Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (read any book txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (read any book txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
The contemporary stampede of stupidities is the result of everyone; the governments, political parties, corporate, activists, ‘intellectuals’ and even media, doing different things in different ways, professing to doing all these for good life of the common man, even when it is apparent that what they profess is only populist propaganda. Overdose of populism is the core energy behind this stampede of stupidities.
If bad is taken as something which stands against larger wellness of humanity (and not only personal wellness), then it can be safely said that the intrinsic and instinctive energy of ‘narcissism’ within an individual subjectivism of consciousness is what we can refer to as objective and singular bad. Somehow, solipsism is the primary and penultimate stage of narcissism, which has taken its deeps roots in contemporary socio-cultural milieus.
There is a core realism, which all good men and women of wisdom and innocence accept – “It does not take someone to be wrong for other to be right. Both can be wrong or right at one time and this is the joy of life and living.” This stubborn insistence to make others wrong for someone to become a singular right is the narcissism every wise man and woman must be wary of.
The simple and understandable to all realism for humanity is – we all live in a world that is a ‘totality of multiplicity’ of ‘subjectivism’ and ‘pluralism’. This presents to all, one singular, objective wisdom, that is – “Subjectivism is the core creed, therefore, every individual must be very respectful, compassionate and affectionate towards other’s subjectivism and never allow narcissism about one’s subjective truths to label other’s truths as ‘false’ and ‘bad’.”
Is it this simple! No. If it were, there would have been no ignorant on earth. We all can always know only a part of the truth or wisdom. So is every entity and individual’s position and situation in the cosmos. Real intelligence is in accepting this relativity and subjectivity allowing the part truth to evolve through holism, integration and assimilation. Narcissism is definitive and sincere ignorance. The world has loads of it and this energy ensures, we have many losers, few winners.
That is why all wise accept that holistic, objective, assimilative and integrative viewpoints and perspectives are always preferable than partial subjective, segregating and individualistic ones. The higher consciousness within us is one which understands and accepts this life positioning. This super consciousness has the holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of realisms. This consciousness is bereft of the narcissism of subjective consciousness. Its real intelligence is his/her innocence and objectivity; a sincere acceptance of the utility and fruition of every little idea and part truth, which subjective consciousnesses of seven billion people on earth engenders. We all need to change our generic consciousness and evolve it to the stage of specific consciousness, where this innocence stands tall.
This is imperative number one for humanity as we have created socio-cultural milieus around us, where there are loads of violations of each other’s consciousness. We all have acquired this narcissistic and sadistic joy of attaining egoistic satisfaction by violating other’s worldview. Why? It is simply because it does not take someone to be ‘wrong’ for me to be ‘right’. Righteousness may have different shades and forms and that is why all shades of righteousness can peacefully co-exist – at least in the domain of public discourse and discussion. If not, then narcissism shall always have the calamitous opportunity to hit the populist button and create unnecessary troubles.
This needs to stop or, we head towards a milieu where conflict and competitiveness shall endanger our very existence. There may be an ‘everythingness’ that may be possible but it has to evolve as holistic and accommodative idea. Till then, this somethingness and even so-called nothingness in subjective worldviews need be respected and even encouraged. Innocence only can lead us to this situation. Our so-called intelligence has done us in…!
The celebration of stupidities is for shameless and un-hypocritical acceptance of the innocence of self, which is the basic requirement for evolution of the higher consciousness of holism. When I accept my own stupidities and hypocrisies, I have the eligibility to be compassionate about others. This assimilative and accommodative consciousness is the current need of humanity. The coming years shall definitively evolve our higher consciousness of holism, for humanity to have optimum wellness.
Primeval and Transcendental Stupidity of REALITY
The beginning and end of everything is ‘Self’. What someone can and does have within the probable and practically feasible domain of perception of Self, alone can be subject matter of foolproof singular verifiability. Otherwise, things begin to slip into the domain of philosophy and literary imagination. Therefore, the primary aspect, which humanity as a whole and an individual in particular should ideally focus about is the very mechanisms and processes that create, Shape and stand ‘I’ or Self. Thankfully, when scientists work on the macrocosmic aspects of Reality, it is only an automatic facility that wisdom and knowledge about understanding of ‘Self’ is bettered and facilitated.
This very human insistence, of acceptance of Reality only through ‘perceptional’ window of ‘Consciousness’, is the primary trouble and stupidity, which is hard, even impossible to unlearn. As we shall discuss in details later, Reality is not decipherable in its holism and entirety by individual’s consciousness or self. Consciousness is just a poor ‘media’ through which only a ‘part’ of Reality is expressed or communicated. Naturally, consciousness is only in possession and awareness of only a miniscule ‘Part’ of the ‘Holism’ of Reality. This however nobody is willing to accept. Why? Everyone thinks and believes, what he or she can and does see, feel, realize and experience, alone is Reality. Why? Because we mentioned at the start that ‘Self’ and individual consciousness is the start and end of all perceptional probabilities. Whatever is not available for ‘verifiability’ of perceptional experience of human consciousness and self is never accepted by humans. The trouble is – Reality in its holism is much beyond human perception…!
