» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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Drew stood there, wearing only his boxers. Tears threatened my vision, but I kept my head bowed down.
“Drew, baby, what’s wrong?” Dana’s voice purred from behind him. She was only wearing Drew’s shirt.
“Ew, what the hell do you want, bitch?” Dana spat in my direction.
I tried to quickly think of an excuse to why I came here.
“I wanted to ask about what Alpha Drew wanted for dinner,” I whispered quickly. Inwardly, I praised myself for thinking of a good answer.
“Just make something, and don’t eat tonight. I don’t want you getting any fatter than you already are,” Drew gritted in annoyance. I felt my heart crashing down in my chest. I could almost literally feel it hurting my bruised ribs.
“Yes Alpha,” I nodded, and headed off towards the kitchen. My stomach grumbled in protest to what Drew said, but I couldn’t think about that. My mind whirred, thinking about Drew. How could he cheat on me, and punish me so cruelly? I didn’t even do anything remotely wrong. Messing around with a friend was completely different than what he was doing with Dana.
Just then, the door flew open, revealing Melanie and Jake.
“Mel!” I cried out, rushing into her for a hug I so desperately needed right now. I decided then and there, that I was going to tell Mel everything about me, including Drew.
“Ari!” she hugged me back. We both jumped up and down, so glad that we would be living together. Jake stood there, looking amused before he joined in on the group hug.
“Mel, I have a lot to tell you, but first, I’ll show you guys to your room!” I grinned at them, while Mel blushed. Jake wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her, making me double over in laughter. Those two were too darn adorable. I grabbed Mel’s hand with my own hand and picked up her suitcase with the other, and showed them their rooms.
Mel and Jake’s room was large, with soft crème colored walls. The double bed lay in the center, with soft crème and burgundy sheets and large plush pillows. At the foot of the bed lay a fancy beige colored bench, above a deep red rug. The wall on the left of the bed had floor to ceiling windows, while the other side was a large mosaic like wall, with three large red stripes covered in different empty picture frames. The room was astonishing. I felt envious at how many gorgeous rooms I’d seen in the very same house that held my own ugly bedroom. I sighed, before quickly walking out. Leaving them to their unpacking, I quickly made dinner and put it on the table before retiring to my room.
As I walked up the stairs, I passed an annoyed looking Drew and a bubbly Dana. She was clinging onto his arm like it was some life support, and she couldn’t breathe without it. The very scene made my heart lurch, but I ignored it.
Drew’s eye’s met mine, and I was immediately sucked into their depth. They held grief, and guilt, for what I don’t know, but it made me want to comfort him. I clenched my teeth, and turned my head away from him. He didn’t deserve the satisfaction of even looking at me. With my head held high, I walked up the steps with a little more boldness.
Reaching the top, however, it all came crashing down when my father’s figure came into my sight. He pushed me into the wall and stumbled down the stairs. I winced at the pain in my right shoulder.
I needed to get away for a while. As I contemplated on where to go, the window in the hallway, facing out towards the woods gave me my answer.
‘Everyone’s busy with their dinner, so maybe I can sneak outside. Nobody would notice if I was gone,’ I thought, a smile forming on my lips.
Sneaking down the stairs once more, I tip toed quietly to the back door. I held my breath as I inched the door open, before slipping myself through. Shutting it quietly behind me, I raced down to the forest, running so fast it made the cool air in my lungs burn. The burning only drove me further. For some reason, I didn’t feel like shifting into my wolf. I’d rather just run on my two feet, feeling the wind raise my hair in all directions. Dirt stuck to my feet, but I didn’t care. At that moment, all I cared about was getting out of there to collect my thoughts.
The sound of my favorite creek greeted me as I stopped running. I walked over to it, and gently placed my feet into the cool water. I lay down on the grassy floor, my hands behind my head and stared up at the stars. Each one twinkled with sparks of light. The ebony sky created a beautiful backdrop to the warm, glowing stars.
My thoughts drifted back to Drew. Why would he hurt me so much? I understood before, considering neither one of us knew we were mates, but now, after all that happened, I couldn’t understand why he would act so cruel.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The voice sent tingles down my spine, waking me up from my deep thoughts.
“Yes, Alpha Drew?” I questioned back, standing up from the ground to face him.
Just then, a wave of dizziness hit me as I got up. I felt my head get 5 times heavier in a split second. My stomach grumbled in protest. ‘Stupid migraines,’ I thought silently. No food, plus all the stress I’m dealing with made my body sore. My eyes fluttered close, and I felt my body race to the ground. Warm arms engulfed me as I fell, tingles and sparks shooting up my body.
“Arianna, wake up!” muffled voices filtered my ears, as my body succumbed to darkness.

