» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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to listen to her and get out, but I did. I shouldn’t have done that,” I wiped a leaky tear that managed to spill out, “But anyway, um, it didn’t help much that most people in school bullied me as well. I guess they just didn’t like me or whatever because of what I did to my mom. But everyone would push or shove me in the hallways, and mock me that I became like this,” I whispered, gesturing to my body.
“But even though this happened, I don’t blame anyone because it’s my entire fault to begin with. I deserved ever slap, kick, or punch my dad gave me. I deserved every insulting word that was thrown my way. I deserved the harsh treatment, the small bedroom, the little care I was given. I really do deserve it all because I was some coward who left their mom to die,” By now, the tears were freely flowing down my face. I didn’t even make a move to wipe them.
“So, that’s how I got my injuries. But I’m fine, honestly, I can still work. Don’t worry too much about me,” I looked up to find quite a sight. All the girls were sobbing, while the guys gave me looks of sympathy and guilt. Drew’s hands were clenched to his sides, and I could see his wolf was trying to take control. Zane looked equally the same as Drew. Looking back over at Dr. Murray, I tried to wipe my tears hastily and smile, but even Dr. Murray was in quite a shock.
“Arianna, is this true?” A booming voice echoed in the room. Standing near the doorway, was both the Alphas, Drew’s parents. Alpha Blake, and Luna Blake both looked sympathetic and worried. I just nodded my head in respect, still shocked that they were here. Ever since Drew turned 18, he became the alpha, and his parents decided they wanted to travel to different packs and settle disputes within them. It was in order to keep the werewolf community safe. So it was quite a surprise seeing them here and listening to my pathetic sob story than helping out a neighboring pack.
“Why didn’t you inform us about it dear?” Drew’s mom, the luna, whispered while coming over and crushing me into a hug.
“Sorry, Luna, but I didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of me,”
“Nonsense, sweetheart, you should have told us. Look at you! We should’ve been better alphas to you! This had been going on for four years and we didn’t detect the slightest problem! I’m so very sorry, in fact, we all are!” she gestured to the crowd, before hugging me again.
“Alright, um, may everyone leave please? Arianna needs all the rest she can get,” Dr. Murray ushered everyone out, but not before saying, “Alpha Drew, please stay with her. She needs you more than ever,”
My eyes widened. No, no, no, no! We just argued and I really didn’t want to deal with Drew right now! But, since luck is never on my side, Drew nodded before coming over to my side of the bed.
I looked away, avoiding his gaze. Drew’s strong hand gripped my chin up so gently, like I was some porcelain doll, before gazing into my eyes.
“I’m so sorry for everything Ari. I was a complete insensitive jerk. I wish I’d known about all of this before. Damn it, I don’t even deserve someone so beautiful, caring, and perfect like you!” Drew stood up so quickly that I flinched involuntarily.
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I-“
“Drew, it’s alright,” I said resting my hand on his arm, “I’m fine, honestly,”
“Arianna, don’t lie to yourself, please. You have every right to slap me, or punch me, for being such a jerk about you,” he pulled my hand up to emphasize his point.
I just giggled at him, which made him break out into a smile.
“Ari, promise me you’ll keep laughing like that and I’ll be the happiest man alive,” he whispered before planting a kiss on my forehead. He lingered there for a bit, before pressing a kiss to either eye. He slowly went down to my nose, and pressed a quick kiss there as well. Gently, he hovered over my lips, before finally claiming them. I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling them into his hair. He moaned against my mouth, and I smiled. Somehow, amidst all the kissing, Drew found his way on top of me. He rested all his weight on his forearms, just hovering there, while placing kisses up and down my neck, across my jaw, and on my lips.
All too soon, Drew moved away, but still stood hovering over me. I whimpered from the lack of his touch.
“Arianna, I can’t,” he looked away guiltily, “if I don’t stop, my wolf won’t hesitate to mark you. I can’t do that against your will,” he whispered, finally meeting my eyes.
“Well then, Mr. Blake,” I leaned in so close that our noses were almost touching, “mark me,”
Drew looked astounded. He opened his mouth to protest, but I shut it with a kiss.
“Drew, please? I can’t risk not being with you,” I whispered.
His eyes bore into mine, that I almost got lost in their deep blue grey pools.
“I love you,” he whispered. Oh my god. He just said the three most magical little words of all time, and they were directed towards me! I did a little happy dance in my head, before grinning.
“I love you too,” His smile lit up, showing his elongated canines. Lowering himself to my neck, he placed a soft kiss at the joined part of the neck and arm, and bit in.
A million sensations filled me, ranging from pain to lust, as the simmering bite mark reduced to a blissful feeling. I felt jolts of electricity travel through my veins, into each body part, and around again. He and I were now officially joined, and nothing could break us apart.
Drew kissed my mark again, sealing it. Our eyes met once more, and I leaned in to kiss him. Drew collapsed beside me, pulling me close to his warm body and began murmuring soft words into my ear. Before I knew it, I was drifting off into a blissful, Drew filled sleep.

