» Romance » White Rose by Habiba Begum (e book reader pdf TXT) 📕

Book online «White Rose by Habiba Begum (e book reader pdf TXT) 📕». Author Habiba Begum

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White Rose


In Jameson High School there is a huge tree as a big as the school itself. An idiotic but fun loving popular guy names Jake liked to climb that tree every day when he was free. He was quite decent and was nicely dressed. He was energetic and loved life. He was always happy. He has quite handsome but his love life was very different to others. Although he had many girls that were his friends, he would never look at them in that way. He would only befriend them. If they confessed to him he would say that they were not his type of girl he was looking for but actually he was afraid of complications and saying goodbyes.


One sunny day at school he climbed down the huge tree he always climbs and quickly went to his friends Amanda and Tom. They knew him since nursery.

“Hey Jake, were you up that tree again? You monkey”

“Shut up Tom, I’m not a monkey but I just like climbing anyway I can’t chat. The mid -term exams are right around the corner and I haven’t yet studied so I’m going to revise in the library. Do you guys wanna come?”

They frowned, “nah we already revised in class, some of us don’t sleep in lesson so that’s when we revised but were going bowling now. Do want to come?”

Jake wanted to come. He hated revising and felt like he could use a break but he knew that if he didn’t pass his exams, his father would be angry so he declined, “nah I’m gonna stay and revise. See you later”

Just as Jake was about to leave, a strictly dressed plain girl came In front of Jake. She had fair skin complexion, wore her uniform very neatly, wore thick black rounded glasses and had her hair plaited to the side.

One of Jake’s friends laughed at her.

“That’s Amelia, the robot. She never shows any expressions on her face that’s why everyone calls her a robot or a machine”

The girl ignored the boy mocking her and turned towards Jake, “hello, my name is Amelia and I want you to go out with me for a month”

Her friend’s oohed and nudged Jake giggling.

Jake pushed them away and looked at her shocked, “excuse me? Did you say you want to go out with me for a month?”

She nodded, “yes I did”

He looked at her confused, “err, why me?”

She stared at him and then replied, “I am a number one honour student and I only want to date a boy that is number one”

Jake was happy and chuffed she said that.

“by the way, why is it only one month?”

She looked towards the ground, and then back at Jake, “it is because I am being transferred to a strict place so I want to experience dating in this remaining month. In return I will give you a live concert to Chris Brow. You will get the ticket at the end of the month. Do you accept?”

Jake immediately was excited, “oh my God really? I thought I thought they were sold out? Hell yeah I accept! It’s only for a month anyway”

His friend Dave shook his head in disappointed, “he’s such a fool”

Amelia picked up her bag, “well then I am going home, bye”

Jake ran behind her, “okay, il walk you home”

Amelia turned around and stared at him bluntly, “no I can go home by myself. Don’t follow me”

Jake stopped smiling and watched her walk home in the other direction, “what a strange girl. Does she not understand the concept of going out? Right I’m not going to get bored this month so I might as well have some fun with this”

The next day after school had ended Jake and Amanda took Amelia to the hair salon and after a while they had transformed Amelia from a geek to a cute, beautiful girl. Now she had her hair cut out from plait, straightened and also contacts replaced from glasses.

Amanda was shocked and smiled, “wow. You loom so adorable! I can’t believe it’s really you”

Jake looked at her and smiled happily and said with a sneaky grin, “you look very cute”

Amelia had finally smiled shyly and Jake had noticed it.

“Hey. I saw a smile! So she is human then”

The next day at lunch Amelia and Jake walked across the courtyard of the school to sit under the three and eat lunch together, Jake suggested it was a normal thing a girl and boy would do if they were dating. While walking to the tree Jake stared at Amelia while she looked forward. She hadn’t noticed him until a few minutes later. She turned and looked at him confused, “what? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Nothing, you just look very different”

“Do you mean in a bad way?”

Jake laughed, “No silly, not in a bad way. It’s good. You look very cute that’s all. Anyway we should hold hands since were going out”

Jake gently put his hands into hers and they walked across the courtyard hand in hand. Students noticed them and so did one girl, “who’s that girl? Wait, oh my God is that Amelia the robot. Wow she’s gotten really cute now. Are they going out?”

Many student stared at whispered as they passed by but Amelia and Jake ignored the. Amelia opened her lunch box and everything was healthy and put in very neatly.

“are you going on a diet or something?”

Amelia was startled, “err kind of, I’m laying off the junk food as its unhealthy”

Jake didn’t mind, “well okay since we are going out can I feed you?”