Chapter 13

Muffled voices surrounded me as I opened my eyes. I looked around the room I was in before I realized where I was: the pack house’s infirmary. What the hell was I doing here?
I looked around once more, noticing the people. Mel stood in the corner with a sad look on her face, Jake held her in his arms, brushing strands of hair away from her face. I saw my brothers, sitting on the chairs in the room. And lastly, I saw both Zane and Drew, bickering in hushed tones.
My bed creaked as I tried to sit up. Everyone’s head turned to look at me. In a flash, everyone was by my side.
“Oh Ari, please don’t scare me like that ever again!” Ethan cried out as he engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back, but I kept wondering what he meant by scaring him. What happened? Why am I here? Why is everyone so worried? All those questions swarmed my mind as I tried recalling the events that happened.
Suddenly, everything came back in a flash. The wrestling match with Zane, the angry Drew, Drew sleeping with Dana, sneaking outside, and then fainting. Why the hell did I faint?
Ethan let go of me and placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Aribear!” cried Sammy, as he hugged me with his tiny little arms. I pulled him to my lap and placed a kiss on his cheek.
The door opened, revealing Dr. Murray, the pack doctor. Her face held a mask of emotions, ranging from fear, to anxiety, to confusion, to sympathy. She walked over to my bed, looking at Sammy in my lap then back to me.
“Sammy, can you please get off your sister? I need to check to see if she’s okay. Can you do that for me sweetie?” Sammy got off of me, and ran into Ethan’s open arms. He lifted him up and faced me once again. I looked back at Dr. Murray, afraid of what was coming.
“Arianna, I have some alarming news. Firstly, you fainted because of the lack of food that you ate today. You’re very malnourished and I’m putting you on a strict diet plan to help you gain more weight,” she breathed in a heavy breath before continuing, “Now, the thing I wanted to tell you was, many of your ribs are cracked or fractured. You’re right leg has a fracture that has been incorrectly healed. Also, you’re left arm is fractured as well. The problem with this is the fact that many of these injuries date back to almost 3 years. Arianna sweetie, it’s best if you tell us how you got these, and how you fixed them?”
My eyes widened completely as what she said sunk in. I had to tell her about my father’s beatings and the cruel treatment I get by the teen pack members. I couldn’t do that. Everyone would find out and everyone would hate me more.
“Um, well, uh...”
God, I couldn’t do this. Everyone’s gonna hate me for ratting them out. All the adults of the pack don’t know about any of my treatment and this will just make them punish their kids harder. Oh, god, what about my father? I know it isn’t his fault that he hurts me, it’s the alcohol’s, but he’s still my dad and I can’t just hurt him like that. I already lost one parent, I don’t need to lose another!
“Arianna, dear, please tell us. This is for your own good. Has someone been hurting you?” Dr. Murray’s voice rang out in the eerie silence room, as everyone waited for my answer.
I scanned the faces of the crowd. Drew and Zane had stopped their fighting to look at me, and both held a mixture of curiosity, horror, and sympathy for me. I looked over at Ethan, who was now accompanied by an equally worried Olivia. They both gave me sympathetic smiles, and nodded their heads, as if to say ‘go on and tell them the truth.’ My gaze drifted down to Sammy, who was looking clueless as to why the sudden tension was in the air. I pulled away from my sightseeing to look back at Dr. Murray, who smiled sympathetically and put her hand over mine, gesturing me to go forward. Just as I looked up, I realized that almost the whole pack was in here. I gulped nervously. ‘Come on Arianna, you can do this. You can finally be free of any harassment,’
Sucking in a deep breath, I recalled all of my experiences of beatings with my father since I was fourteen.
“Ever since my mother’s...death, everyone in my family has been distraught. Without my mom, my dad felt completely lost, as most mates do when the other dies. Because of my resemblance to my mom,” I took a deep breath, “my dad would constantly beat me when he was drunk. That’s why I have all these faded scars and bruises,” I lifted my shirt up a little so everyone could see them. Gasps of horror echoed throughout the room. I smiled weakly before continuing, “I would just take the beatings without fighting back, because he was my dad, he is my dad, and it isn’t his fault. It’s mine. I left my mom at the accident when I should’ve helped her. I didn’t want

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