» Romance » Cliche by ninja jinx (interesting books to read in english .TXT) 📕

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my fault for kicking her in the face when she tried to apply nail polish onto my toe nails. It was just an instant reaction, and I have very sensitive toe nails.


“I can’t believe you” Sarah fumed, “you got us kicked out of the best place in here!”


Ok angry person coming through. I actually wanted to laugh and say that it served her right for making me go through that hell, but I kept my mouth sealed shut or Sarah would be convicted of murder.


“But it doesn’t matter now. I get to still look forward to the party”. Wasn’t she depressed a moment ago?


“Yay, the party” I said with overly fake enthusiasm. My feet are going to be bleeding latter. And it also didn’t help that the bags we have were starting to cause a constant ache to my arms. How come I was the only one carrying the most?


When we arrived at my old beat up truck, I could see Sarah turn her nose up in disgust. I heaved the bags into the back and wanted to sign into her face. What, you think that bright pink car you have is any better?


Sarah took out her phone and glanced at the screen for a moment before she said, “holy shit, give me the keys”.

I looked at her stupidly before she attacked me and snatched my purse from my reach. What is it with today and people taking my things?

She flung the bag back to me when she had the keys firmly in her hand and ran to the other side of the truck and towards the drivers end. “Get in Isabel, hurry”.


It was so sudden that all I could do was get in dumbly and fasten my seatbelt. “What’s going on Sarah” I asked as she revved the engine and made it purr. “Where late” was all she said before we were flying through the car park and doing a 360 in the middle.


Screaming I latched onto the handle bar as we jolted forward with the tires squealing. “Whoop whoop” Sarah yelled as we entered the road and took an illegal U-turn so we were heading towards a back street. What the hell! I feel like I’m in Grand theft auto or freaking James Bond movie.

I half expected Sarah to pull out a gun from her bra and begin shooting civilians. Is this what she did when she became popular? Am I in a car with a potential weirdo? Wait she was always weird…but this is just extreme!


“Sarah!” I screamed as we headed for a ramp. “Don-” but I was cut short when I was defying gravity and watching the road disappear from beneath us.


There’s an old lady crossing the road!

 I squinted my eyes as we fell onto the road and began heading towards her. “Sarah!” I yelled, but then the seatbelt was jabbing into my chest and the breath was knocked out of me as we came to a standstill.

The lights cast a glow around the lady and the white strands of hair that fell into her face. She stopped in the center of the zebra crossing and slowly began turning towards us.

Was that a nose piercing and a face tattoo?  

She gave us a grimace and shot us the middle finger. What the hell?

Sarah revved the engine and inched forward. “Hurry up old grandma” she called, her blonde locks falling into her eyes.


When the old lady had moved to the side, Sarah practically rammed straight on. I was plunged back and deep into the cushioned seat as we were once again racing across the abandon streets. I didn’t even know this place existed…


It was probably only just a few minutes before we reached my house. I practically threw the door off its hinges and collapsed onto the pavement like a lump of poop. I am never going to let her drive again. I army crawled towards the bushes where I threw up all I’ve eaten. I heard a gagging sound from behind me as I wiped my mouth and stumbled towards the front door.


I reached for my purse; too only see it was in Sarah’s hand with all the other bags. She trudged forward slowly and heaved a deep breath of air as a vain popped in her temple. I wasn’t bothered to get up as I leaned on the wall and watched her through the corner of my eye. When she finally came to stand before me with the keys in her hand I said “don’t ever do that again”. It was the only thing I could get out before I felt like I was going to hurl again. I think I died in that car and resurrected.


She laughed in joy as she unlocked the door and threw the bags on the hallway floor. “Sorry. It’s just that we’ll have no time to prepare for the party with the rate we were going”. She killed me because of that? Oh, I swear one of these days I’m going to force feed her carbs while she’s tied to a chair and watching play school.


I tumbled inside as Sarah held my hand. “Come on Isabel, it’s time to party!” Sarah squealed. I mumbled curse words under my breath cursing her to the bottom of the sea. “Go wash yourself; I’ll put the clothes for tonight out in the bed.”

