» Romance » Love is a Sacrifice by Samara Fitzgerald (best chinese ebook reader TXT) 📕

Book online «Love is a Sacrifice by Samara Fitzgerald (best chinese ebook reader TXT) 📕». Author Samara Fitzgerald

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just confirmed for me that I'm pregnant." I said.

"I just want to show you something."

"Fine." The doctor pulls up my gown until my belly is showing. He puts the cold jelly on it and put the remote looking thing on it. I looked at the screen. All I see a are spots and other stuff.

"Can you tell me what I'm looking at?"

"You are looking at soon to be three beautiful babies. Congratulations, you are having triplets."

"Oh Lord." mom said before she fainted in the chair.

"Wair... so I'm not having a baby. I'm having THREE babies!"

"Yes. It looks like it. " It's quiet again. The doctor start looking uncomfortable.

"Well, I'll just leave you ladies while you take in the good news."

"Thank you, doctor. I just have another question for you. How long am I?"

"You are about two monthes pregnant."

"Okay. Thank you."

"The nurse will bring you the papers so you can sign and then you can leave."

"Okay." The doctor packed up the machine and left out of the room.

"That mean I conceived them when John and I had sex for the first time, back in November. So I'm due in Augusr.." I said as I got out of be. I went to the closet and saw a bag of clothes in there. I took them out and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and brush my teeth. I come out and see Erin standing in front of the door.

"So..." Erin said. I start running my hands through my hair to take out the tangles.

"So what?"

"Now you have to tell John. Both of you are having three children."

"I will tell John, just when I feel that the time is right." Erin was going to say something, but she kept quiet. The nurse came in with the papers and I signned them. I went over to mom, who was still passed out, and shoook her. She finally woke up.

"Mom, we can leave now."

"What happened? Oh yeah. I just found out how much you hate me."

"What did I do now." I think mom is the one who will cause my miscarriage, the way she's getting on my nerves right now.

"I could take one grandchild, but three? Are you trying to kill me?" I rolled my eyes as I put on my jacket.

"Thanks Erin for my clothes."

"No problem."  We walked out of the room and walked towards the elevator. I hear my name being called so I turned around to see John and Yasmine standing there.

"Iris, are you okay?" He looked so concerned, but I didn't care. Erin stood in front of me.

"Haven't you caused enough damage already? Din't talk to Iris." Erin snapped at him. Yasmine tug on John's arm.

"Let's just go, John" she said.

"You have the nerve to bring your sister here too." Erin said, her face turning red from anger.

"Iris can speak for herself." John snapped back.

"Well, she is not your concern anymore, so you can just leave." Erin said. John turned to me, his face full of emotion.

"Iris, please. Can we talk." he begged.

"Can we leave? This is like a soap opera and I hate soap operas. They are so dramatic." mom said. I sighed.

"Erin, just give us a few minutes." I said calmly.

"But... fine. Mom and I will be waiting in the car. Call me if you need help." Erin and mom got on the elevator. Before it close, Erin lean her head out.

"Wait, we forgot some one... She is not staying." Erin said as she nodded towards Yasmine. John turned to Yasmine and nodded. She rolled her eyes as she got on the elevator with mom and Erin. Before the door close, I can see Erin glaring at her.

"So, how are you? What did the doctor say?" John ask worriedly.

"I'm fine. The doctor said that it's just stress." I lied.

"Look Iris. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out that way."

"How could I be so stupid. To actually think there is one descent guy out there and you ruined that for me."

"If you let me explain, you will understand the reason why I did this."

"Explain what? There is nothing to explain. You explained yourself back at the hotel. I'm done with you and your lies." I start to walk away, on the verge of crying, but John grabbed my wrist. I looked back and saw longing in his eyes.

"I love you Iris. I'm in love with you. Please don't do this." Once he said that, tears start pouring down my face. I went to him and kissed him. Our last kiss. I stepped back.

"Good bye John. You don't have to worry about keeping secrets from me anymore." I said before I walked away. Tears are still pouring down my face, my heart aching. John didn't follow.

Chapter 12

"Mom, I don't need that much food." I said as the cook put a plate piled up with spaghetti and meatballs.

"Darling, you forgot you eating for four." mom said as she placed her napkin on her lap.

"Which, I'm trying to still take in." dad added as he sat down at the table. It's been 3 weeks since I been to the hospital. Unfortunately, mom couldn't keep the secret from dad so now he knows. That is why I can't tell mom anything because she can't keep a secret.

