» Religion » 2001.06.09 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day by Lord Jesus (inspirational books to read .TXT) 📕

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2001.06.09 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day

The Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are glorified on the earth in days of heavenly wedding. The angels and the saints are the wedding guests from heaven, and those on the earth, assembled at the feast, are the wedding guests on the earth. Amen.

I am the Bridegroom of the wedding and happy is the servant that I find watching for My coming with days of wedding. I am and I pour out My comfort over those that came togeth-er to the spring. Amen, amen, amen.

There is no greater love than this, for I speak from near the Father and My speech fills the air and rejoices the angels and the saints, and it fills the earth and it rejoices those that wait for Me as you do, children from the manger of My coming down. I told Moses when I spoke to him from the burning bush in the mountain; I told him to take off his sandals for the place of My speaking was a holy place. And I tell you the same too. Whenever I come out with you from the manger over the earth and over the man you should not forget to be holy as in heaven, for the place on which I dwell with you is a holy place and holier still. Take off your shoes for the sake of it from those that are outside whenever I come out with you, so that we may appear with those that are inside. Take off those that are outside of you and those that are in the man and are not from God, and put on the armor of My Spirit for you, the Spirit Who protects Me and you, so that we may be from heaven, and this is how you should come back into those that are Mine, into those that are inside, for the place, which I put you on to stand before Me when I come, is a holy place, the place from where I speak over the earth. Amen.

Now we come out again. We come out with those from heaven. We come out with the creating word. Behold the garden of My meeting with the man. I said by the word and then this earth became heaven, and I glorify Myself with you on it and I give My glory with you to the man, and I give the man the comfort and love from above. The love from below cannot ascend into heaven, but the love which comes from above comes and lays down on the earth to make heaven, the heaven of love, the heaven and the earth of love. Amen.

Oh, the love from earth is not like the love from heaven, so that it may ascend into heav-en. I give Myself over to the man with the love from heaven and I bring it with Me on the earth and I give it, but the man cannot take his love from earth into heaven, for the heaven is holy and the love which ascends into heaven is only holy love, love as Mine, love that loves without ask-ing, but it only gives itself over and it gives itself completely. Amen. Here is why I cry with a wound, and My wound does no longer close. The man loves himself, and it is for him that the man also loves Me. The man’s love is a love that asks for itself. The man has been asking from Me for seven thousand years. I have been giving everything to the man and he keeps asking from Me, as though he has not. Why does the man not have everything that I have given him to have, everything I have given him out of love?

Oh, children from the manger of My coming down, the man asks from Me, he keeps ask-ing from Me. The man asks from God; he keeps asking from Him. How comes that the man does not ask God? Oh, the love on earth is not like the love from heaven, which gives itself without asking. The love, which does not give itself, cannot go up into heaven, the love that asks from the man for him. It makes My compassion and My love to come down to the man, but it cannot as-cend into heaven. The man asks from Me and he has been asking for seven thousand years. Why has the man not been asking from Me too? I have been looking on the earth and no one wants Me to come down. It is written into the Scriptures that I come, and no one wants Me to come, and no one asks for Me to come. The man does not want to become beautiful for My coming. The man does not want to get ready for My coming. The man prepares for himself and he puts on or-naments, fragrances and soft clothing; moreover, he makes for himself beds and weaves crowns and then he puts the crowns and his victories on his head. Oh, only for Me does the man not get ready any longer and I look at the man painfully, with deep pain. I see the man’s graven image and I am deeply aggrieved because of the man. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross ”, r.n.)

Oh, sons from the manger of My teaching, let us spend time with the man, weary sons for Me. You take your love up into heaven and with it you make Me come down to you and to the man. Let us dwell with the man within heavenly love. Bring them together near to you and I will pour Myself out in you as the good wine, so that the one who comes at My wedding with you may drink of My wine. You are My bride people; the bride which asks for My coming. Let us teach those who come to the spring to drink. Let them drink from the spring as you do, if they come to drink. To drink of this spring, which flows from heaven on earth, and it is a great mys-tery for the man to know how to drink. He who drinks of it does no longer die, and the one who comes to life does no longer give oneself to death. He who drinks is the one who comes to life and this is how one drinks of this spring.

Oh, children sons from My manger, why does the man really not like the way I made the first created man? I see the man’s image and I see him displeased with his image. The god of the darkness of this age has laid down over the man and teaches him to make a carved image for himself and even the man to worship it.

Man, stolen from My arm, you let yourself be stolen by a foreign god from your first and last Father. Your feelings are no longer from God and they are rather from the world and the world closed the heaven for Me so that I may no longer come on the earth to bring the man to life from death, from his sleep deepened into My death in the man. I have completely died in the man. Oh, who is to breathe over the man with My Spirit in such a way that I may come to life in the man and the man to see, at My sight, his carved image in him, which he worships? Oh, where is My image and likeness that I put on the man’s body and image? I look on the earth and see only a Sodom, and see only a Gomorrah, and the heaven is no longer on earth. I cannot stay with the man on the earth, for he has made a carved image of himself.

Man, you have violated My commandment! I told you not to make a carved image for yourself and you did not listen to Me. I look at you and your carved image hurts Me. Here is why the hostile man to you and to Me has been teaching you. He stays into your way with his merchandise, with his teaching, and you take from it, and then you die because of it. I have be-come a merchant and I come into your way and I open Myself up before you with those of Mine taken from the Father. I am not your enemy. I am the One Who gives life and I am the Life. Take from it too, for I open Myself up with it before you. It hurts Me when you tell Me that you love Me loving yourself. It hurts Me when you tell Me that you have Me having yourself. Your carved image proves this out and I am true in the word. Oh, what I shall do with you? Oh, how shall I take you easily so that you may receive Me and not hurt Me and not slap My hand if I want to work at your creation from Me? Your creation from now is not from Me and it is from you instead. The one who loves Me is the one who stays at his making. You have come down to the spring and I am this spring, the Son of the Father God and I speak to you with a heavenly voice and I try to teach you how to drink. The one who drinks is the one who comes to life. You have an image borrowed from My enemy and your enemy. Do no longer tell Me that you love Me, if you bear the image of the foreign one. I cannot be in your inner being if My enemy and yours appears with you outside of you, that is the world with its face, which has settled down on you image and it mocks it with an image foreign to God.

Oh, wandering man, I have called you to see My bride and to receive a longing for the bride who waits for his Bridegroom. The evil spirit is the spirit of the world. I have called you to see My image and I have called you to see My bride people through whom I glorify Myself over the earth for you, the one who is wandering away from his Father. I bring you from time to time near My manger and from it I give you My word, which is born in it from My mouth. Oh, teach yourself to speak from heaven not from your heart, for your heart is not right with Me. You say that you have Me in your heart and you do not need to have Me outside of you too, in your appearance, and I tell you that even the devils believe in Me, but they do not submit to Me. Be-hold, the one who does not confess Me, that one is not on My side. Who can confess Me? The one who takes after Me, the one who is from Me. Amen.

I deal with you easily, man that came to the spring, for I want to teach you to drink, and to drink usefully. That is why I call you. I call you to drink so that I may grow in you and for you to learn the love for God. My tear for you becomes a word of longing, which calls you under My tabernacle to stay with Me at the supper, at the wedding table, Romanian son. The longing for Me calls you, a longing as

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