Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (read any book txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Reality, Stupidity, Hypocrisy And Humanity by Santosh Jha (read any book txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
Therefore, we have good reasons to accept that Reality, whatever it may be, may never be singular and above and all, it may not be something, which average human mind potentials could ever decipher, unravel and establish. Simply because, Reality is not a fixed idea as its pre-state (nothing) is potential of probabilities. Reality is created and installed as a ‘Causality’ comes to stand as the ‘observer’, ending the super-positioned probabilities and thus ‘collapses’ a Reality. Naturally, there are infinite ‘Causalities’ because nothingness has infinite ‘Probabilities’. As there are infinite causalities, there are infinite ‘Contexts’ of observance. Naturally, different observance points and probabilities shall always create infinite cognitions of Realities. Causalities play up and ‘Effect’ different Realities through differentiated media and all different media innately shall affect causalities by uploading their own messages and agenda.
In simple words – There may not and never be a singular definitive and irrevocable Reality; at least for human potentials of perception. And, this shall ensure that human world and human life-living always remains mired in 3Cs – Confusion, Chaos and Conflict, which in turn shall incessantly keep the quantum of stupidity, hypocrisy and insanity sufficiently high.
We humans have a destiny that has been scripted in disaster and improbability of sanity for which we may not be entirely blamed. It is essentially the very nature of Reality in our cosmic construct that installs the Realism that Sanity Is Impossibility. Stupidity and hypocrisy is our ‘design’ and the design of the expression of Reality for us. This is unconscious stupidities, which we all are designed for. However, what we humans are condemnable for and stand liable for foolish culpability is our stupid refusal to see this Reality and not work towards a practical solution of humungous problems that emanate out of this nature of Reality and human consciousness perceives it. This is culpability of ‘Conscientious Stupidities’. When we know and still cannot understand, learn and correct our mistakes, we must qualify for being the most stupid and most corrupted living and surviving species in the universe. This is the conscientious stupidity and sincere ignorance, which humanity must shed as it can. Our consciousness has design for it too.
From this reality, the critical idea, which comes out is that every empowered human has to first detach its own ‘Consciousness’ from the Causalities of body and mind as it is the primary ‘Liberation’ of human life. However, in Yoga philosophy it is insisted that even Human Consciousness is a Media and therefore, this too has to be dumped and an empowered human must also rise above and detach from the Causalities of Consciousness too to ultimately be in Union (Yoga) with cosmic consciousness. This cosmic consciousness is probably what quantum scientists and super string theory proponents call non-local and non-dualistic consciousness. In microcosmic religious terms, this probably is referred to as God and the causalities are labeled as Design of Divinity.
It is rather interesting that the Buddhist philosophy, which emerged around the same era Yoga philosophy was consolidating, says similar things. Buddha is believed to have insisted on ‘Observing’ the ‘Causalities’ that are causing ‘effects’ within body-mind structures as well as outside in the milieus. Buddha’s famous saying – ‘There is Suffering and it has a Cause’, probably pertains to Buddha’s personal experiences with sufferings. He probably understood as how human consciousness and cognition is just a poor and microcosmic Media of infinite causalities in the internal as well as external milieus. He probably reiterated that by observing the causalities, human consciousness could probably rise above and detach from the situation of being a ‘Media’ and thus liberate itself from sufferings.
To be truly and really knowledgeable and wise is a definition, shrouded in mysticism of dualism. Somehow, this uncertainty truly delineates the ultimate state of ‘Singular Wisdom’ available and desirable for we all. It is there for humble, sincere and innocent acceptance that to be knowledgeable is to internalize in all layers of consciousness that Reality Is Always PROBABILISTIC, therefore life-living was, is and shall always be Conflicted, Confused and Chaotic. This arrives humanity to singular and definitively finite wisdom that there can be and is only one Intelligence for all humans in all stages and situations of life-living. This singular intelligence is COMPASSION. All other subsidiary intelligence must fall in linearity and symmetry of the primary one…
Human history of thousands of years of civilization and cultures has been a documented evidence of how misplaced ingenuity of minority of humanity, especially in powerful leadership positions, has always ruled over this mass idealism of compassion to shove the human world to the brink of extinction, with conflicts, confusion and chaos ruling all milieus and lives in them. The current diminutive and enslaved status of singular wisdom of compassion in contemporary human world is foolproof evidence that Sanity Is Impossibility in contemporary world and collective life-living. Those who truly understood Reality, humbly accepted compassion as only wisdom and lived and died in peace and wellness. Compassion remains the only singular Possibility of Sanity, at personal levels, as at collective level, compassion has lost the chance to reinstate itself long-long back…!
This confidence in compassion as the core and critical sanity point emanates because now we have reasons to accept that the very design of Reality in our cosmos, the world we live in and the way our own consciousness accepts it have inbuilt, innate and embedded entropic causalities. Therefore, the only way out to have sanity and install it deep in our lives is to accept the finality of singular and irreplaceable element of personal compassion.
