» Romance » be witched by dancingmilklover246. (bookreader TXT) 📕

Book online «be witched by dancingmilklover246. (bookreader TXT) 📕». Author dancingmilklover246.

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“Okay. Your next project is actually with partners.”
A small cheer erupted throughout the class as most students looked over to their best friends. Exchanging knowing looks. “Well don’t get to excite I’m going to be picking your partners.” Mrs.Garcia smirks and laughs as the class groans.
I scribble in my notebook the rubric and the rules Mrs.garcia rambles. My inner demon laughs as she hears we have to work with partners.
Hah. You work horrible with people.
“And to ensure you people don’t cheat you must take pictures of both make the dessert.” Another chorus of groans and I smirk.
Leave it to Mrs. Garcia to find the worst project before thanksgiving break.
Rolling my eyes I slip my entire book into my bag.
“Shara and Janie, Tami and Derek. Hmnnn let’s see.”
I sigh and cap my pen. Taking huge gulps of water.
“And mia and Kyle.”
Back up a second. Mia. Okay that’s me. Kyle?
As in Kyle reinfeild?
Even better. Now you have to work with your worst enemy. Well this should be fun.
I blink and scowl. Shut up I yell at her.
As the bell rings I walk over to her packing up her bag and papers. “Mrs.Garcia I think there was a mistake. I can work alone.” I plead but with a final shuffle of papers she walks towards the door and opens it.
“Partners are final. I make no changes.”
Yup. Just leave it to Mrs.Garcia.
Stalking out of school I zip up my jacket as rain starts to pour.
Damn you Mrs. Garcia. Damn you.


Shaking out my wet hair I tiptoe upstairs and check on Annalise.
She was sleeping. Her tiny body curled into a small ball. Music from her I pod playing softly.
Her pill bottle next to her bedside table. Closing her door I pass my parents room and pass the room my mom is in. Going up the stairs towards my attic bedroom I open my door and step inside.


How am I supposed to get this project done? I mutter as I walk into cooking class. Finding my seat I doodle on my notebook and wait for my partner to get here.
“Okay so I say we get together at my house bake the dessert and hand it in. how does Friday sound?”
oh look mr.hotshots talking to you my inner demon smirks.
I look up startled to my side to see Kyle talking but not looking at me.
“I can’t Friday.” I say. Liar.
“We need a title for our project. I don’t know. The baking experience.”
We plan for Sunday in all of two seconds. His title becoming the first option. After getting what he was after he stood up and stalked to his desk. His tall form looming over everyone else.
“Damn it. Baking with an asshole that should be your freaking title.” I mutter just as Mrs.garcia walks by.
She raises her eyebrows when I sheepishly look up at her and shrug.
Her heels click and clack as they make their way around the room.
Suppressing a sigh I start the worksheet she handed to us.
Damn you Mrs. Garcia.


Her foot was tapping against the chair and she kept chewing the eraser of her pencil.
Damn you’re Mrs.Garcia for paring her up with me.
I turn my attention back to Kelly and let her coax me into going to a party at her house on Saturday. Why not am I had to spend a whole day working with mia I might as well have fun on Saturday.
I look down to this sheet.
Starting to write in the correct measurements I look back towards mia to see her with her nose in a book, her glasses slipping off her face.
Damn you Mrs.Garcia.


“You have to come!” marina sequels. I look over to my best friend. Rolling my eyes. “No marina I’m not going to go to some stupid cheerleading party.” I bite into my apple.
She grunts. “But it’s your birthday on Sunday you have to go please!” She looks at me and I know I won’t win this argument.
“Fine.” She sequels again and jumps around in her chair. “….So on Saturday to help you pick out your outfit. Ohhhhh maybe the brown skirt and the white long sleeved or maybe…” She keeps rambling. I turn my attention towards the window.
And immediately regret looking that way. Leaning against a tree was cheerleading captain Kelsey and Kyle making out. Gross.
Grimacing I turn back to marina. “Okay I’ll just have to see your closet again.” She says shoving a couple goldfish into her mouth. She starts to text someone and I roll my eyes again as Kyle and Kelsey walk into the cafeteria holding hands.


Friday afternoon I walk into my quit house and don’t bother taking off my boots.
“Mom?” I call into her room and go in. finding her sitting on the bed. All dressed.
“Are you ready?”
She nods.


“Kelsey stops it. I don’t feel like doing anything.” I tell her pushing her off of me for the fourth time this afternoon. She huffs and scowls. “You’re so boring.” She whines her high pitched voice irritating.
“Kelsey if you actually did your homework maybe things wouldn’t be boring to you.”
“Stop being such an ass Kyle. I see you tomorrow at the party I better see you in a better mood” she gets up and walks to the door her short skirt rising up.
Shaking my head I concentrate on my math homework.
After rereading the same equation for the fourth time I grab my jacket and go for a walk.


