» Religion » 2013.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs, Basil, Gregory and John by Lord Jesus (easy novels to read TXT) 📕

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2013.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs, Basil, Gregory and John

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory, the God speaker and John, the Golden Mouth[2]



I am entering into My book of today as word and I am making My dwelling place in it and then I am going again with My written word over the earth and I am sighing through the word and I am sighing with the Father and with the saints, for I have reasons to sigh, and I have been sighing for seven thousand years.


I am blessing the power of those who carry Me in the word to My book, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) and let the heavenly powers work power for My descent, for it has to be carried. On earth it has to be as in haven for My descending, and the heavenly powers can work in heaven and they give power to the fulfillments that are to be accomplished and carried out. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, told to My disciples two thousand years ago to ask from the Father in My name everything they needed, and anything they might ask I would give them. This wisdom is great and it needs great fulfillment, as there is much need of God on earth and then there is also need of heavenly powers for the fulfillment of the word of prayer from earth to heaven, and man has to learn the heavenly laws for him on the earth with much diligence, and then God will also work with man by the man’s wisdom, for where there is no wisdom for those in heaven, there is no useful faith either. Oh, man does not have to get used to faith, as it has to be always built and accompanied by the heavenly powers for its fulfillment, as otherwise the man’s faith is like a leaf on the water and it does not bring forth any fruit and truth.


I am sitting at the table of word with those in heaven into your midst, people gifted with so much food of word by God. I have with Me at the table friends from heaven, wise servants in their time on earth and great workers of miracles and word, and also bishops according to their churchly rank in their time. With each holy feast, we, those in heaven and those on the earth, speak for the spirit of the feast and we give voice to it. The spirit of the holy teaching flows upon man from this heavenly spring, and power to carry God is needed both from heaven and from earth; much help is needed because My word upon man also needs much word, much living and then much fulfillment.


Oh, joy for the Lord and for man is needed. I want to be the man’s joy and he has to be My joy, My power for him. Oh, man, this is what you have to know! You, and if you are established, and if you go wrong, rejoice over your Savior with a sweet and holy propriety, always having your sins before you, for which you have a Savior Who was set on the cross for you, and do not be ashamed for them, oh, no, but rather humble yourself and get up to punish them from all your heart, for you have a Savior. Oh, who makes the man cry? Only sin can do this. Oh, how can sin do this? Yes, sin submits before love, as love makes man gentle and sensitive and then man cries before his Savior, Christ, Who washes away the sins of the world as Lamb and it makes man gently and to say: Oh, little and merciful Lamb, you took my place before the judge satan, who accuses me. I am the one who went wrong, and You are the One Who made atonement for me and my sin is constantly before me, but You are constantly with me too, Lord, my Savior, and You paid for my wrongdoings.


Behold how much affection and power for love man is able to have, the man who realizes all the time how sinful he is! Can he separate himself from the Lord afterwards? Oh, no! He feels the Lord in him living there by the brokenness of his heart full of warmth for the One in heaven Who is his Master, for the One Who saves the sinful one by His mercy for man. Oh, how affectionate king David was and how much comforted he was when he was saying: «For I know my transgressions. My sin is constantly before me. Against You, and against You alone have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Your sight, that You may prove right when You speak, and justified when You judge… Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness, that the bones which You have broken may rejoice… Create in me a clean heart, oh, God. Renew a right spirit within me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation. Uphold me with a willing spirit… Lord, open my lips. My mouth shall declare your praise». (Ps: 51 MT = 50 LXX/3-15)


I am sitting at the table of word with the bishops celebrated in a churchly manner in heaven and on earth on this day, and the teaching of today is great and it is that of a bishop. Oh, let us work for the Father and for His joy from man then, My beloved bishops! I in you, and you in Me, as this mystery and unity work between Me and the Father, and let us become word and with it let us give food. Amen.


— We are one in the word, too, our Lord and King on earth and in heaven. We have to tell the people the word of the Scripture of two thousand years ago, which says: «We know that whoever is born of God doesn’t sin». (1 John 5:18) Oh, how shall we do so that all people may consider that which we are bringing now to the renewal in their minds and to the fulfillment in the works of their lives, oh Lord? Oh, people need love. Sin submits before love and love makes man sensitive and gentle, and then it makes him humble before You and then man seeks after comfort for Your wounds from him and he wants to heal them for You, and Your comfort from him becomes his comfort and his salvation, and behold how much power love has, Lord!


Oh, if it were possible, Lord, we would stand up to visible work and we would go on our feet visibly high and low through the midst of the people, and we would tell them about this comfort from them to You, and then from You to them, for people do not have any comfort, they do not have, Lord, for they are condemned by sin, and the sin hides its ugly face and the spirit of the devil, which becomes sin in man. Those, who have heard from Your mouth during these days that there is no man without a demon in him, got upset, but only the one who is born of God does not sin, oh, Lord, and this is what man has to know and he has to humble himself much because of his weakness, and then, out of his humility, Lord, bring forth wisdom for him and make the man incline to a sweet spirit face to face with God, with You, Lord, Who bring the devil judgment on behalf of man so that You may redeem the man in such a way that he may no longer be the devil’s dwelling place.


Behold, there is comfort in pain, and there is both for You, Lord, and for man, too, only for man to be able to work, only that he may want to build the citadel of comfort. The evil spirit flees from the spirit of comfort and he has been struggling full of fear for two thousand years, since You promised that You would sent the spirit of comfort, the Holy Spirit the Comforter, so that He may be on earth for many of those who love You with longing and who can share Him with those who are not comforted, with those who suffer from sin.


Oh, Lord, Comforter, we are sitting at the table of word into the midst of the people of Your word. On the table with it, we put our word near Your word that is set on the table. First, Your people has to take from the table, then it has to share Your word, and finally, this seed has to bring forth fruit in many. You have given us the work of blessing, the work of watch and of victory for You and for the people of Your word and we stay into its midst for blessing, Lord, and we do not leave this place, oh, and how much the heaven dwells here with its watch! There would be nothing and no one on the land of Your choice here if the heavenly powers did not work and did not watch without rest and without bounds here, and much and holy propriety has to go from here up to You, for a heavenly army dwells here and it watches and sees, it works and it surrounds with power every piece of its side and each little corner here.


Oh, how much blessing is needed here always, Lord! But how much blessing has to be on earth, oh, Lord. Oh, the evil spirit has to grow week, for we, those who have had the rank of a bishop before You and before men, then and now, we speak the word against the evil spirit to go out completely and for good with its corruption from men; to come out and never to come back, and not settle with its work on other places, and let its power grow weak and then come out, for all things are Yours, Lord, everywhere, and people have to be taught so that they may no longer give any power to the devil, but rather to give You all their power, and then they have to be truly baptized in Your word in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then they should no longer get out of this bathroom, but they have to be worthy of a new shirt, of new love, of new life and of new age on the earth with the people, Lord. Let the evil spirit hear what we speak with You at the table of word into the midst of Your people of New Jerusalem, in Your citadel of today on the hearth of the Romanian people, where You and we, Your saints, set the word of the teaching of life. There is no school on earth, there isn’t, and on the earth there is something else that goes with this name. Only the Lord is a school for man, only You, Lord, and he who does not live and does not learn within You, is lamentable. Oh, how are people supposed to come to this spring when they stick to their passing glory, as though it would never come to an end? Do they think what will come to them after their will, their power and their glory will

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