» Romance » Cliche by ninja jinx (interesting books to read in english .TXT) 📕

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eyes were rimmed in a thick coat of black and her face was so pale that is looked like she poured a whole bucket of self-raising flour on her face. “Why are you wearing flour?” a voice asked from next to me.


Her face contorted to one of hurt, before she thrust her hip out and placed her hand on my arm. “Isabel I was calling you for ages?” she said. Yeah and I wish I never turned around. I felt like I was going to pee my pants.


“Ah who are you?” I asked bluntly. No point beating around the bush.

For a moment she looked absolutely devastated then she placed another brighter smile on her face and squealed, “Your brother’s girlfriend!”


Come again?


“My brother doesn’t have any girlfriends” I stated in suspicion. Even though he may be stupid, we still tell each other if where going out with anyone. It’s the rule, the way of life, the law of the universe. “I would know” I said as I removed my glasses and wiped the lens.


“H-he probably hasn’t told you yet” she stuttered, her voice rising by an octave. Sarah looked at her skeptically, even she didn’t believe this bums story. Shaking my head I gave her sad smile and patted her on the arm. “It’s ok; you’re not the first fling”. Though why he had a fling with you is beyond me…no offense.


Tears welled up and her eyes became focus on the house behind me. “Jon” she yelled, “tell her I’m your girlfriend!” she screamed. “JON!”

No answer. And soon she was waving her hands desperately and jumping on the spot. Why did he have to sleep with her?


“He’s not here” I began, but she pushed my aside and snatched my purse with my house keys inside. “Hey” I yelled as she sprinted to the house. Wow, she’s fast.

Sarah and I began following suite as she shoved the key inside and slammed open the door. “Jon!”


When silence met her she flared out her nostrils and went inside. “Help, rapist!” I yelled as she slammed the door. Both Sarah and I banged into it and collapsed to the floor as we tried the handle. It was locked.


“Stupid ass locked me out of my own house” I said as I banged ferociously at the door.

There was a loud crash from inside and both Sarah and I stared wide eyed as other crashes followed. “At this rate, she’s going to break everything” Sarah said in panic. I couldn’t help but agree. “There’s only one way” I muttered.


Standing, I inspected the lawn for something to throw. When I found a good sized rock, I clutched it tightly in my hand and took a deep breath. I really didn’t want to do this…




I opened my eyes to see the rock had hit the window and shattered it. “Come on” I called as I ran towards it and began to break of the left over shards. I couldn’t help but feel happy that I got a direct hit instead of sending it flying somewhere else.


When all the shards were gone I clambered inside and looked outside to see Sarah close behind me. “She could be dangerous” she whispered. I couldn’t agree more. If this mad woman was crazy enough to steal my bag, I wouldn’t put it past her to kill us both. “Stay outside. If you hear me begging for help, call the police” I said deeply. Sarah nodded her head as I bent down and sneaked through to the kitchen where the bang was heard.


I saw the crazy lady as she rummaged through the cupboards for something. “Hey” I yelled. She turned around sharply and my god was she scary. She could be Samara Morgan from the ring. Her hair was covering her face and it didn’t help that her red lipstick was smudged. “He loved me” she wailed as she walked towards me. Oh Holy Squid ward this lady is going to kill me with a tissue box!


I opened my mouth to scream but stopped short when she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose. This is worse than I thought. She’s going to kill me with a snotty tissue.


“I thought he loved me…” she whispered pathetically. Oh, right she’s just depressed. Why does love have to be so complicated?


Signing I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. “I know this is hard” I said “but you have to move on. There’s no point crying over spilt milk”. She looked at me as she blew her nose. “I j-just t-thought” she stuttered as her eyes poured out more tears.

 “I’m sorry” I whispered, “he’s a jerk and he’s too good for you.”

She wailed when I said that and I tried to cover up my error. “I mean you’re too good for him”.

“No, I know, I’m not what he deserves. I mean he’s so smart and good looking, I’ll never live up to his standards,” she stated. Smart? Who ever said he was smart? He can’t even tell left to right.


“Hmm, I so feel for you” I said, “but you can’t just break into my house, it’s against the law…however if you pay for the damages I’ll let you go.” Looking around I saw that she had been smashing plates on the floor. Oh man, and that was my Winnie the Poo one! Now I felt like slapping her senseless. One for breaking my plate, and two for falling in love with my brother. I mean come on, how can you fall in love with a person like him?


