» Romance » Overprotective Boyfriends by Crasanda (read my book txt) 📕

Book online «Overprotective Boyfriends by Crasanda (read my book txt) 📕». Author Crasanda

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Meet Jake and my Life

Hi. Wanna listen to my hilarious but serious love story? You'll hear about my seriously good looking boyfriend. Well, though he has flaws like anybody else. Maybe a bit more than flaws. You see his picture? You know what I mean. He smokes weed and deals but would do anything to keep me for himself. Anyways, you just get on with the story.

I crossed my arms across my chest. Jake rolled his beautiful eyes. "I'm not going anywhere." I told him. Jake hauled me onto his shoulder and he carried me out the room. I pounded against his back. "Put me down! Jake!" I yelled. Jake continued walked down the stairs and out the front door. "Be quiet Taylor." he commands me in that sexy voice. I immediately obeyed. He rang my doorbell and stepped inside when my mom opened it. "I've got a delivery Mrs. Walker." he laughed when he placed me gently onto the ground. He walked out the door with me on his heels. "Go back." he told me without turning around. "But why can't I come along?" I asked annoyingly. He stopped in his tracks and I bumped into him. He turned around to face me. "You really want to come with me?" he asked me. I nodded excitedly. "Well, you can't." he said rudely. "Why are you so mean to me these days!?" I yelled at him. The dark brought out his green eyes. He seemed to shatter when I said that. "Because." he shrugged. I bit my lip. "Well. Too bad. I'm still coming with you." I stated.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He gave me the death glare. I put my hands on my hip and looked straight back at him. "I'm coming and that's final." I restated. "Why do you have to be so annoying? Go stalk somebody else!" he waved his hand at me. I shook my head. Jake started walking away towards his house. "I'll kiss you if you don't let me come." I threatened. Jake would never want me to kiss him. It was like his death sentence. He stopped in his tracks like somebody had called him a chicken. Which was a bad thing to do. Trust me, I'm talking from personal experience. He continued walking towards his front door. "You're a chicken! A fat one too!" I cried. He stopped in his tracks again and spun around. He walked back towards me. I released my hands from my hips. I took a step back. Then another. I was cornered between the side wall of my house and his and himself. He positioned himself in front of me. Now I had no way out.
"What did you call me?"
"A chick that's in."
"You're lying."
"Pff. Why would I lie to youuuu."
"You called me a chicken."
"Why would I do that? Right?...."
"..." I gulped. Jake took a step towards me to pop the personal space bubble. His green eyes looked the same as they were before. His arms rested on the wall beside my head and he pressed his body against mine. "Give me a good reason why you want to come with me." I blushed. I wasn't used to having hot guys brush against my body everyday.
"Go on."
"Thought so."
He held my gaze for a while. He leaned in a bit. His lips only a centimeter away. Then he suddenly pushed away from me and continued walking towards his house. I could still smell his cologne. Ahhhhhh. *sigh*. I followed him, skipping all the way behind him. I had to be more annoying. I walked in after him, with no one to stop me because his parents were gone on a buissness trip and they had told my parents to keep an eye on him. Which I was doing for them. "Wait. I have a good reason why I should come!" I shouted when he closed his bedroom's door on me.
"Because you parents told my parents to keep an eye out for you and I'm doing that for them." I explained giddily. Jake slammed the door open and walked past me pulling on a shirt. He swore at his parents under his breath. I was still shocked at the sight of his abs. *Amazing!* I followed him down the stairs and towards the kitchen. He pulled out an apple from the fridge and sat down on the couch in the family room. I followed him like Twitter. I sat down beside him. He turned on the TV. I poked him in the side. "When did you get those?" I said laughing clearly directing towards his abs. He jerked away from me laughing. I had hit a soft spot. J-A-C-K-P-O-T!-!-!-! "I got them long time ago. Want to see them again?" I ignored him and started watching TV. I had read in TRUST magazine, if you want to attract hot guys, follow these steps:
1. Be his friend (whole list how)
2. Don't annoy him much (I'm the total opposite!)
3. Don't flirt with other guys (I'm not pretty :()
5. Show him you want him. (I do! I do! I do!)
6. Give him time to understand your feelings for him. (not. :$)
7. Hold his gaze a couple times a day. (How is that supposed to help?)
8. Become friends with his friends. (I'm already friends with them! Hardy har har!)
9. Kiss him on the cheek. (Totally go for it. But he ovoids it.)
10. At the final step, you can only do this once or your relationship is a fail. When he makes a cute joke, ignore him only ONCE. (Stalkers. Pffff.)
