» Religion » 1992.06.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit (Whit Sunday) by Lord Jesus (best ereader for students .TXT) 📕

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1992.06.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit (Whit Sunday)


The Word of God[1] at the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit (Whit Sunday)

                                                (Translated by I.A.)


The Lord speaks about the heavenly wisdom, working in the days of the Holy Spirit’s Victory


The God of the Holy Trinity is well blessed; He, Who testified about the Holy Spirit in the tongues of fire for the being and for the new working glory, as if the being of the Holy Spirit was seen in the day of the Whit Sunday, after a couple of days from My dwelling at the place where I descended for a human incarnation, and if the Holy Spirit was seen then in the image of the immaterial fire, then it was seen in the godly work of the Holy Spirit, for My loved apostles were full of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and it was no longer them but the Holy Spirit in them, and the Holy Spirit that entered them after the heavenly tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit and was sent from Me to them, was speaking into the new languages, as I declared this promise before My ascension to the Father of the heavenly Trinity. I told them this: «I will not leave you orphans, you who left houses, relatives, spouses, children, parents, the world, and your own self, and followed Me. I will not leave you orphans and I will send you the Holy Spirit instead, Who will take from Me and will bring to you».


My dear, you are those from now, and they were those from that time, but you should know and understand that promise, for they from that time are until these days, sons; they are, for My promise remains declared forever.


Behold, I tell you once again what I told you then, for there came a rich young man and asked Me what to do in order to have eternal life, and I told him a word according to his wisdom, so that he might understand what I said. I told him to love his father and his mother and honor them and no to do things which are against the law. I told him but he could not understand but only according to his wisdom, for he was a wise son after his rank that he had on the earth; and he answered Me according to his wisdom saying: «I have observed all these things from my youth up. What do I lack more to have eternal life?». Oh, and when the answer of Holy Spirit’s wisdom came, that young man did no longer understand anything, for I added to him the fullness of the words, the fullness of his spoken words, and I told him again: «Sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and then you can come and follow Me». My loved ones, if that young man had had wisdom from above, he would have known what to work with his own life to make it eternal, but because he did not understand My speaking, he turned away from Me and remained in his own self, for he did not know how to deny his own self to be able to understand and weigh what God said. Not even those that were walking with Me everywhere, they did not know how to understand how My speaking was. And if they did not understand I had to answer them also according to their wisdom, as I answered to that rich young man. For when those that were Mine asked Me who could be saved, only then I answered them again with helping word saying: «What is not possible with men is possible with God». Because they wondered after I added on leaving of the rich young man, this is what I told them: «For it is easier for a rope[2] to enter in through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God».


My children, the world does not know what the kingdom of the heaven is (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[3]”, r.n.) and neither knows to interpret the words of the wisdom of the kingdom which is from heaven and does not know either to discern the tongues of the Holy Spirit. It was great the word that I told them: «Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me». And what do you say that this heavenly speaking means? The rich young man did not know how to deny himself, because he understood that God’s speaking is from the earth. If he truly had wanted the eternal life, he would have understood the speaking of the eternal life.

Here is how the man to be born from above is; to be born of the heaven. This is what I asked the young man, but he did not understand and went away from the Lord. I did not ask for his wealth from the earth, for that one was from the earth, and I was from the heaven, not from the earth. I asked him something else, for if his understanding was good when he said that he honored his father and mother and all the good deed of the law, if his understanding were from heaven, I did not have to add a word of wisdom over My disciples wondering at those that I worked upon the rich young man. I added a word saying: «He, who does not leave for Me mother and father, spouse and children, lands and ranks, that one is not fit for My kingdom, which is not from the earth», but the young man mixed those from the earth with those from the heaven, and that is why he could not use well his wisdom from the flesh. Oh, that is why God has to work upon the sons of the people and to fulfill upon them the Scripture which says: «What is not possible with men is possible with God». Amen.


Behold the feast celebration of the Holy Spirit descended in the being by the image of the tongues of the fire, brings the remembrance of the descent of the heavenly wisdom and separates those that are from the earth from those that are from the heaven and which teach those from the earth how to be born of the heaven and how to enter with the heavenly kingdom, for what comes out of the flesh is flesh, and what comes out of the spirit is spirit. I had nothing to do with what the young man had on the earth. I was not from the earth. What I had to do was for that he had to have from the heaven, but he remained with those that he learned from his childhood and did not get out of himself to follow Me and to understand how comes to follow Me.


My dear, God does not divide Himself by the spoken words, but the man who does not get out of himself cannot have God fully in the work of his words. Look to the wise people of today as they do not understand how to have God fully after the wisdom of the Holy Spirit; they do not understand, and I say to you again: what is flesh is flesh and what is spirit is spirit, and if the apostles of that time struggled to deny their own self, they succeeded to get the Holy Spirit and to understand God’s speaking heavenly. The Holy Spirit is the wisdom which created the wisdom, but if the man does not have room for the Holy Spirit, which is from heaven and as in heaven not as on earth, then the man cannot get out of himself to follow God, and only this is the way to the heavenly kingdom: the man to get out of himself and to give this dwelling to the Holy Spirit so that God may be in this dwelling. This is the work that the Holy Trinity is working with you, and you will be the sharers of this wisdom, and there is no greater work that does greater miracles than this which is and which will be in your time, as I said that greater miracles than all the miracles will be worked in the days of the victory of the Holy Spirit. 


The Holy Trinity is celebrating with you this day of feast of the Holy Spirit with peace and heavenly hosts and with heavenly glory. The Lord, Jesus Christ, brings love and contentment from heaven upon you, for the fulfillment of the work of the setting of the Lord’s gate, and this way, children, you should be the ones that fulfill the word of God; you should be all the time and may you be rich in the wisdom that is from the heaven, and you will be from heaven all the time; let you be, My dear, for I have a lot of works to fulfill, and who can call you happier than the one who deny himself and follows the work of the heavenly wisdom on the earth? Who can be richer and fuller of peace that the son of the heavenly works? That is why I made the man, but the man left his Creator and when he left, he became self-conceited and did no longer find the way back to his house and he did not find the door of the house which proceeds. And behold, My Father sent Me again on the earth, as it is written, and behold, I work the work which is written since then, since I came back near to My Father, for then it was written that I had to come again, and that is why I said then: «I am the door and he who enters through Me will enter the house again». That is why I had to come again, and behold, I came by the word and did this work to show the door to those who want to come back home, and if they want, they have to enter the door, for it is not possible to come in over or by the sides of the door. It is not possible because the heaven is upon this work and is working from all sides, and the righteousness and the wisdom that was not understood by the world without the Holy Spirit are being proclaimed.

And you My loved ones, who followed Me and the work which I came towards you with, were born for the work of the world’s renewal and behold, you work through Me, for the Lord does not live in broken and decaying dwellings, but rather He dwells in strong houses, and God’s houses will hover above the tribulation that is coming to make those on the earth wise. 


The Holy Spirit, Which is glorified with the Father and with the Son, He Who proclaimed the mysteries of the heavens and of the ages by the prophets, the Spirit of the heavenly Trinity shall be with you, who I have from the world for the world’s renewal what is to come. May the grace of the Holy Spirit bind you into the being of the light of the heavenly Trinity; you and all who come with God, as written in the Scriptures, for the Lord is coming with thousands of thousands of the saints, My loved ones, and you do not depart from the New Jerusalem, which came down from the heaven, from now on to the eternity of the heavens. Amen.

Verginica is glorified

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