That is why to understand Reality, in its holism and entirety; it is singularly important and inevitable to understand the mechanism and processes of Consciousness – the realism of ‘I’ or ‘Self. It is not that understanding of ‘I’ or Self has been a modern or new phenomenon. Since over 5000 years or more, many arrived humans have realized and even documented so many aspects about existence, self, ‘I’ or consciousness. Because they realized, consciousness is the gateway to deciphering Reality. No doubt, modern science has only put the idea of consciousness or self into great perspective for improved understanding. There have also been corrections and facilitations by modern science. The quantum debate of dualism and non-dualism has always been there with humanity, thousands of years back. Now that we have ease of scientific explanation and secular-objective literature, we can express it objectively and understand it holistically.
The primary thing about Self or ‘I’ is dualism of its situation or position as ‘Karta’, subject, observer or protagonist. The idea of Karta, subject or protagonist stems out of the above-mentioned insistence about ‘I’ or self being the only and ultimate ‘verifiability’ of all Reality. The famous quote of Descartes, ‘Cogito, ergo sum’ (I think, therefore I am) is probably that innate and embedded ‘perception’ about the centrality and inevitability of ‘consciousness’ in the scheme of idea of Reality, which probably engenders this sense of ‘I’ or self being the protagonist of all probabilities of Reality. This ‘mysticism’ is now unraveled and modern science now has enough knowledge to point out the stupidity and hypocrisy in dualism of ‘I’.
The greatest mysticism for ‘Self’ is the perception of the expression of Self itself! This is the seed of all stupidities and hypocrisies that humanity is loaded with. The very complex and yet unresolved idea of Consciousness plays out and installs this situation and position of Dualism very intelligently and categorically. Modern science also somehow establishes that self, ‘I’ or consciousness is not automatically and innately the ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist. It is rather only a ‘Medium’. Consciousness is a medium and it itself is an emergent and evolving entity of the body-mind medium. Therefore, in a sense, consciousness – this hugely unputdownable and powerful realism of ‘I Am’, is just a medium (sub-media) within a medium! This definitely divests ‘I’ or Self off the much acclaimed ‘centrality’ and ‘preeminence’ in the overall scheme of Reality.
This primary and most critical idea of ‘Consciousness as Medium within Medium’ needs to be understood with perfect clarity. When we say, stupidity and hypocrisy is embedded in the body-mind mechanism and process, it is primary intelligence to see, understand and accept how this all are seeded and how they work out Reality for we all. The understanding of this primeval and transcendental stupidity of self is hugely critical for humanity.
There is a very famous metaphor used by both spiritualism and science for explanation of Realism. It is about a honeybee sucking nectar from a flower. A honeybee comes flying, sits over a flower, sucks its nectar and then moves away. Traditionally, or in populist perception and linguistic sensitivity, there seems no Dualism in this act as it is believed that from the perspective of what is being observed, the honeybee is the Subject, ‘Karta’, observer or protagonist and the bee sucking nectar is clear ‘act’. Of course, the flower is the Object as it is doing nothing. The honeybee is the doer of action and therefore singularly qualifies for being the Subject or Protagonist.
The dualism however creeps in when we see and accept the other perspective that is equally true but not ‘observable’ to general sight mechanism. This other perspective says; honeybee and flower are both only Objects as the supposed ‘Action’ is being done on both equally. The action is not honeybee sucking nectar as it is only the Effect of a Cause that is actually energizing the Action. Naturally, it is this ‘Causality’, which is true Subject, Karta, protagonist and ‘observer’, as it is this Cause, which has created the ‘act’ (reaction) of this effect playing out between honeybee and flower. It is the energy of causality that created the ‘media’ of a ‘giver’ and another as ‘taker’ but both are just expressing or playing out the ‘script’, directed by the energy of causality.
This Causality (Subject/Karta/Protagonist) is the innate, symbiotic and intangible relationship between honeybee and the flower. The real and true Subject is the innately wired ‘Connect’ of the honeybee to seek nectar from the flower. Two elements are in a relationship, which is an effect of the core causality of survival-symbiosis between the two. Therefore, both the elements of honeybee and flowers are only Objects and both are equally reacting to and effecting something, the cause of which is scripted in the ‘Relationship’ or ‘Context’ between the two. This intangible Causality is the Subject and true Protagonist, not the ‘I’ or ‘Self’.
This of course is the microcosmic interpretation of the larger macrocosmic Realism. The macrocosmic Realism says that consciousness is not in flower or honeybee, even while both may be living entities. In other words, consciousness that exists in honeybee or flower is only a small and dualistic medium of the larger, non-local and non-dualistic consciousness, which exists and stays elsewhere or everywhere. The real and true non-local and non-dualistic Consciousness is the Causality of ‘Context and Relationship’ that is just having a medium of body-mind of honeybee and flower. It is the Causality that is the Real and True Subject and Protagonist as it is this Causality, which goes on to create the ‘Matter’ in the form of different ‘Media’ for its unraveling and final expression. This final expression is usually accepted as Reality by all of us as
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