of objects, and
correspondingly in that of verbs instead of nouns. Both questions are
the problems of the following investigation.
As foreign symbols, either the two-figure numbers were used or
nonsense-words of regularly varying length. As familiar material,
nouns, objects, verbs and movements were used. The words were always
concrete, not abstract, by which it is meant that their meaning was
capable of demonstration to the senses. With the exception of a few
later specified series they were monosyllabic words. The nouns might
denote objects of any size perceptible to the eye; the objects,
however, were all of such a size that they could be shown through a
14×12 cm. aperture and still leave a margin. Their size was therefore
Concerning the verbs and movements it is evident that, while still
being concrete, they might be simple or complicated activities
consuming little or much time, and further, might be movements of
parts of the body merely, or movements employing other objects as
well. In this experiment complicated activities were avoided even in
the verb series. Simple activities which could be easily and quickly
imaged or made were better for the purpose in view.
The A set contained sixteen series, A^{1}, A^{2}, A^{3}, etc.,
to A^{16}. They were divided as follows:
Numbers and nouns: A^{1}, A^{5}, A^{9}, A^{13}.
Numbers and objects: A^{2}, A^{6}, A^{10}, A^{14}.
Numbers and verbs: A^{3}, A^{7}, A^{11}, A^{15}.
Numbers and movements: A^{4}, A^{8}, A^{12}, A^{16}.
The first week A^{1-4} were given, the second week A^{5-8}, etc.,
so that each week one series of each of the four types was given the
In place of foreign symbols the numbers from 1 to 99 were used, except
in A^{13-15}, in which three-figure numbers were used.
Each series contained seven couplets, except A^{13-16}, which, on
account of the greater difficulty of three-figure numbers, contained
five. Each couplet was composed of a number and a noun,
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