» Religion » 2000.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel by Lord Jesus (best mobile ebook reader .TXT) 📕

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2000.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel

The Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel

My angel is calling out upon you; he is calling out for a feast, sons who receive My com-ing after two thousand years. The Lord’s angel is calling out. Amen, amen, amen.

It is a great feast of angels; it is a great day, sons. The heaven is speaking over the earth and you are the gate of the heaven, and I come in through it with My justice, for it is written into the Scriptures: «I will praise the Lord entering the gates of righteousness, for this is the Lord’s gate and the righteous will enter through it». Amen. I have bowed the heaven down to you and I have come down to you to make you Mine. It has never been a greater wonder than this since ages. I say this because I ascended to My Father, and when I went up I said: «Those who believe in Me will perform greater miracles», and after My departure they will do greater wonders than anytime because I go to My Father.

Oh, little children fond of heaven! Who else has been praying to Me like you to bring the heaven down on earth and to come with it? Who else has been asking from Me life without death? Who else has been waiting for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come? Behold the new age, My speaking on the earth, My word which reigns from its throne; the new age, which is not for the world, but for those who have been consecrating for Me. The Our Father prayer is not for the world, for it was I who taught My disciples to utter it, not the world. The world has been sinning to death against itself and against Me and in the Our Father prayer only wrongdoings are mentioned. The Our Father prayer is for the disci-ples; it is for those who have God as their father, obeying Him. Amen. This is what I have taught you; to pray to your Father and to ask for the heaven on the earth and for the life without death. How comes that the man does not want to hear and to want to be alive, and then to be as in heaven so on earth, and to bring the heaven down on earth as you bring it?

Oh, I strengthen Myself in you with My coming and I am satisfied with you as with new fruit, sons. I strengthen My coming and the power of My coming within you and you are My strengthening food. When the spring comes and the first fruits appear, the man is refreshed feed-ing on them and receives power and freshness in all his weaknesses. The same is with Me; I am satisfied with you and rejoice over you as over the new fruit and I strengthen My coming being satisfied with you. Many speak with pride and say: “God is everywhere and with everyone equal-ly”. But this is not so, wise sons! Oh, it is really not so! I am on the side of those who do My will, for it is written: «His will is with everyone who fears Him. He is with those that He is pleased with». Amen. Woe to the one who has no fear of God, for that one works for his own destruction and is not afraid of it, but you should always say like David: «Pierce my body with Your fear Lord, for I have feared Your judgments, Lord».

Oh, waking sons on the earth, My word from you disturbs the world of angels and they come with My coming to you and see the throne of My word with you, the book of the judg-ment for the creature, from which the living and the dead receive each one according to their deeds. Until My leaving to the Father I had said this: «When the Son of Man comes in His glo-ry, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory and before Him all the nations will be gathered, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left and will tell those on His right: “Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you by My Father from the foundation of the world; and to those on His left hand He will also say: “Depart from Me into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels. These will go into the eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life».

Oh, sons, the angel of the Lord calls out, he sounds the trumpet of My coming upon the living and the dead. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r.n.) My angel, togeth-er with the heavenly host, sees the throne of My word with you, the book of judgment of the creature, the way of My coming for judgment. (See the selection topic: „The Judgment ”, r.n.) The heaven and the earth shake under the steps of My coming, for the last judgment has come. Amen. John, My apostle, saw it coming and said: «I see a great white throne, and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. There was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. The sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and hades gave up the dead who were in them and they were judged, each one according to his works. Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire». Amen.

Sons, give My word to the whole world, My new age, My speaking on the earth. Give My word to My people, for the people beat Moses because he led them out of Egypt, but they would beat you either because you let it die in the world. Give My new age to the dead, My word which is with you, for behold, My angel sounds the trumpet of My coming; the angel sounds over the living and over the dead. Amen.

I, sons faithful to My coming after two thousand years, I and you and with My angels open the gates of hell and death and call out the dead, as I called Lazarus out from his grave be-cause of his sisters’ faith, whom I said: «If you believe, you will see God’s glory, for anyone who lives and believes in Me will never die». Amen.

I said that I come to you with the feast of the angels and I will receive from your little hands the sacrifice for those in hades and I will go with it to them, and I will tell them that I will come soon to take them and to give them the day of resurrection, and I will comfort and relieve them and I will give them of their resurrection and I will give them speech to speak with each other about My coming and about you, those who work with Me for the day of My coming. My word, which passes through My garden from you, comforts those brought into remembrance, and I give them of My peace. Amen, amen, amen.

My word is the iron with which I rule the visible and invisible world, those in heaven and on earth and in hades; and I rule over each one according to their works. I strike them with the iron and say to them: lift up, you, gates, for the ray of the resurrection to come in! I am the King of glory, the Lord of the powers! Amen, amen, amen. I am He Who is. Get up and let us go! We go on the earth, where I am with My glory, and I have come with all of My angels for the great coming, for the resurrection of the living and the dead. I spread the table for you. Take and eat and rejoice! I am the food on the table and I am the fruit of the resurrection. Those who are dead in Christ and those dead without Christ get up and come to a table of resurrection, for the sacrifice of those smaller of the human kind cry from the earth for you to Me to bring you the supper of the creature resurrection. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead ”, r.n.)

Behold My glory, the throne of My word! Behold the new age, My speaking over the earth, My word, which reigns from its throne! Amen. I breathe it on you. Take from it and speak! Eat of it and come to life! This is My voice. Take word from word and give yourselves to each other, for I have come to give. Amen, amen, amen.

― Lord, Your wound is open and Your life flows from it over us, and we come to life from life, for You are true God from true God, born of the Father and then of man, God born of man, so that You may take the man up to God by this way, through You, Lord of life without death. Life is in You, Lord, and it is the light of the people and the darkness cannot overcome it. Behold how much light here and now, from You, and Your glory with which You glorify Yourself on earth now, at Your coming with the resurrection, gives us the word of resurrection, the word which calls through Your angel over Your garden, which brings the beginning with the end together in it. Oh, how much those born of Your word in the last days have waited; Your word which blows strongly and spreads the news of the creature resurrection, the gospel of redemption, Lord, from its garden on the earth.

We, the great and the small among the dead, confess to the world of the people on the earth that the world beyond the grave really is. Those that are not seen are true and those that are seen are not true. When the man passes away from this world into the world that is not seen by the eyes of the body, he passes this bridge without feeling it, and suddenly he sees something else, not known to him, and in this way he enters into the world, which is not seen. He, who enters all of a sudden into this world, which is not seen, that one is full of terror and goes to those filled with ter-ror and each one of these know nothing but only about oneself, and one like this does not find any support in his fear, for he left the earth on a sudden. Woe to those, who have no one to take from, on the earth afterwards, for here any relief, news and understanding can come only from good hands. (See ”A Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K Baxter”, r.n.)

You, Lord of the powers, give power to the people to believe that You came to us and gave us power to confess from here to the people on the earth. The sight of the man on the earth is too fleshly, too small and too little so that

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