» Religion » 2017.04.16 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the holy Passover by Lord Jesus (top rated books of all time txt) 📕

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2017.04.16 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the holy Passover

The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the holy Passover[2]



On a day of the feast of resurrection, I come back again and again at My love for man, for the one who did not love Me after I had built him with My hand and after I had given him being, for the one who did not love Me even if I let Myself overcome by him two thousand years ago, when he did not receive his Maker to give Him shelter when I came from heaven on earth to remind him that I had given him the paradise and its happiness, and in return to give Me room and board when I made My way from heaven on earth to seek him and to give him again and again My love for him, for the one who did not love Me after I had built him.


Now I am coming before him for the third time and I am offering him My love for him; I am offering him the cleansing of his guilt, for his guilt is that he did not love Me, he did not love his Creator and did not give Him any shelter, and My way after him is full of love, full of waiting and pain because he did not receive Me, oh, and he does not receive Me now, too; he does not open to give Me rest and to put Me at the table with him, or at least to open for Me and to ask Me who I am that I speak to him as his God, and that I may tell him My story of love for him and to speak about himself and Me and to be sorry that he has not loved Me and to tell him that for this I have built him, to love Me and to give Me rest and to be My love, My comfort, My story of love, for I built him as a man builds his house to live in it and to make a family and to raise offspring by love, only that My love for man is not to his pleasure after he had made other kind of love, other kind of life than that I prepared for him, for Me with him, and since then I have remained with My love wounded and My love for man cries with sighing, for the one who did not love Me after I had built him, and I cry with longing and sore, I cry like a father who is not loved or comforted by his child and who is left aside, forsaken, with his heart seeking and with his eyes always, always in tears.


On a day of the feast of resurrection I am trying with the voice of My word to speak with man and to give him the greeting of My resurrection of two thousand years ago, when all were shouting to each other in Jerusalem and giving the news that Christ had resurrected, until this news reached before the chiefs priests, who crucified Me on the cross to wash their hands from Me and the truth about Me, for I said that I was the Son of God, the Father, and that I came on earth with the kingdom of the heavens, calling all people to it and then for it with them.


At the beginning of the day of the feast of resurrection, now as two thousand years ago I am humbling Myself before My disciples who welcomed Me after My resurrection and whom I told, “Peace to you!” because they were sad and confused. I am coming down now and telling My disciples of today: Oh, peace to you, children bearing of God, here, at My spring of word with you! Christ has risen! This is heard on a day like this far and wide among those who know that they are Christians in My name.


Oh, sons, sons, Christ has risen! My love for man is sighing even now; it is sighing and waiting, and it lets itself known that it is coming on earth after man and waits to be open for it. With your help I have made a way from heaven to earth and I cry at the gates of the men’s hearts to become known to them, to call them all to their reconciliation with God, the Father, and with His Son, Jesus Christ, the One crucified and resurrected on the third day from the grave two thousand years ago. Oh, man did wrong against God then and put Him to the cross, and therefore, man needs resurrection because of this heavy sin, which he always, always, does by this lack of love for God.


Oh, what would man have to do in order to know and to hear and turn back to God? Sons, sons, the feeling of guilt, this is what man needs to have always, always, and he needs remorse as well and much love after that so that these may replace the wages of his sin between him and God.


Oh, children from My spring of word, Christ has risen! I am happy because of you that you are opening for Me to come, sons. I am working for those who believe in My coming as word on earth to get used to the love from above, but even more than this, I am trying to teach them how to be children, how to get away with sin in order that their sin may be done away with as the infants that have committee no sin at all. I call you children when I speak with you, because you have learned to listen from heaven as on earth to all that come to you to carry you, for I have come to set the mystery of child over those who believe God the Word, Who comes to you to share it over the earth. Children are those who are carried, those who are taken care of, those who are helped, those who learn to walk, to speak, to sing, to write, to work, to wash, to plough and to seed, to love through everything and to do everything by working and listening to everything, for otherwise man cannot be a child in order to have part with My kingdom with which I have come on earth again and again, as two thousand years ago preaching it coming afresh from Me and set by word over those who have received Me with it as some children who submit themselves with love to the kingdom from above for them.


Oh, I see man everywhere praying to God and I see him always overcome, defeated, and the way of his prayer is broken always, always. When man brings his prayer to heaven but he also sins, oh, which one of these two is stronger and can work upon man? Oh, in order that man may no longer work his separation from God by his sin, he needs to despise the sin and to be afraid of sin as to his fiercest enemy. He who has the feeling of guilt always, then one like that is humble, is modest, and when he humbles himself with his prayer to heaven, he is no longer defeated, but rather he is victorious, because he is humble, and I, the Lord, wipe out his sin and wash his little shirt in My sacrifice on the cross for him, in My blood, which is the sign of the washing of his sin, for I shed My blood on the cross to wash man from his sin, and this is what I knew to do for man his washing and to give him again face and life, as I gave him in the beginning.


Oh, children sons, I have great pains from those that do not have and do not seem to have any feeling of guilt in order to be able to work the forgiveness of their sins. Man sins by his own lust, as it is written, and no one needs to blame anyone for his sin, but only himself if he wants to be a Christian according to the truth, if he loves the justice of all things like God, for on the way of the faith the Christian does not have anything else to do for his mistakes, he does not have to blame his brother for him but only himself and his lust by which he conceives sin for everything man lusts and loves. Oh, the one you hear that condemns the brothers for himself, the devil writes that one as a betrayer of brothers, and the devils have a great round dance at the moment when they see a Christian despised by other Christian, and the heart of that one, who receives contempt for his neighbor by bad talk or slander, is filled with contempt for the one who is slandered and the brotherly love dies out, it leaves the brothers, and this is worked from one to another by self-vindication talk and at the same time blaming the brothers. Oh, this happened two thousand years ago with those who plotted contempt for Me and for My disciple brothers, and thus I was taken to the cross to be crucified; however, I obeyed and I loved this because I loved man, and My love for man brought forth My resurrection from the dead to go on with the mystery of the resurrection of the dead and to save many by this, because My work has been given Me by the Father to do and to be the Savior of those who receive Me to give them the resurrection, their renewal and then their forgiveness.


Oh, I am above the clouds of glory and I comprise you with My spirit and look, My today’s country. You are the one to which I am coming as word during this time. You are My Romania and you have in you the field with a treasure in it. My word upon you is your treasure, oh, and how much I would like you to become rich within this light and to shine through it more and more, stronger and stronger, and to be rightly called the country of brightness, for it is written in the prophets about you, oh, My today’s country, only that I may give revelation for you to know how to read the Scriptures and how to interpret them, for otherwise man looks at the Scriptures as to a sealed book, or like one who does not have any knowledge when you ask him about those that are written in the Scriptures and in the prophets.


Oh, peace to you, country of brightness, My today’s country! I am with a suite following Me, riding on white horses and coming to you, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) and We are coming down from heaven. The Father Sabaoth is asking you in marriage for His Son, Jesus Christ, because the Father has chosen a wedding hall, a heavenly table and a bride people into your midst, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) and My river of word is flowing upon you. I am the Lord of resurrection, Jesus Christ, and I am coming to you with the greeting of My resurrection and I am telling you in a day of the feast of My resurrection: Christ has risen! He is your treasure, Who has been becoming word on your hearth for more than sixty years.

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