11. After this, you've got his undivided attention.
"Does this mean I'm coming with you????" I asked him. "Sure. But don't say that I didn't stop you." he shrugged. I wondered what could be so bad. "I was wondering about that kiss... you know." joked Jake. "What about it?" I asked turning my gaze toward him. "Were you really going to kiss me if I didn't let you come?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Obviously. Why not? I had the perfect plan to finally kiss you but you ruined it. Now I have a new one." I let it all out. He cocked his head to the right and then laughed at me.
"You'll never get me to kiss you!" he laughed. "I will. You were about to kiss me against the wall. You didn't because you don't have the guts, too." I reached to poke him in the chest but he caught my hand startling me. "I don't have the guts to kiss a girl?" he asked me. I nodded. I had his undivided attention. Jake's weakness was when people called him names that really ticked him off or when someone insulted him like the classic chicken. He was really hot when he was angry. His face never went red like others or anything. It stayed the same while his eyes did all the work. His eyes went black as they do when he's angry or pissed off. Trust me, I did my research. He pulled me by the waist closer to him. He was going to kiss me right here on the spot????? He was a total rebel. He closed his eyes. "I'm only doing this to prove that I have the guts to kiss a girl." he told himself. His lips crashed onto mine surprisingly. They were soft. My stomach fluttered violently. I hoped my lips were soft, too. He pushed me down onto the couch so I was laying down and he was on top of me. My stomach fluttered again. I thought he was going to stop any second but he continued like he actually wanted to kiss me. We continued the kiss enthusiastically until we were out of breath and had to stop. He sat up breathing hard on my legs. I tried to sit up but he was still sitting on my legs. "Jake. You're sitting on my legs." I told him. He got up and turned the TV off. "Wait. I have a question." Jake sat down beside me. He signaled me to go on. "Were my lips soft or rough?" I asked him. Jake laughed. "What? I'm curious." I said innocently. "They were soft." he answered pulling me back into his arms. "And you know what?" he asked me bringing his face close to mine, only two inches away. I shrugged. "If we stay here longer, we'll miss the place where I'm going and you're not." His lips touched mine gently again and again so we had time to breathe. "But you said I'm coming with you-" he cut me off with his lips. "You were saying?" he asked. "I said that you said that I wa-" he cut me off again with his lips. "Please continue." he said pulling away from my lips. "But-" he picked me up into his arms. My stomach fluttered again. I was starting to feel self conscious by the way he was looking at me. He walked out of the house and dropped me off in front of my door. "But I want to come with you." a car pulled up in front of his house. I could see Riley sitting in there. "Never mind." I said turning to my door and fumbling with the lock so I could go in. "Are youuuuu suuuureeee????" asked Jake batting his eyelashes and biting his lip to keep himself from laughing. "No thanks." I said stepping in. "Movie at my place tomorrow?" he asked. I shrugged. "If I have time." I answered. "You better." he said winking at me before leaving and climbing into the car. I closed the door and made sure it was locked. I went straight to my bedroom and locked that door too. I changed into my ice blue penguin pajamas. I climbed into bed. Finally, to think through what had just happened. Amazing. Was it that easy to kiss a boy? Wow. I should've done this earlier. I closed my eyes and drowned into darkness.

12:38 P.M
My phone rang. I drowsily hit my alarm clock expecting it turn off, to later find out it's my phone. I picked it up. "Hello? Why the hell are you calling me at twelve?" I asked before the caller even said hi. "Hey, sleeping beauty." answered a familiar sexy voice. It was Jake. I groaned. "Hiiiiiii" I yawned. "You sound tired." he noticed. "I am." The line was silent for a moment. "You mind pushing your blinds away?" he asked me. I got up and pushed my blinds away. Jake was standing in his room, waving at me. I waved tiredly back. I wanted to go back to sleep. Badly. I sat down on my chair and shrugged at him. He shrugged back. "Is this why you called me?" I asked him getting up and getting ready to go back to bed. He smiled innocently. "No." he answered with a sexy edge to his voice. I rubbed my eyes. "Why did you call me then?" I asked him now anxious to know so I could go back to sleep. "Can you come over?" he asked pressing his nose against his window. I trusted Jake that he would never rape me. But right now? I was anxious to go back to sleep. "Better not rape me, Jake." I said going to the washroom and washing my face and brushing. I heard him laugh softly.
12:45 P.M
I rang his doorbell. I had pulled a teal sweater on top

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