» Religion » 2013.05.06 - The Word of God on the second day of the Holy Passover and the feast of the great saint martyr, George by Lord Jesus (best thriller novels of all time txt) 📕

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2013.05.06 - The Word of God on the second day of the Holy Passover and the feast of the great saint martyr, George

The Word of God[1] on the second day of the Holy Passover and the feast of the great Saint martyr, George[2]



It is a day of Passover; it is My day of Passover, a day of memorial of the Lamb of God, for I came to be a lamb of bloody sacrifice and I became food for man, the Lamb of Passover, as the lamb is sacrificed to be then put on the table to be eaten by the one who sacrifices it.


God became the Lamb of Passover and gave Himself to man as food, and the thrill in the man’s heart is too little when he comes closer to take Me and eat Me, for after I had given Myself to be sacrificed, it was fulfilled with Me the word spoken for the disciples one day before My crucifixion, as I told them: «Take, eat this is My body which is broken for you, and My blood, which is poured out for many for the remissions of sins». (See Matt: 26/26-28)


I am spending the Passover into your midst, people of My word. I have you as Mine and I call you Mine into the midst of the Romanian people and I am sitting with you at the table of word, and you shall put this lamp into the lamp stand to shine and you are to share My word. Behold, I have you as Mine and the voice of My word goes to the whole world from your table, as from your midst it makes its way to all the people on the earth and it knocks at their door to be opened and to come in and shine, and on a day of Passover, I, the Lord, am giving to all those who are on the earth the greeting of My resurrection: Christ has risen! And this greeting is a word of joy, the word of the proclamation of the resurrection and this word brings joy.


I, the Lord, rejoice when I do the man’s will, I rejoice over his joy, because he rejoices when I do his will as he asks Me in his prayers, and I fulfill his will as a God full of goodness. I would like to rejoice over man, too. I would like him to do My will as well and I would like him to rejoice over My joy too as I also rejoice over his joy when I do his will as he requests. Oh, how much goodness man needs for this! It is enough for him to be full of goodness after his nature and, that is all, and he loves God, he feels Him and then he rejoices after that, but if he does not have goodness he cannot rejoice God and neither can he make man rejoice. The man full of goodness denies himself and gives himself over to others all the time according to their will and not when and how he wants to deny himself. A man like this does not oppress anyone’s soul, but rather he is careful and always humbles himself to rejoice the man’s soul and never to dishearten someone else, for goodness cannot work otherwise.


Oh, how much I wanted to rejoice over the man goodness, over the joy that he might bring to Me. I went to be sacrificed like a Lamb to rejoice the man, to take the burden away from him and that his sacrifice may no longer oppress him, for the man’s sins are his heavy burden, but who is to tell him how much he grows this burden when he always adds to it? When I had seen that the man did not think how much burden he got upon him from the sin had committed, then I came from the Father in heaven and I got under a heavy burden, under a heavy cross, put on My shoulders by the Jewish people and then I went to be given to death in order to pay for the man’s freedom from the bondage of sin, to take the burden away from man, as after man had lost the paradise, the army of Lucifer took revenge against him and brought him under burden, as the heaviest sin is for man to separate himself from God, and man separated himself from God by his pride, by his desire to be exalted, and since then all the people have been oppressing each other and in this struggle they trample over the others and throw each other down, for they have no goodness. Even through the words, man overthrows man, man struggles against man and swells with pride against each other, and man cannot do otherwise anymore. 


Oh, who among people can be beautiful between heaven and earth? Who is still led by affection, gentleness and by the goodness that he may not oppress anyone inflicting on him any pain or with pain for pain? 