Chapter 14

Opening my eyes, I came face to face with Drew. His eyes were shining with amusement and happiness. That’s when all the past events flooded back into my brain. I’d finally done it. I finally confessed to my problems and mated Drew. My thoughts drifted to our kiss after the mating. I was so incredibly happy to finally be connected with Drew fully.
“Babe, I’m thinking about our kiss too,” Drew whispered into my ear, sending shivers of pleasure run through my body.
Wait, how did he know that? I thought.
“Ari, we mated yesterday. I marked you, and now I can read all your dirty little thoughts about me,” Drew wiggled his eyebrows at me and smirked. Pushing him playfully, I got up and stretched, my shirt rising up to expose my flat stomach. A groan echoed to my ears, which caused me to smirk.
“Like what you see?” I suggested. Woah, since when did I become so forward and flirty?
“Every damn inch babe, and don’t worry, you can flirt with me all you want,” Drew pushed himself off the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled my back into him, which ended up with him groaning again. I giggled quietly, before slipping out of his arms and running into the bathroom.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair was still the usual brown, but it had more of a shine in it. My skin looked flush and healthy, and my eyes were glittering with happiness. In all my life, the only time I ever looked this happy was on my 10th birthday when my parents, Ethan, and I went to the amusement park. We’d laughed and rode tons of rides. Back then, everyone was happy. My mom and dad were completely in love, and our family was perfect. Just a year after, Sam was born, and our whole family was complete. I smiled at myself in the mirror, as a lone tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away and smiled softly. Everything was done, everything was over now. Just because mom wasn’t here anymore didn’t mean I didn’t have love.
But something still nagged at my brain. Back in the accident, it was like my mom was expecting what had happened.
“Mom, slow down! You’re driving too fast!” I yelled as I clutched the dashboard for dear life.
The highway trees and surrounding cars passed by in a blur as the speed limit on the car reached 100.
My eyes darted back and forth between my mom and the road. Even if I was only 14, I knew that driving on the highway at that speed was still really bad. My mom’s face was stricken with panic, while she kept throwing seemingly reassuring smiles to me. But something in my gut was telling me something was wrong.
All of a sudden, the car lurched forward. I reached out quickly, balancing myself against the dashboard. Looking over to my left, I saw my mom against the steering wheel, blood oozing from a gash on her forehead. Her eyes were closing, barely conscious.
“No, no, no. Mom, Mom please wake up!,” I pleaded, on the verge of tears. I tried to wake her up, until I realized we were slowing down. I grabbed a hold of the steering wheel, and tried turning it. All of a sudden, a blow from the left side sent my mom barreling into my arm. The force of the impact caused me to turn the steering wheel to the right. From then, everything seemed so surreal.
We began rolling down a large hill. Tumbling, and tumbling down. Glass shards from the windows pierced my skin, and loud crunches of metal greeted my ears. Almost like time in slow motion, I could see my mom being tossed around like a rag doll in the car. My eyes welled up with tears. We were going to die.
And just like that, everything stopped. I looked at myself, ignoring the injuries, and just feeling an overwhelming sense of joy that we survived. But it was short lived, when I looked back at my mom.
That’s when I realized that my mom had somehow covered me with her body, and was now limp. My mom had protected me. Because of her, I didn’t get too hurt. But looking at her, I let out a horrified gasp. The blood on her body, the glass shards in her skin, the pale lifeless form that was her: all because she tried to protect me.
Soft arms wrapped around me from behind. I couldn’t help but lean into them.
“Hey,” Drew turned me around in his arms to face him, “what’s wrong?” He gently kissed my tears away. I smiled at him softly, before looking up at him.
“Nothing,” suddenly, I jumped out of his arms and playfully glared at him, “Now get out of the bathroom! What if I was

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