Rearranging my mom on her bed I make sure the IV needle was still in place. Picking up the tray of pills I place them back and tiptoe out of the room towards the basement.
Grabbing one of the dumbbells I start working out letting all my emotions out.
Dripping in sweat I lower myself onto the cold floor and stretch. Putting on my toe shoes I put the music on softly.
My bones aching and my back wet with sweat I walk upstairs and check up on annalise.
“hey annalise what do you want for diner?” I ask as she reorganizes her closet.
Pinks too blacks. Following the rainbow.
“um I don’t know. Hey how about some cancer curing chicken! I bet mom would appreciate that!” her voice shrills and she starts to tremble.
“Annalise I was just asking. Watch your attitude.”
“I wouldn’t say that if I were you. Considering I have information you might want.” She looks over at me her thin body still trembling.
“what information?” I ask. But all she does is shake her head and fling a purple shirt off the hanger and onto a growing pile of clothing on the floor. “Annalise what the hell you are talking about?” she shrugged and continued organizing. I sigh in frustration and slam her door. I walk upstairs punch my pillow in anger.


“Pumpkin you look tired! Late night?” my mother asks. She passes me my orange juice and smiles as she kisses my father.
“Kyle your mother and I will be away next week. We leave on Sunday. We won’t be back until a couple weeks. Mara will be coming to clean and check up on you so you better behave.”
My father, a taller version of me, stands two inches taller than me.
His black eyes piercing into mine.
“Yeah whatever”
I hear my mother sigh and kiss my head and then their footsteps towards the door. The slam of the door shoots through me.
I stand up and get in my car. I have a party to attend.


The street was lined up with cars when marina pulls up and parks. I could hear the thumping of the music from inside. Kids littered the yard and the window panes shook with each vibration the music caused. The sounds of kids having fun made it to her ear and made me grimace.
Marina jumps out of the car falling into Tims arms. Immediately they start kissing and I look away disgusted. Walking up the sidewalk I enter the huge house and dodge people jumping and running. People all mingled around the stairs and the hallways. All to busy in their conversation to pay any attention to me.
Sitting down on the couch somewhere in the basement I exhale.
No one was downstairs except for some gamers who eventually go back upstairs leaving me alone. I take out my ear buds and listen to music drowning out the other music pounding upstairs. Grabbing my book I lie down on the couch and start to read.
I was just getting to a good part when a cold liquid gets spilled on me
“Oh!” standing up I immediately take the shirt off leaving me in a soaked undershirt and bra. My jeans were spared. Groaning I wring out the shirt.
I turn around and start to scowl. “Watch where you’re going next time!”
I stop when I realize im talking to a wide eyed Kyle reified. I scowl and push past him.
“Im sorry” he said clearly.
I look into his eyes. And then sniff my shirt.
Soda? “Why are you drinking soda?” I say accusingly.
He shrugs.
“Hmmn. You of all people should be drunk out of their minds.”
He looks at me. “Excuse me but what do you mean you of all people?” he challenges. His jaw set firm.
“Nothing” I say and stomp upstairs slipping back the wet and cold article of clothing over my head. Walking towards marina I grab my keys from her hands and leave.
Tim can drive her home.


People like us? What the hell does that mean?
I flop down onto the couch my soda sloshing in my cup. Why does she hate me?
I haven’t done anything to her.


Getting home I slam my car door and stalk upstairs ignoring my dad slurring at something on the TV. My brother was home.
I whisper and hug him. Inhaling his scent. He still had his uniform on. “Where have you been I’ve missed you and it’s been so hard without you know with everything?” I whisper holding him tightly.
I notice has not hugging back and pull back. “Andrew whast wrong?” my smile fades away when I see him taping a box marked stuff.
“What’s that?” I ask stepping around him and notice the huge boxes outside of him room door.
“Where you going?” my voice breaks.
“Mia I can’t stay here. I can’t stand to see mom like this. I’ll be dorming. But if you need me will be a phone call away. Im so sorry. Tell annalise I love her and please Tell mom I love her. Please” his gray eyes bore into mine as he walks backwards to his boxes and picks them up.
He leaves with a slam and not a look back.
He left me here.
Love you too Andrew.
I look up the stairs and see annalise hovering by the wall, hidden by the dark hallway behind her. “ Andrews gone.”
She shrugs and skips down the hall singing “ I know he told me.” she opened her room door and smirked at me and then slammed the door shut making me feel

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