On a day of Passover, on a day of Holy Passover, I am setting on the table sweet teaching to help man receive in him My nature, God’s nature, so that man may be beautiful. I suffer for man, and I have been suffering for seven thousand years and I have been longing for his first beauty, as I kneaded man in My image and after My likeness, and after he had puffed up because of this, he became ugly and lost his beauty; he put God out of him and remained him alone. Man lost God and since then he has no longer been able to find Him, because he has no goodness, he has no gentleness; man has no affection at all. If man says that he has these, then I tell him that I am the One Who has them, not he, and I tell him that I am when I try to enter him with My image and with My likeness to show him what he has lost, for man lost My rest in him.


Oh, why man has no rest? Because I, the Lord, do no longer have rest in him; I do no longer have My joy in him, because he lives in his self. I built man with joy when I created him, and when I made the whole creation which I made by the word; I made it with joy and I gave it to man and I set him into its midst, as without joy for it no work is good to be done.


Oh, people of My word, oh, work son, work with joy everything you do in My name, for the first man has no longer rejoiced over Me and with Me, after I had created him, after I had put before him all My labor, all My joy, then when I created with it the heaven and the earth, and all those between heaven and earth. Oh, no work is good if man does not do it with all his joy, with the whole power of his soul, and with the whole power of his body! And neither his faith in God is good, if man does not do much for it to its confession.


Behold, it has come to match the day of Passover, the memorial of the greatest among the holy martyrs, the martyr George, the one who carried on his forehead the joy of My victory against those who were unbelievers and persecutors of the Christian people at that time, three hundred years after My coming down on earth. The martyr George drinks My word. I have him on My right hand side at the table of today. His joy was great on the earth and it has always been great. He had Me in him in all his faith, with all his longing, and this exalted him on a high seat to greatness among people, and he was very beautiful because of My beauty in him. Then the day came for him to testify about His being and the One Who was dwelling in him with a heavenly beauty, the Lord his God, for he was part of the Christian people, of the Christ people. Oh, how beautiful he was in the time of this confession for Me! The shining of God’s bearers is great before those who have earthly glory on earth and this brightness makes them proud for they are haughty. This is how the pagan king of that time decided to destroy the Christians in a bloody way, and the martyr George arose, as big as he was at that time over the king army, and he appeared to be a Christian with great power of confession on a high seat, and when he was tortured he overcame and marveled the world with all God’s signs upon him, for the love of Christ was great in My martyr, and it prevailed against the royal pride and the victory of the martyr George has remained history and he went up into heaven with it and with it he helps the Christians, and the Christians know him in heaven as the bearer of victory and they help with him in My name in all their trials, and behold, sons, what the power of joy in man means.


— Oh, I want, Lord, I want to speak to the sons of Your word too. It is my day of synod among saints and it is Your day of Passover, and we have to speak about Your joy from those who are faithful to You. Oh, bless my speaking, my King, for I want to tell those who want to listen to my speech of today, that if You, Lord, are not the joy of man always, always, as man is something else, and he has even become Your persecutor. Oh, woe to the life in man without God in it and for it, without the joy for it, for You, only You are the joy of the man’s life, only You, Lord! I had in me this joy as long as I lived on the earth. It was shining in me and those in my time used to like me because of it, and they exalted me on a high seat to lead the royal army, but when the persecution of the Christian came, I showed them all the One Who was living in me as joy and beauty, that is You, Lord, the One from Whom the king pressed me to separate for the sake of his lying idols. Then the joy of my soul startled and I got up with joy in time of unbelief to confess Your divinity, oh, Lord, and this joy was growing in me, and at the same time the opposition was growing in the king too once with my confession for You, and I overcame him, I overcame him together with You and for You, as I chose You and not him, and I have remained with You forever and You are my joy, from earth and up to heaven, and You are my joy, for any work for You has to be done with joy, Lord, and let all the Christian people on the earth hear this and get use to be beautiful, for beauty is joy, and joy is beauty, oh, Lord of the joy of my soul.  


Woe to the discontent man! What can make one like that rejoice? Nothing, nothing can make him rejoice, for joy is a virtue and it cannot give itself for moments and longings. The complacency of the soul does not have to be expected from the sides for it

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