» Religion » 2005.06.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit by Lord Jesus (easy to read books for adults list TXT) 📕

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2005.06.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit

                        The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit[2]



The Holy Spirit sighs in heaven and on earth. He is the tear of the Father and of the Son, God’s tear, which becomes word, tear that comforts even if there is no comfort for it but only pain, for the tear is born from pain.


I am the Father Sabaoth, and My Son stands on My right side, the Savior of the man humble in his spirit, and who is full of My sighing, and this sighing is called the Holy Spirit. The entire heaven of saints and angels is near Us, and the heaven is celebrating within a great mystery the holy feast for the little garden of the word, and the Father, the Son and the whole heaven of saints and angels has been looking at it, for it is its feast today, of the three feasts established over it at its sealing with the Holy Spirit, with God’s sign.


Oh, dear Son, this day has been waited by those who are faithful to gather them in it in the garden of the meeting, but at the work of the book We have those who make Us room on earth with the people at the feasts of the heaven. Oh, painful Son, the feasts of the heaven are not on earth as in heaven, even if You taught Your disciples to do God’s will on earth as in heaven in all the times, for the man has to do Our will, and without man this is not possible on earth. The Holy Spirit in Us becomes word, and the word is Our tear before the man, tearful Son, because all My word, which flows thorough You, is tear, aggrieved Son, and such feasts are among those in heaven, and these are not something else.


You told Your disciples that if You came to Me they would not remain orphans, that You would send them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter for the disciples on earth. But which is the comfort for heaven on the earth? Which really, Son Who, like Father, have been sighing for seven thousands years? If We cry, then is it good for the man to be otherwise? Is it good for the man to be without the Holy Spirit, Who cries within God? Here it is what the man has done! He has wanted to be happier than God and he has fled from this sufferance; he has fled from the Holy Spirit, Who has been crying behind him without comforting. The Holy Spirit cries and by His sufferance He comforts, and there is no man to know His mysterious face, His limitless sighing, because the man flees from sufferance and he does not let himself be a dwelling place for the rest of the Holy Spirit, Who is without a dwelling and without fruit in man.


The Holy Spirit cries above the little garden of the word, which calls the man to life from heaven, to feasts on earth as in heaven. The Christians wait for the feasts of the new people, but if they are not as in heaven when they come together, the Holy Spirit cries and His tear becomes word and no one wipes it out from among those who come together in the days of feasts prepared with labor in heaven and on earth for the comfort of the man who seeks after God.


Oh, My Son, I have come with a word of sighing into him so that We and the entire heaven may be within a mysterious feast of Holy Spirit. I have set those in the gates once with My entrance and I let My being in Your being, and We come in through the gates. Amen.


– Oh, Father, the pain of the Holy Spirit’s tear, We have nowhere to rest on it but only within the gates, and it is mysterious and it cannot be seen and known by man in such a way that he may also suffer from the sufferance of the Holy Spirit. Two thousand years ago, when I sent Your promise over My disciples from the world, the power of the Holy Spirit rested on many, and then the apostles baptized those who were added to the sight of the signs of those who followed. And Peter answered those who asked the apostles about what they were supposed to do: «Repent, and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit». (Acts 4:38)


Oh, My Father, where on earth is still there the baptism with the Holy Spirit? Oh, how much I suffer because of Our missing from man, Father! The lack of the Holy Spirit in man has punished Us with sufferance without comfort, Father. The man cannot get away from the flesh and the lack of longing after God made the man into dust, and it filled him with the worries of life, and We find the man only in this way, day and night, Father. We have limitless pains. We look with sorrow at the man to see him if he gets up for the Holy Spirit, and We are aggrieved because of Our absence from man, and We are aggrieved without comfort in heaven and on earth. Our sigh is Our entire feast and of Our Holy Spirit, Who becomes word, and the word calls for the tear of the Holy Spirit, My tear and Yours in My being, because I am Your word, and I become tear and it is word, Father.


Oh, My people, I would pick up your tears to bring them to the Father, but the tear is born of pain. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, but His tear does not find any comfort at all. The pain gets no comfort, My people. It is lived and it is a bedding of the Holy Spirit in the man who suffers like God and not like the man. The endless life is expensive, and I want with longing to make the man wise, so that he may long for the dough of God’s being, the Holy Spirit, full of sighing, the One without rest, seeking to make a people for Himself to have the baptism with the Holy Spirit upon Him, the mystery of the new man, born of heaven, of God.


Oh, My people, you should always look at you, if you have the Holy Spirit. Take the book and read it to see what the Holy Spirit does in man and you should always look at yourself and to take after the one baptized with the Holy Spirit and not after the haughty man, in which there is no place for this being of God. It was mysterious the feast of the Holy Spirit’s Descending upon the disciples two thousand years ago and then upon those gathered at Jerusalem from all the nations of the earth. You should be filled with the Holy Spirit, My people, for the man to receive spirit from God’s Spirit, and you should not be the guide of those who want to catch My being upon you and to spoil it for their empty glory on earth. If Judas wanted to be great on earth, he became the guide of those who sought to give Me over to death, and I allowed it to happen in order that I may fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead and to become the man’s guide to an endless life on earth as in heaven, and to baptize the man with the Holy Spirit, and that this sign may be shown in him. The one who wants to have control over his body and his flesh, let him come and be baptized in My name with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is how the Christians should come together at My feasts with you, and they should not come together otherwise, because I have lived among people as word for such a long time, and the man remained only man and he has not given himself over to God, when I opened to him to understand and then to become new. Behold, the man cannot, because the spirit lusts against the flesh, and there are only bodies of people on earth, bodies that eat bodies and which cry against God.


However, you, sons, should not rejoice when you eat, but rather be sad when you are hungry, for the hunger comes from the body and it comes when the body is strong and the spirit is weak. I do not say that you should not eat, but I say that you should not be glad when you eat, not to take delight for your body, for food is for the body. I want you to get saved from this evil and adulterous generation, and the salvation is received through tears and sweating in the field of the Lord, but this does not come at random.


When your body is greater than your spirit, let your spirit cry in that very moment, sons, because if I see you that way, I count that you love the Lord and not yourselves. Live for Me and not for you, and do not take after the body, for your body is your enemy, both to you and to Me, and at My coming with glory, you will see this, for My glory will shine over your bodies according to how much I have lived in them and in your spirits, I with My sufferance on earth and from man.


Now, I receive the sacrifice of your little hands for the memorial of those who went asleep and I give them relief. There are many of them who cry for those on earth, because those on earth do not know what the death of life is. The death of life is not the death of the body, which comes after the death of life, and the man does not know to learn from Me, from this spring of life, which will ask for an answer from every man who has taken from him and has not kept away from the death of life.


Oh, how little does the man understand Me, and he does this because he does not want Me. When I was calling the crowds at the feast of the Holy Spirit to come together near you, the man was not taking Me for his life; he was not taking Me because he did not want Me.


However, you, My people, should spend with the one who wants Me, for otherwise I do not have you as Mine. You have to be guided by God and with hard work I will bring to an end My book of fifty years of heaven, and you will see in it all My teaching from your midst and I will ask you about it, My people. It is the feast of the Holy Spirit; it is My tear after you and after the man, for you and for the man. And you should stay humbled before those who want to see My being in you, and you should be as good as God and not like man, and you should not tempt God for man, because you are the son of the heavenly works and not of those that are earthly.


I teach you to be a feast of the Holy Spirit. I teach you to have tears and not joys, for the Holy Spirit is only a sighing, My people. The

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