She gave me one final shove up the stairs before she disappeared back into the hallway singing a horrible pop song. My ears are bleeding, I’m probably going to die from blood loss…


After the shower and gulping down half the bottle of mouth wash, I entered my room with the towel wrapped firmly around me. I crept to the window and peeked out at Miss Knights house, because ever since I know she can scale buildings I’ve been scared shitless. I shut the curtains and it was then that I noticed the bag on the bed and the combat boots on the floor. Walking cautiously towards it with my heart racing, I poked it with the antenna I found on the floor. It’s safe to say that this isn’t a bomb.


I looked inside and took the piece of articles and placed them on the bed laid out. It was a simple flowing black dress with a red bow tied at the bodice. It wasn’t what I was expecting Sarah to give me; in fact I had been preparing myself for something overly skimpy. Though she probably knows that if she gave me something too revealing I would beat the crap out of her.


Oh is that a sweet in a very suspicious place. Should I eat it? I mean, what harm can it do? I placed the sweet into my mouth and savored the taste. Banana.


I clipped on my bra and let the dress flow down my body. It was so soft and it felt like I was going commando. Who knew there were dresses like these? I grabbed the new combat boots with the flames and placed them on, signing with happiness. When I looked into the mirror I nearly gasped. I wonder if that was why Sarah made me get a ‘red’ streak. It was like she planned this….


“Isabel, I’m coming in to do your makeup” Sarah called from behind the closed bedroom door.

Wait, did she say makeup. Oh no, I have very bad experiences with those tools of doom. I tried it once and I stabbed my eye and dropped the whole makeup bag on my toe. I barricaded the door with my weight as Sarah tried to open it. “Let me in Isabel” she said tightly.

“Never” I yelled. There was a moment of silence before I heard retreating steps. Did she already give up?

I relaxed my tenses muscles for a second before I was flying through the air. Why do I always end up flying?

I landed with a thud on the floor, with my limbs strewn all over the place. I looked up to see Sarah standing there with a smile of victory. “Isabel I’m the state champion in martial arts”. Huh? When did this happen…and why do I feel so dizzy. “I knew this was going to happen” I heard a distance voice say, “so I drugged you with the sweet”. I knew there was something odd about it…

She then pulled out a leopard stripped bag from behind her back and a long piece of rope. “This is for your own good…”



Holy shit…






Chapter 7: Tied down

Chapter 7: Tied down


I opened my eyes only to be met by darkness, and when I tried moving my hands I realized that I couldn’t. What the hell, what happened? All I remember is being on the floor and-



All the events came rushing back, the sweet, the ninja kick, passing out and Sarah’s confession. Oh when I get my hands on her, I’m going to slap her to mars. “It’s about time you woke up” a voice said as a bright light flashed onto my face.

“I was worried you would sleep through the night”.


“Sarah” I yelled, and when I licked my lips and I tasted strawberries. Is this lip gloss?

“What have you done to me?” I yelled with my tummy churning.

“There’s nothing to fear Isabel” she said as she appeared in front of the un-earthly glow. I squinted my eyes when she came into focus in front of me. In her hands she held my glasses and placed them on my face gently. “It was all done for you”.


“Like hell it was!” I screamed as I tried to break free from the bindings. Was this some kind of action movie I was starring in? She let an ear piercing laugh and twirled a piece of my hair in her long fingers. “But look at the product” she whispered as she brought out a hand mirror from behind her.


I felt a scream about to rip through my throat as the mirror inched closer, however it was cut short when I saw the girl in the reflection. Now don’t get me wrong, I was scared but the shock was out weighing it by a million.

Because the person in the mirror looked like a…

“DEMON!” I screamed as I thrashed wildly around.

“ISABEL!” Sarah yelled in my face.

“It’s a Demon! Get it away from me!”

“Isabel this is you” she said as she grabbed my upper arms and began shaking me. “It’s you, and you’re beautiful”.

“That’s the thing! I can’t be that pretty.”  Call me weird, but hey what can I say?


 Sarah rolled her eyes as she walked towards the light and flicked the switch off. “Don’t be so dramatic” she said. Oh, I was dramatic. Says the one that tied me to a bloody chair!

The bedroom lights flashed on and Sarah walked towards me where she began untying me, “don’t hit me ok” she said. “I had to do it, or you’ll never let me”. I guess she had a point; I’ll let her go this time…


“Then don’t do that again” I said with menace. She shrugged her shoulders like all had been forgotten.  Why you-


“Isabel, there’s no point complaining over spilt milk” Sarah replied dismissively as she picked up two purses. “I’ve fully equipped these purses with makeup, phones, your house keys, girl stuff and” now she

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