The idea and notion of compassion, what we accept here is completely different and novel from what populist beliefs accept compassion as. The popular definition of compassion stands it in linearity with pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity etc. What we have proposed is that compassion is not about being caring, accommodative, assimilative, and affectionate. Compassion is not in parts but in holism. All these are of course the ‘effects’ or expressions of the situation of compassion in someone’s consciousness but compassion is not purely behavioral or actionable. It is far more broad, holistic and over-encompassing.
We have to accept the utility and fruition of Compassion as Higher Consciousness, which can and does see, accept and practice the ‘Holism of Reality’ that is always probabilistic and contextual. Compassion is a Cognitive Position of an evolved and empowered Higher Consciousness, which is non-reactive, receptive, skeptical of ‘self’ itself and contemplative in all life-living situations, being in perpetual, deep and lateral acceptance that Reality is never singular and it is always good, right and healthy to be respectful to all different ‘parts’ of Reality, constituting the Holism of Reality.
As a person internalizes this higher consciousness evolution of acceptance of Holism of Reality, he or she successfully makes compassion his or her first instinct and option-less attitude. The elements of pity, sympathy, fellow feeling, tolerance, benevolence, sensitivity, caring, accommodation, assimilation, and affection, etc shall automatically fall in place. In simple terms, compassion is not a fruit, it is not even a tree; it is rather the soil, which must remain fertile and objectively facilitative. This soil of compassion shall automatically and instinctively grow all trees and all fruits of best utilities and worth. The insanity of collective spaces may rob the fruits and cut the trees but the soil shall always remain there to grow more trees and fruits.
The greats of humanity have always reminded us that it may be accepted that different people of this world may have different and even competing goals and purposes but everyone must first have this Compassionate Higher Consciousness. They understood that Reality being contextual and relative, instinctively every person would be competitive and conflicted.
Therefore, human world would always remain the theatre of compounding competition and conflict among people. This inevitability would always remain in human world in all times and space as the most powerful and calamitous entropic element, which could kill the sanity of life-living and human world itself. That is why the greats of humanity insisted that there should always be compassion as the evolved higher consciousness of all humans as lasting guarantee that sanity would be preserved.
Stupidity About Self Or ‘I’
This sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a layered realism, bordering and swaying into the domain of virtualism. This sense and feel that ‘we are’ or ‘I’ Am’, is expressing itself in many layered existentialism of unconscious, subconscious and conscious domains. The trouble is – The ‘I’ is in every bit of all different expressions of ‘Self’, yet, truly or actually, ‘I’ is seldom fully or perfectly in any of the variegated appearances of ‘Self’. This dualism or mystical realism is baffling. More intimidating is the fact that all the shades and dimensions of ‘I’ and their action/behavior emanate out of and pertain to one body and mind of an individual yet he or she is seldom willing to own the culpability of its stupidities; happy only to own its attainments.
This subjective self or ‘I’ is a collective causality of cooperative and co-opting elements of body and brain of which some are tangible and others intangible. Therefore, ‘we are’ not only body, not only mind, not only thoughts, not only emotions, not only attitudes, not only fears and insecurities, not only bundle of memes but a sum-totality of all, even while being everything. This means, consciousness or sense of self is always a holistic expression of totality and entirety, even when singular elements of its constitution are always there and indispensable for its holism. In other words, ‘I’ have ‘parts’ but its actual expression or core property is always as a ‘whole’. If any single ‘part’ is missing, the ‘whole’ ceases to exist. The stupidity of design of consciousness, or this sense of ‘I Am’ is that the ‘parts’ are not always aligned to the ‘whole’ and the whole is not always in control and command of parts. Naturally, stupidities and hypocrisies flow in as innately as water and wind.
The subjective self or ‘I’ is always emerging, shifting and changing because of its very nature of being a ‘process’ and not a fixed and tangible matter. Consciousness is an expression and property emerging out of complex and multidimensional processing of huge amount of info in the ever-shifting internal as well as external milieus. Therefore, the very single body-mind of ‘I’ has many functional selves, even while structurally there is only one entity of ‘I’.
Importantly, as this sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a function of entropy of our body-mind system, the consciousness in its very nature has the propensity for entropy-expansion. This means, in our daily lives of subconscious self or ‘Unaware-I’, we are inclined to and oriented towards destabilization, un-organization, randomization, abstractions, virtualism, confusion and conflicts, etc. The very entropic property of consciousness ensures the above states for us. Interestingly, as the domain of subconscious brain state dominates the mind space to the extent that science compares subconscious to a soccer field where conscious self is just a small goalpost; average human being is predominantly a stupid at freewill and a mechanism of chaos, confusion and conflict.
However, as the dialectical mechanism always ensures, the very conscious self or ‘Aware-I’ itself emerges and evolves because of the stupidity and disorganization of subconscious. The thesis-antithesis-synthesis process is applicable to consciousness too. When the subconscious or unconscious actualizes a cognitive ‘realism’ for self or ‘I’, the same brain states, which have evolved top layers handling logic and thoughtfulness of reason, engenders a virtual domain or space of ‘Conscious’ self; provided the person has enough evolved conscious mind state. This ‘higher consciousness’, by innate nature of its dialectical origin, supplies the elements of skepticism, facilitating another dimension of cognitive realism. This dimension is human’s ‘entropy-suppression’ process that keeps system sanity at optimality.
Therefore, consciousness is
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