» Religion » 2001.04.22 - The Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas by Lord Jesus (best historical fiction books of all time .txt) 📕

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2001.04.22 - The Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas

The Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thom-as

Oh sons, in heaven it is not like on the earth. Oh sons, the saints from above are not like the saints from below. Oh sons, who receive My word from the book! My word, which speaks from Me during your days, has been waited by those in heaven with a great awe of the spirit, with great love and with great, great longing. My word of today, with which I accompany you and many that receive it from you, this word is My victory that I have given to those in heaven, a victory that has been waited for seven thousand years. When My word of today is heard with you, all that are in heaven are awoken seven times more and they are warmed up in love and in comfort for their waiting is great, sons. You are in the body and you cannot understand how long you have been waited to be and to give to the Jerusalem from above My word from the days of My coming after two thousand years, after seven thousand years after the man, sons. But how is this? Is it really that those in heaven do not hear whether I speak from their midst and whether they live in Me? Oh, sons, it is so. Those in heaven hear when I speak, but if I had no one to speak on the earth with, will those in heaven hear My word of today, which brings Me on earth after two thousand years since My resurrection?

Oh sons, I am the Christ, the One after My resurrection from the dead. Amen. Two thou-sand years after My resurrected from the dead, I appeared to My disciples several times, speak-ing with them, eating with them and blessing them, giving them the Holy Spirit by My breath upon them, and then sending them to the people for the forgiveness of their sins, and this is what I told them: «Peace to you! As My Father has sent Me even so I send you. Receive Holy Spirit! Whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained».

They, My apostles were then under the thrill of the joy of My resurrection and they had a warm spirit and I was warming up their thrill as in those in heaven, who have been waiting for such a long time for My crucifixion and resurrection to come for the victory of eternal life of their souls and bodies.

Oh, sons do not be dull of mind. My mysteries are deeply heavenly. The people always speak of My resurrection but they are not thrilled within their spirit with My body after the resur-rection, a body which had not always been with My apostles with whom I spent time until My sacrifice in the body, but rather it appeared several times to them and then it went up into the Fa-ther to be a dwelling place for the saints in heaven, the saints who had been waiting for the re-demption of their bodies by the death and resurrection of My body.

Father wanted that My resurrected body to be touched, so that the man might believe then in the mystery of the resurrection of the bodies. And after My supper after the resurrection with those in Emmaus, I went again to My apostles and stood in their midst and I said: «Peace to you! Do not be afraid! I am!» However, thinking that they were seeing a spirit they got fright-ened, and then I said to them: «Do not be troubled. Do not be frightened in your heart and mind. I am Myself. Touch Me and see. The spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have». Then I showed them My hands and legs and I said to them: «Do you have anything here to eat?» And they gave Me broiled fish and some honeycomb and I ate before them as one who has a body in order to teach them to believe in the mystery of the resurrection of the bodies and to open their mind to understand the Scriptures about Me and for them to preach into My name the repentance and the forgiveness of their sins in Jerusalem and everywhere on earth. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead ”, r.n.)

Oh, and then I showed My hands and legs to Thomas and I put his finger on to My rib to strengthen the man’s faith in the redemption of the bodies, which came and comes by My resur-rection, by My third incarnation, sons. Behold, I give you deep mysteries to strengthen your wis-dom. I once became flesh from the Father and once from the man, from the Virgin, sons, and again, once more from among the dead. Amen. From the earth. I raised for Myself a body again out of the earth to redeem the man that came out of the dust at the beginning of the world. And I have redeemed him. Amen. For David said: «I, Lord, was brought forth in iniquity. In sin my mother conceived me». Oh sons, this is how the one who gets out of the man from the dust is brought forth in sins, sons. However, I want the truth and I show the man those who are not shown and those things of My wisdom that are hidden, (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and of the woman” , r.n.) as I showed My incarnated body to My apostles two thousand years through My resurrection from the dead. And if I became flesh again, then I ate as the man who had a body and I proved out the truth of the mystery of the redemption of the body.

Oh, sons, the dead ask food from you to come to life and to eat with you as I ate bread and fish with My disciples when I appeared to them, and I told them to take fish out from the sea when they could not find anything to get out. And Peter got out only big fish so that he could believe that I would make him into a fisherman of people with faith, of people, who are faithful and accomplished in faith and deed, and to strengthen his coming back to Me and his work for the apostleship. Behold, this is how I had spent time with My disciples after My resur-rection and after My incarnation from the dead. And today I also spend time with you and I want to extend My dwelling, at least for the comforting thrill that the saints from above have, sons, for in heaven is not as on earth, sons.

Oh, the saints from above are not like the saints from below. My word with you is eaten with great tremble, with great comfort and with great longing by the saints from above. When My word of today is heard with you, all those from heaven are awoken seven times more and they are warmed up in the fire of this comforting. You are in the body and do not understand this mystery of the food of the saints from above after two thousand years and after seven thousand years of waiting for their Passover, for My Passover with you that becomes their redemption. When the vesper bell from you is heard by them, it calls everyone to praying, and they stir up their praying for My work with you, which is the victory of the heaven and earth for the mystery of eternity. Amen.

Oh, sons, when the vesper bell sounds at you, all the saints and angels come and sit for praying. I do not tell you this to make you sad, but rather I tell you to rejoice and wake up the spirit of praying seven times more, the love in the praying, sons, the food of the saints. Amen.

And I also give you the strengthening of the commandment, which is for the fulfilling of the meal of the holy feast with you, of those from heaven who wait in the dwelling of the dead for the day of the feast of My holy prudes, the prudes of My resurrection, sons. Then you should give them to eat, for after I was resurrected, My disciples gave Me to eat. Make them room at your table and may their food and your food for the soul and the food for the body be blessed, for great is the mystery of the resurrection of My body by My resurrection from the dead, and this mystery is worked out everywhere in the body that was and is, for that is why I have estab-lished it on the earth; I have established it to come and to be and you should give them to eat sons. Amen, amen, amen.

The love from the prayer is the food of the saints’ souls who will appear with you soon, soon, and they will have supper with you and with Me as I had supper with My disciples, and may this feast of new age find you, sons, warming up at the fire of the comforting, at which those in heaven warm up during the time when I speak My word upon you.

Peace to you! To you and to the saints in heaven, to be with you as in heaven and not as on earth sons. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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Publication Date: 11-26-2015

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