» Religion » 2003.05.11 - The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing women by Lord Jesus (knowledgeable books to read .TXT) 📕

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2003.05.11 - The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing women

The Word of God[1] on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing women[2]



I come to you, Romanian Jerusalem, with My second coming, and the word of My coming prepares you, the one who believes, and which dressed you in a garment of bride to meet Me as you meet the Bridegroom Who comes in the middle of the night, and Whose bride watches for His coming. Amen.


You should not be slow in your watch, when I, the Lord, speak sweetly and patiently to you. You should not believe that you are worthy for Me if I shepherd you and I grow you in faith and in the fulfilling of My coming as word into Your midst. However, you should watch and be alert all the time for your wedding garment and for the great meeting of the resurrection of the dead, which will be soon, soon, at My last word, My word of their resurrection. You should wait for this resurrection, as you also bear witness that you wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life that is to be. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead[3]”, r.n.)


Chris is risen! The hosts of angels and saints are in thousands and tens of thousands of thousands with you, My people of today, for the celebration of the holy myrrh-bearing women of My resurrection from the dead. I was fully resurrected and then I have no longer died afterwards and I have remained the beginning of the resurrection of those who are asleep.


Christ is risen! This is what My myrrh-bearing women were saying, and Mary of Magdala, who spoke with Me after My resurrection, went and told those who were with Me and who were mourning and crying and they told them “Chris is risen!” However, hearing that I was alive and that I was seen by her, they did not believe. Then Luke and Cleopas also went and joined them, those to whom I appeared while they were going to a fallow land, and then I broke the bread for them and I revealed Myself to them that I was the Lord and that I was alive. But My disciples did not believe them too. And then I appeared before them while they were sitting at the table and I rebuked them because of their unbelief and because of their heartlessness as they did not believe those who had seen Me resurrected, and then I told them: «Go into the whole world and preach the Gospel to all the creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who disbelieves will be condemned». (Mark 16:16) Amen.


Oh, My people, the day of those who are asleep will be great, and today is a great day of celebration, that the human people which are asleep was remembered into your midst, which now stays and looks at you, the youngest one, they look at Me, Who am body and word into your midst and surrounded by saints and angels and within a spirit of heavenly celebration on a redeemed land. The heavenly host is great around you, for those who believe in God have the heaven as their shelter and salvation. When Elisha’s servant was afraid seeing the armies of the Syrians surrounding them in the city, he spoke to Elisha: «Alas, my master! How shall we do?» And Elisha prayed and said: «Lord, please open his eyes that he may see!» (2 Kings 6:15, 16) And when I opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant, he saw that all the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha, who said to him: «Don’t be afraid: for those who are with us are more than those who are with them». (2 Kings 6:16) And Elisha said: «Please smite this people with blindness». (2 Kings 6:18) And I did according to his word, and he guided the Syrians into Samaria and then he said: «Lord, open the eyes of these men that they may see where they are». (2 Kings 16:20)


My people, the mystery of faith is as great as heaven and earth; it is as great as those that are not seen, and as for those that I, the Lord, chose and choose, to show the mystery of the faith and its works to the people, they have to be believed and have to be followed in their faith in the heavenly things, those that are not seen, for if they were seen, the man would no longer be able to look at them and then the man would not be able to be with God to the end.


The greatest power of faith is that in the resurrection of the dead, and this will not be a miracle but rather it will be the fulfillment of this Scripture, and I speak among you the word of the resurrection of the creature, and those in the graves hear it from My mouth as they heard it two thousand years ago when I spoke the word of the resurrection of the dead to the multitudes. And now I speak again with My mouth and My voice is heard beyond the dwelling of the dead, and these get ready for the resurrection. And it will be as with My resurrection when My prudes came early in the morning and they saw the stone rolled away from the tomb, and they were saying among themselves, «Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?» And when they entered the tomb they saw the angel of My tomb on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and he said to them: «Don’t be amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, Who has been crucified. He has risen. Behold the place where they laid him! But go; tell His disciples that He has risen!» (Mark 16:6,7) I let the angel of My tomb to tell the women that I was raised and to tell them to go with the news of My resurrection to My disciples, but they did not believe when they told them. There was no way of rebuking them because of their unbelief and because of their heartlessness. And behold, I cannot also rebuke those that hear the voice of My word, which was declared to you by My own mouth, watchmen children at the door of My coming after the man to raise him from the death of his works without God. I cannot but destroy the unbelief and the heartlessness of those who do not want to believe in My coming as word on earth, the voice of the Son of God, which is heard by the dead from the tombs, as it was heard two thousand years ago over the dwelling of the dead. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice[4]”, r.n.) I am the One Who said: «The time is coming and it has already come, when those in the graves will hear My voice and they will come either to life or to eternal damnation». Amen.


Let those who have become servants at the altars answer Me, if they believe in My Scriptures of two thousand years ago, which speak about the resurrection of those in the graves. Behold, they do as those in the time of My body did, who did not believe that those who are in the graves would come to life; they did not believe until they saw the graves opened and many bodies of the saints who came to life and appeared in Jerusalem. I do not care for their unbelief and for their heartlessness if they do not believe My voice, which is coming today on the earth, but I do care for their salvation and that is why I do not remain silent over the earth. I do not keep silent because if I have come from the Father as word on the earth, I have come to speak and to remain silent, and at the voice of My word the man’s unbelief becomes silent and he will be stilled more and more with every passing day, and the heaven and the earth will speak. Amen.


My disciples were complaining and groaning, and I did not let them within that situation after I was resurrected, and I sent Mary Magdalene to them and other little disciples and they did not believe either, and I was looking at their unbelief and at their heartlessness. And while they were sitting at the table, I appeared into their midst and I rebuked them, and then I took Thomas’ finger and put it into the sign of My nails in My hands and into My pierced side, that he might believe that it was I and that I was resurrected and then I told him: «Because you have seen Me, you have believed, but blessed are those who have not seen and they have believed». (John 20:29) Amen. Oh, who on earth does really want this happiness that I spoke with Thomas about, the one who believed after He had seen?


Oh, what shall I do to you, man, in order to believe? Shall I make you see Me in order to believe Me? Oh, which is the work of your faith, unbelieving and stiff-necked man? It is in vain that you say, the unbelieving and hardened one; it is in vain when you say that I, the One Who speaks into the middle of this people, am not, but rather that I am the devil or the man. You say it in vain. You say so because you are full of yourself and full of your glory on the earth. You say this because you do something else then the faith and its works.


And as for you, servants of the church in the world, the vainglory, in which the people of the vainglory on earth keep you, has made you grow blind and I will not spare you from rebuking because of your unbelief, because of your heartlessness and because your strong obstinacy, for I, the Lord, have in the midst of the Romanian people the river of My word and its river bed that I have showed it to the entire world by My heavenly governance on earth, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and I have a people of sons, and in their midst I have sons anointed by Me, the Lord, according to the order of Melchizedek, a heavenly order and not an earthly one, for I dwell into their midst with My saints, great and small, and I have in them a prophetic spirit and sight of My sight by which I look into the man and after the man and over the man on earth, according to what I have to see and speak over the man, and I have true witnesses and they speak of My coming on earth with a word of resurrection over the earth, the same as two thousand years ago I had the prudes, Joseph and Nicodemus, true witnesses of My crucifixion and resurrection, and beside them the saints whose graves were opened and came to life in Jerusalem and they spoke about Me that I was the Son of the Father, the crucified and resurrected Son, and they will bear testimony again in the day of the great resurrection, for the day when I will sound the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead, and then, after that,

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