"Iris, puede ser que también acaba de comer. Sabes mamá no se dará por vencido. (Iris, you might as well just eat it. You know mom won't give up.)" Erin said.

"No puedo comer todo esto. (I can't eat all of this.)" I responded back.

" Sólo tienes que hacer, está bien. Usted no desea conseguir la bruja enojada.(Just do it, okay.. You don't want to get the witch angry.)" she giggled.

"Yo sé bien.(I know right.)" I tried not to laugh.

"No hable de su madre.(Don't talk about your mother.)" dad said.

"What is going on? I told you Richard not to teach them spanish, but no. You said you want them to learn so they can know where they came from. Now look. They taking advantage of it, probably, making fun of me." mom whined. I rolled my eyes as mom kept nagging.

"Mom, we didn't say anything. Don't worry." I lied. I did a single glance at Erin and gave her a small smile.

"There. Now lets eat." Dad said. He start digging into his spaghetti, but Erin stopped him.

"We can't eat yet. We have to say grace." Erin said as she grabbed my hand. Mom and dad sighed as they held hands with each other. They are still getting used to Erin's new self.

"Dad, can you say grace." Erin asked.

"Wair, what?" He was not expecting that.

"Just pray Richard." mom said impatiently.

"Fine. Um Lord. This is Richard. Thank you for this food and the other stuff we are suppose to thank you for. Amen." I opened my eyes and looked at Erin, who was shocked.

"Just let it go Erin. Calm down." I said quietly enough so that only she will hear. Erin calmed down and shook her head. After that, we start eating. All I can hear is the clicking of forks and "Can you pass the salad?" or "Can you pass the salt?" Of couse I ate all the food because I know mom would say something about it after dinner. I went  up to my room after dinner and shut the door behind me. I am so tired and worn out. Some of it is from the pregnancy. I knew it was going to be a little hard in this pregnancy, but holding three babies make it harder. I got in front of the mirror and looked at my stomach. Even though I am only 3 monthes pregnant, it look like it is more than that. I just can't wait until this pregnancy is over and I have these babies. I sit down on the bed and I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in." Erin comes in with a box of chocolate and a letter.

"Oh Erin you shouldn't have. We are sisters." I said as I laughed.

"Haha, very funny. These didn't come from me. The delivery man just dropped them off."

"I know. Again? John need to stop this." Erin sat next to me and handed me the presents. I just threw the letter and opened the chocolates and start eating them.

"Aren't you going to read that?" Erin asks.


"Iris, you can't keep ignoring him. He is the father of your children. You have to tell him."

"Now you are on his side? I told you what happened. I thought you understood why I am not telling him yet."

"Fine, I'm sorry. I know what can go good with that chocolate." she says, trying to change the subject.


"Ice cream."

"But we don't have anymore. I ate the rest yesterday." I said as I tried to keep myself from laughing.

"Let's go to the store. Besides, you haven't left the house since your last hospital visit."

"Fine. I will see you outside in the car. Just let me get my coat and shoes on."

"Okay, but hurry." Erin said as she left my room and shut the door. Making sure she was gone, I took the letter from the trash can. My heart start beating fast as I opened the envelope. My heart ached as I read the letter. I read it and it said:

"Dear Iris,

It's me again. I know you are hoping that I won't send you anymore letters, but I can't help it. I know I hurt you, but if you let me explain, you would probably understand. I never intended for you for you to find out the way you did and end up in the hospital in the process. I miss you so much, but you probably won't be able to forgive me right away. All I want is for you to call me and we can talk about this. I love you so much and I know your feelings for me never went away.

                                                                  , John."

No matter how much I didn't want it to be true, I knew it was. I want to call him to work things out, but I am still hurt from what happened and I don't want to go through another bad relationship. But, either way I would have to face him to tell him about the babies because he has the right to know about them. That's when I made my decision. I put the letter with the other letters from John in the drawer at my desk. The drawer is filled and stacked with letters because John sends me them and I get one everyday. After I put my coat and shoes on, my cell phone start ringing. I picked it up and answered it without checking the caller id.

"Hello?" I said.

"Iris, it's me, Bill." A chill ran down my back when I heard his voice.

"I told you not to call me anymore and leave me alone."

"I'm just calling to tell you I'm sorry. Over the past few monthes I changed. I realized how badly I hurt you and I want to make it up to you."

"Do you know how many times I heard you say

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