» Romance » Love is a Sacrifice by Samara Fitzgerald (best chinese ebook reader TXT) 📕

Book online «Love is a Sacrifice by Samara Fitzgerald (best chinese ebook reader TXT) 📕». Author Samara Fitzgerald

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to drop off mail, he would look at me and that sent shivers down my back. John and I would run into each other at work and just seeing he warms me up. I have to admit, whenever John and I are together, there is some kind of urge in me to go and kiss him. That is why I tried staying away from him. But, this is not the only problem I’m having. I keep getting these mysterious calls. Every time I answer, all I hear is breathing on the line. It creep me out. All I hear is breathing, then they hang up. When I told Erin what keep happening with me, we called the phone company to block the number from my phone. Even though the problem was fixed, I’m still scared. What if that was Bill trying to scare me? I feel cold all over just thinking about it. I don’t know what I would do if Bill find me.

* * *

It is now Friday and I am the last one to leave this hell hole I call a job. I can't wait until the weekend.
"Iris, don't forget to lock up around here. I don't trust nobody. also straighten up in here before you go. I hate this mess." Vickie said before she left.
"You the one that made the mess." I said under my breath.
"What did you say?"
"Oh, nothing. I said nothing." I gave her one of my best smiles, the ones that showed my dimples. Vickie looked at me suspiciously, then she left out.

As I was cleaning around the office, picking up threads and fabrics and scraps of paper, I start hearing footsteps. I start feeling shivers going down my spine. The building was suppose to be empty. Everyone is suppose to be home. The footsteps starting to get louder as it got closer. I grabbed the broom, ready to attack the person who was coming. My heart was beating so hard, I bet this person could hear it. That is when it hit me. What if it is Bill? My hands were trembling as I waited to see who was coming.

John comes around the corner and jumped when he saw the broom in front of me. I start feeling my body getting relaxed. I grabbed my chest to keep myself from having a heart attack.
“What the fuck is wrong with you! I come around the corner and I see you with a broom in your hand, about to attack.” John yelled as he looked at me like I was crazy. Oh, I felt so embarrassed, but I didn’t show it.
“What do you mean what is wrong with me? What the fuck are you doing here? Everyone is suppose to be gone, including you.”
“I knew you were staying and I thought that maybe I can drive you home.”
“Oh no. No. Don’t you remember what happened the last time you drove me home. We almost got caught. Thanks for the offer, but I cannot let that happen again.” John starts walking toward me.
“Why? I enjoyed it and it seem like you enjoyed it too.” I start feeling his breath on my face. I’m starting to feel nervous with him near me. I swallowed.
“I did. It’s just… I can’t give my heart to anyone right now.” I start stuttering.
“What?” John starts looking confused.
“Nothing. Just forget it. I will catch a cab home.”
“All I’m going to do is drive you home. There is no harm to that.” I finally gave up and agreed. As soon as I finished cleaning, we left. Just like the other day, it was quiet. When John reached the street that he was suppose to turn on to get to the apartment but he kept going straight.
“Hey, you said you would only drive me home. Where are we going?” John starts to smile. Oh I hate him. He thinks he’s funny.
“I’m starving and you have to be hungry too so I’m taking you out to dinner.”
“But I didn’t ask you to take me out to dinner.”
“Also I’m doing this because I didn’t stay when you invited me to dinner so I decided to take you out. Besides, you need some time to exercise and relax.”
“Okay, I give up. But, we are only having dinner. Then you are taking me straight home.” A grin crept on John’s face like he was hiding something. I start getting nervous. What exactly did he have in mind after dinner?

We pulled up into this nice restaurant called Jericho’s Place. Once we got inside, I looked around. The place looked so cozy. There were red tablecloths over each table with a candle on each. The band was playing some smooth jazz music. Also the aroma of the food made my mouth water. The place is nice. John must have had this dinner planned and reserved already because as soon as he gave the waiter his name, she guided us right to a table near the front of the restaurant. I felt myself get mad as I saw the waiter checking John out. Why do I care anyway? It’s not like we’re dating.
“Iris, are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah I’m fine alright.”
“O-kay. So, all I know about you is your name. What else should I know about you?”
“Well, there is nothing much to know about me. I’m 27 years old, I recently moved here two years ago, my favorite color is blue, I love to draw, and also I can be very bitchy sometimes, so don’t be surprised.” I didn’t tell John about what happened in my past or about Bill.
“Tell me a little about you.”
“Okay. I’m 32 years old, I was born here in New York, I don’t have a favorite color, and I run the mailroom at the building.”
“For a manager, you sure do a lot of work. Why don’t you let your employees do the work.”
“I just do the work as an excuse to see you.” I start feeling my cheeks blush. We looked at each other for what seemed like forever. My heart was beating so fast. The waiter cleared her throat to get our attention.
“Sorry that I took so long. What can I get you?” I ordered a Coke while John ordered a beer. While waiting for our drinks, we start talking. John and I basically had a lot in common. John told me about the last relationship he’s been in was 5 years ago and the reason he left it was because the woman was cheating on him.

