» Religion » 2020.03.01 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise by Lord Jesus (i love reading txt) 📕

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2020.03.01 - The Word of God on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise

            The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from paradise



Oh, God is needed on earth, and God is One, and there is no other God but the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man, the visible and the invisible, and His name is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and all things have been made by Him, as it is written.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and all things were made through Him. In Him was life. Oh, and the same is in the end, the Word is with God, God is the Word and in Him is life, and the life is the light of men.


Oh, I come down on earth with the word of life in it to feed the man’s soul, that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,” (See Matt: 4/4), as it is written, and My word now is saying this:


Oh man, oh man, I am speaking over you My word now and I am saying that I am God, the Son of God the Father, and I am His Word upon you, and I am reminding you that My Father sent Me two thousand years ago to become Myself known as God from God, coming down from heaven on earth to become a Child and to grow up as the man born of man grows and that man may have Me and take Me as his God on earth. Oh, and then I returned to be with My Father, at My place in heaven; to be with My Father for you and to embrace you within the Holy Spirit the Comforter, man, and that you may have upon you the Spirit of the Trinity of God, working and protecting, and that you may not stretch out your hands to other gods that are not gods and that God may take care of you, man.


Oh, it is not good that the man should be a fool. Man must be wise and he must know God and believe in Him by the wisdom given to him by God at his creation, but for this faith is needed followed by obedience, man, and when you do not listen by the word left upon you by God, then you lose the fear of God and you are not afraid to come out from His protecting hand, and you lose your fear, for you lose your wisdom from God because of your disobedience to Him, as it happened to Adam, the man created by God at the beginning, and behold, when you lose the spirit of obedience, then your faith in God is futile, for he who believes listens and has faith for his protection.


And now I am speaking like this for those who believe in the Only One God and stay within this faith and inherit it from one another, and especially that from two thousand years when I came and appeared as light from light, true God from true God, carried in the womb by the Virgin and born as a Child to grow up like a man after that, oh, and I am the One of one Being with the Father, by Whom all things were made. And then comes the faith in the Holy Spirit the Comforter, proceeding from the Father and Who is worshipped together with the Father and the Son and is working thorough the prophets, and then all things through the church in a Synod of apostles, as My church was founded at that time. And I am saying this to urge and exhort you to the faith in One God, man, and to know what great God created a mature man at the beginning and you to stay under His hand and learn not to forget about God, for if you forget about Him, then you go and choose all kinds of other gods, which are not gods, for God is One, man.


And now, after I have sat down as the true God before man by My word spoken today, on the hearth of the Romanian people, poured out of My godly mouth, now I am saying over the entire people far and wide all over the earth:


Peace to you, sons of God on earth, and peace to you, sons of men! I am speaking like this for you to know how decide to be, for the sons of God are those who listen to His word and fulfill it, and the sons of men decide not to listen to God and choose their life without obedience, and when you have no one to listen to, then you do no longer have any protection over your life and listen to yourself and to those, who are like you and do not do God’s will by their obedience to His word.


And to you, Romanian people, oh peace to you, threefold power of peace, as on your hearth is the book of My word during these days, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) and for more than sixty years, I have been writing Myself into it and I have opened it to let you know that your God is with you, a country which has inherited its faith from its ancestors, an Orthodox country, with which the Lord has been well pleased and has His coming as word on earth, now, in the end of the time!


Oh, peace to you, Romanian sons, peace to you, for the people on earth have lost their peace, (Because of the coronavirus pandemic, r.n.) and you, My today’s country, should not lose it, My love, for God is with you, and you should be with Him, too, for you know what God you have and Who is Him and what He does for His people! Oh, behold, do not forget, do not forget about the weapon of your victory, My today’s country, do not forget about the weapon which cuts the entire enemy intention, for you are a people with a cross in your walking on earth, and I urge you to make the sign of the cross all the time so that you may be My confessor, and to be protected by the cross for I paid for your salvation and for your faith in God by the cross, Romanian sons. Oh, son, make the sign of the cross so that the Lord may send you angels and protecting saints to protect you from the evil things on earth, the place where the devil wages war against God to win the man on one side or the other, as man wants to choose, for on earth there are whole nations of people without a cross, without saints from heaven, if they do not believe in them, but you have got a great inheritance of saints which have left your path to God, and a path from God to you so that you may know the way and the cross on the way. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) Therefore, lift up your little hands to your God, Jesus Christ, and call Me near you to protect you, for I have always taught you to have God with you, for behold, I stay with you, and I hold council in your midst, and “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance; and the true God foils the plans of the nations, He thwarts the purposes of the peoples, He despises the counsel of the princes, but the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations,” (Ps: 33/12, 10, 11, - 33 MT = 32 LXX), as it is written.


And you, Romanian people trust in the Lord your God and stand under His protection; love Him and sanctify yourself for Him, for your God is holy, and behold, the time of the Lent and the remembrance of My passions through the cross are coming, and you should take from the teachings set by the holy fathers at the foundation of the Christ’s church two thousand years ago, and then by the holy hierarchs, and not by any kinds of hierarchs, oh, and do the will of God, do everything through the church, because the Christian people is God’s church and the Lord is its midst and holds His counsel, as it is written. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Oh, and the church of the Romanian nation has great favor with God, and behold how I come, how I stay in the word, how I shepherd you and how I tell you not to be afraid, and I strengthen your faith, your hope and peace; therefore, be intelligent, Romanian sons, and do not forget that it is written: «Unless the Lord watches over a citadel, the guards stand watch in vain». (Ps: 127/1) Oh, and let everything be done only with God.


Oh, do not be afraid, Romanian people, do not fear, Romanian sons, (Fear caused by the large number of deaths in China, Italy, Spain and the United States due to the virus, r.n.) for God is with you through His word and protects you and He also teaches you how to protect yourselves by the cross and how to make a cross over all of your things, over water and food, over the earth you walk on and over the air that surrounds you, over your entrances and exits, oh, and stay at home, stay in your country, in your blessed country, for I have come in it as the word of new creation, the new creation of the new world, sons, and you shall not leave far, well Romanian sons, oh, for many have gone wrong concerning this country and left it; they left it, they went away on their own like those who are scattered far away, and the Romanian saints cry in heaven; they cry because of those who have left the country, blessed today, when the Lord is the defender and the treasurer of those who are faithful, for those who are faithful do not need riches or money, but love, health, obedience and thanksgiving in all things. Oh, there are no longer merciful teachers over you, My country, and I have come to help you under your cross, but stay under the cross, for woe to the people without a cross, woe! (Allusion to non-Christian peoples, or those who claim to be Christians but despise the sign of the cross, r.n.) Oh, and who is to tell the nations about this pain that goes up to heaven from all those who despise, at their expense, the weapon of victory and by so doing, put their life in danger? And when you make the sign of the holy cross, do not forget, Romanian son, to keep the three fingers of your right hand crossed in the name of the godly Trinity, Whom you worship and in this way to mark your body and all your things, your way, your food, your sleep and waking up from your sleep, your thought and peace and your love of God, and you will be the people loved by God, the obedient people and protected by obedience, oh, and do not be afraid of what the fearful are afraid, and do not receive the evil rumors

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