“I am so sorry” she said, “I’ll pay you latter”. Sniffing she began walking towards the front door. However before she left she turned to me and sent me a sorrowful smile, “can you leave a message for him?” No, I wanted to answer, leave it on the phone. “Can you tell him that I’ll always be waiting…and that night was something I’ll never forget.”


Ok, ewe, I’m his sister and I don’t want to know what he does in his spare time or with whom. I forced a smile, and I think it came across like I was in unbearable pain. “Sure” I bit out tightly.


When she had left, Sarah came inside with her phone clutched in her hand. “Wow, she looked scary”. I couldn’t agree more. I looked tiredly at the mess and groaned. Why is today becoming such an effort?


“Help me clean this up” I muttered.


At the shops after stabbing myself with plate shards…


“What are you going to do about the window?” Sarah asked as we walked around the mall. I really didn’t know, but I sure was going to give an earful to my brother. “I don’t know” I said as I stared ahead blankly. I heard a sign before my hand was grabbed and I was being dragged towards the elevator. “I usually go shop around there” I stated, and then I pointed to the area where a cluster of shops were located. “No wonder. Those shops have no spice” Sarah huffed. I didn’t know how I was meant to take that…


“Where going over there” she said as she pointed upwards, “prepared to be amazed”.


When we got onto the elevator and I began moving up I couldn’t help but think about the money I’ll be spending when I could be buying some food. I really don’t get the workings of a girl. Why buy a dress if you only wear it once in a blue moon?


The elevator doors dinged and opened. It was like neon lights were flashing and I had to squint because everything was so radiant here. People were glowing and flaunting in there Prada’s and there designer attire. If this was heaven, then I must have been living in hell…


“Come on” Sarah giggled, then I was being pulled forward and I entered the forbidden land. It was like I entered Narnia. “This is going to be so fun. I’m going to give you the total makeover.” Oh no, what have I gotten myself into.


After walking for hours and spending money on useless things.


It was hours before Sarah let me rest in the food court. My feet were aching and I was hungry. Who knew shopping takes out so much? I could see Sarah in the distance chatting up some guys. Wow, she has a baby on the way and she’s flirting with guys.


I took out my wallet and nearly fell to my knees when I saw I had a few bucks left. Hurray, I can buy some food! I was about to bolt out of there and go to the Hot dog stand right in front of me, when I realized with regret that I had a whole pile of bags to keep watch. Anyone can steal them…


Signing in defeat I examined the bags strewn across the floor. They were mostly cocktail dresses for me and some designer shirts, since I already have a lot of bottoms. As I knew it, it was a waste of money. The only good thing that came out of it was that I was able to buy another pair of combat boots with flames.


Tapping my foot impatiently, I waited for Sarah’s return. She said there was still one more stop to make, and what that stop is, is beyond me. We both probably cleared the whole building.


Sending Sarah a text to get her ass back, I watched the passerby’s. I felt like a pervert for watching them. I hate when you have nothing to do but watch other people, and then they give you this stare when the catch you.


“Some ones impatient” a voice said from above. I peeked up to see Sarah standing above me with a smug smile as she waved a piece of paper in the air. I wasted my time so she could get a number, though I shouldn’t be surprised…


“We have one more stop” she said, her voice coated with excitement. “Then we can go home and get ready, I mean I can do you’re….” At that moment I tuned her out. I couldn’t really care less, I just wanted to eat and laze around. I hadn’t even realized we had been walking and that we had entered a shop, or to be more specific a barber.


“No way” I said as I shook my head and tried to escape Sarah’s death grip. “I like my hair the way it is.”


“Come on, just some highlights” she asked, “I mean no offense but your hairs so bland.”

My hair is not ‘bland’; in fact it’s a very beautiful midnight black. Narrowing my eyes I looked at her and I hoped I got the message across that she pisses me off. “Please Isabel”.


Cue the groan.


“Fine, but only one streak” I muttered darkly. She squealed so high that I nearly lost the gift of hearing.


Damn girl.



Chapter 6: Grand theft auto

Chapter 6: Grand theft auto


We were kicked out.

From that god forsaken place and it’s just because I couldn’t stay still. It wasn’t my fault they couldn’t stop tickling me.

After I had gotten my streak, Sarah insisted, no forced me to get a manicure and a bikini wax. Sheesh those waxes hurt like hell, and I think the lady doing it hated me, because she practically ripped the thing off. Though it was

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