* * *

As soon as we finished eating, John got the check. I excused myself to the ladies room before we left. tonight was amazing. I learned much more about John and we have gotten close. We laughed, talked and told a few secrets we never told anyone. I kind of wish this night would never end. as I left the restroom, I stopped and saw that sleezy waiter trying to flirt with John. This girl has been flirting with John all through dinner and I tried to ignore it but now I'm pissed. I walked toward John and the waiter. John saw me coming but since the girl back was towards me, she didn't see me.

I walked to John and kissed him passionately in front of the waiter, acting as if she wasn't there.
"Sweetie, I'm ready to go." I turned to the waiter who face was red from embarrassed.
"Oh sorry. I didn't see you there. Thanks for the good service. Can we go now John?" I turned to John, who looked suprised.
"Yeah. Um........okay." John paid the bill and we left? Once we were on the road, I started venting my anger.
"Oh that bitch. She has the nerve to flirt with you with you, while i'm right in front of her. I could have beaten her ass if I wasn't a christian." I turned to John, finding him laughing. "What's so funny?" I'm getting even more pissed off because John thinks it's funny. "I'm just surprised, that's all.I never thought you would get jealous about a waitress flirting with me." "I'm not jealous. I just thought it was rude."
"Okay......sweetie. What was up with the kiss then?" He said. "I just wanted to teach her a lesson." I said defiantly. "Oh. Okay." He just shook his head and chuckled a little. After that it was quiet.

Once John pulled up to the apartments, he went with me to my apartment. I didn't see Erin's car outside, so I knew she wasn't home. John and I stood in the hallway, in awkward silence. "Well, thanks for dinner. I had a good time." "Me too." We stood there some more. This is so weird. Do you want to come inside? I made apple pie yesterday." I asked. "No thanks. I hae to get going. But thanks for the offer."
"Oh, okay" I said with slight disappointment.....and anger. I don't know why I was feeling this way, but I couldn't believe he turned down my offer. I got back to reality, seeing John looking at me. He closed the space between us and kissed me. I felt like I was melting. I felt warm all over.

John pulled away. Why did he pull away?Didn't he like it? "Well, I have to go." he said. "Okay." I said with disappointment. John then quietly left. What a bummer. I went in the apartment and slumped against the door. That is when the tears started running down my cheeks. What is wrong with me? Isn't this what I wanted, to be alone with no man in my future? Then why am I feeling these things for John? All I know is that I have to get over it.

As soon as I was about to go to my room, I hear a knock at the door. I look at the clock. Who in the world would come over at 11 o'clock at night? As I opened the door, John comes forward and kisses me. Even though I was shocked that he came back, I ignored the thought and kissed him back. He lead me to my bedroom and started undressing me. I start feeling all heated up. My heart was racing so fast. Once we got to the bedroom, John laid me on the bed and laid beside me. For the rest of the night, it was wonderful.

* * *

The sun is shining through the window, shining on John's face. He managed to go to sleep but I kept thinking about what happened. I leaned up from John's chest and looked at him. He was sleeping so peacefully. I'm surprised he's still single. Thank goodness Erin is gone for the weekend for the church retreat. I got on top of John and kissed him softly on the lips. He stirred but went back to sleep. It’s time for him to wake up. It is 10 o’ clock in the morning. I kissed him again but this time John rolled me under him. He’s been awake this whole time. John kissed me passionately. His kisses start trailing to my neck.
“John…John…can you stop.” My mind was whirling and going out of control.
“What’s wrong. Isn’t this why you woke me up, or tried to wake me up.”
I pushed John off me and got out of bed and put on my robe.
“I woke you up because it’s time to wake up.” john looked disappointed but he tried to hide it.
“Okay, so what are we going to do?”
“Well, first take a shower… by ourselves.” I said as I saw a smile creep on his face.
“Then, I will fix breakfast and we’ll see what happens after that.”

I went into the bathroom and locked the door to make sure that John doesn’t get in. while in the shower, I was thinking about last night. I start remembering John’s tender kisses and his soft touches. I shuddered at the thought of it. I know I don’t want to feel this way, but I can’t control

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