Jake picked up her fork from her lap and fed her vegetables. Amelia looked at him bluntly, “you ask me permission for things but you go ahead and do it before I even respond”

Jake giggled, “Hey we are boyfriend and girlfriend after all right so I do have a right to feed you. Anyway open up, I’ feed you some more”

Amelia smiled at him and decided to pick up his fork and feed him some of his chicken from his lunch box. He looked at her and she looked at him while chewing their food. Then they ended up laughing.

After Jake and Amelia had finished their food they walked together through the halls for their next lesson. Suddenly Amelia had stopped and held her head with both her arms and wobbled a bit. She couldn’t feel her legs. They felt numb. Jake stopped and held her left arm to give her support, “are you okay?”

“Don’t worry. Its’ nothing. It’s just a small fever”

She then closed her eyes and her body began to shiver a bit. Jake quickly picked her up and walked her to the nurse’s office.

“What are you doing?” Amelia said speaking very softly.

“I am carrying my princess. Since she cannot walk I will carry her. Does that answer your question? Now relax were almost there”

The nurse checked Amelia properly while Jake waited outside. A few moments later the nurse had left and Jake ran into the room, “are you okay? Is it serious? Do we need to take you to the hospital?”

“No, that’s not needed, I’m fine. Thank you for everything”

“It’s okay honest”

It was quiet for a while until Jake decided to talk, “okay well we don’t really know much about each other so I think it would be great if we found out some things. So I’ll start. I like science and sports and bowling and having fun. Now it’s your turn”

Amelia replied, “I am an A* honour student In English, Mathematics, Science and History. I also like to cook.

Jake was amazed, “bloody hell you are smart. Hey maybe one day you can cook something for me”

Amelia smiled, “we might not get that chance but we will see”

Just then the school bell rang, which meant school had ended for the day.

Jake grinned, “Lesson finished and we hadn’t even attended but oh well. I always hated History. Anyway are you okay to go home now?”

“Yes I’m fine. Let’s go home. By the way, do you want to go to my house today and we can study for the end of term exam?”

Jake had been invited to a lot of girl’s houses but he had only ever been to Amanda’s house. He didn’t like to interact with girls much. However something about Amelia made him curious and he wanted to go to her house.

“Yeah, sure, sounds good to me. Do you want me to carry you home if you can’t walk?”

Amelia swiftly turned her head and looked at him confused, “No, I’m not a baby I can walk myself, but thanks for offering”

They walked home together through park. It was a quiet walk through the park and they both looked around awkwardly. A short while after two men were walking through the park too. They were muscular men pointing at girls jogging past and winking and whistling. Girls scoffed at them at disgust. Suddenly they noticed Amelia coming up the path. They looked at in an evil way and scratched their heads. Jake had noticed their strange behaviour and so he took his right hand and placed it on her arm to keep her next to him. Amelia turned to look at his arm on hers and then at him. Jake was facing the men and gave them serious looks, Amelia didn’t know what to do, but she kind of liked it. One of the men turned to her direction and pretended to bump into her.


Amelia looked at him angrily and Jake was furious. You could tell by his expression that he was not happy.

The man who bumped into her put up his hands to his chest, “Man chill out dude. I’m sorry I didn’t see her. Is she your girlfriend?”

Jake didn’t respond but instead he took her hand and held it tight. Then he looked at the front and tugged Amelia by the hand. “Come on. Let’s go”

“I said I’m sorry!”

Jake and Amelia carried on walking. They ignored the man shouting. Amelia looked at him worriedly, Jake was fuming. He was so cross that he was walking very fast.


He didn’t respond.


Nothing again.


Jake stopped, “huh? Sorry what did you say?”

Amelia stopped while still holding his hand, “calm down. Their idiots, just forget it”

Jake was still angry, “how can I calm down! They hurt you and were flirting with you. I should go back there and punch them one”

Amelia squeezed his hand, “please don’t. Do you know what? This is the first time this has happened. Before boys never even noticed me so I didn’t know what to do, however I found it very cute what you did and thank you for protecting me. You’re a great friend”

Jake looked at her confused at first and then he smiled at her and then stepped closer to towards her, “hey, what are friends for. Thanks for pushing me back. I don’t know why I got so angry. Maybe I got so angry because I don’t like men harassing girls or it could be that I was just protecting a friend”

Then he leaned in while still holding her hand. Held her other hand too and gave her kiss on the cheek. She blushed and looked down.  After the kiss he looked at Amelia affectionately.

“Was this kiss for being a good friend?” said Amelia quite unaware as to why he had kissed her.

He winked at her, “maybe”

He squeezed her hand, “come on let’s get going. Where is your house anyway?”

“Just down that corner”

Amelia opened the door with her key, “I’m home. I have brought a friend with me so I hope you don’t mind”

Amelia’s mother walked into the front room. Jake looked at her and a huge grin sprung on his face. Amelia’s mother was about the same size as Amelia. She was small and cute and wore adorable little glasses and a blue

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