» Romance » Operation: Loser by C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce (books for 8th graders .txt) 📕

Book online «Operation: Loser by C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce (books for 8th graders .txt) 📕». Author C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce

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"YOU CAN DO IT, BRITTNEY!", the last two made me puke!

They were on the floor exchanging punches to each other. Like any other chick fights-hair pulling, scathing each other with their claws...I mean "nails", and name calling. Like for example:





Silence filled the air then came the laughter...

"Ha ha! Jasmine's still a virgin?!"

"Looks like "Miss Bad ass" is scared of 'doing it'!"


"Want to come house later babe?"


"Awwwhhh, looks like Miss Bad ass/Nerd doesn't have a man!" One of Brittney's drones shouted causing the other drones to say back...
"Hell! Who would want to do it with her?"

"Miss Bad ass is actually the school's SAAAIIINNNTTT!" The one who said that was "Mr. Hockey jock" A.K.A Darren, who received high fives from the entire football team.

Jazz. She stood up slowly not saying a single word and stared into my hazel eyes. Her dark brown eyes was reddish with a few tears slipping away. A few tears turned into fives, tens, and finally a hundred of liter of tears fell to the ground. Jasmine got both of her hand to cover her eyes, and roughly pushed away the crowd to runaway to the exit. I still could hear her sound of cries in the background of the laughing crowd.

"Jasmine!" I shouted her name, running after her but it was too late when she drove away on her motorcycle. I turned back to face Brittney, "What the hell did you just do?!"

"Awwhhh...", she fake a sweet tone, "Little Ms. Freak show lost her body guard?!" A devilish grin was growing on her lip gloss cover lips. I shook my head really slowly and pushed her out of my way. "Don't worry loser

, I'm not done with the both of you!"

Chapter 12

~Jasmine's POV.~




I heard Chloe shout my name, to be honest, I didn't felt talking to her. I just ran to my motorcycle, hoping to run away. As I got on, I quickly accelerate on the gas. I never cried so much today or ever. My last long lasting cries were from Nate or about my dad leaving. I just wanted to run, cry, and cry.

I hate my life.

I'm not strong, I'm just a little weakling.

Like before when I was younger.

- F L A S H B A C K -

I sat on the cold and rough sidewalk, all alone. School had ended over an hour ago and I'm still there. My parents still hadn't pick me up from preschool. Being only 6 and half, being alone was frighting. My eyes had swell red from all of my crying. I got goosebumps from the chilly wind, I was only wearing a purple sweatshirt.

"What's wrong?" I remember that voice, it belong to the meanie in my art class. Should I look or...should not? I felt like ignoring him and continued on crying, he was being a big bully in class. I forgot his first name but remember his last name. His last name was 'Dalton' or something like that. Dalton sighed and walk over to sit next to me.

I turned my head to see him, his dark green eyes melt into my brown ones. "Wh-what are you do-doing here?" I stutter while asking him.

He kept a stern, emotionless face, "I told you already. What's wrong."

"Nothing..." My voice was soundless but can still be heard.

"Don't joke with me Ling," How does he know my last name? "Look Jasmine, I know we're not the'friends' but, ah- Fudge, how should I put it?!"

Wait, me and him are FRIENDS? No way...I never had a 'friend' before. I was too shy and scared of everyone besides my parents. A smile strike on my mouth, I finally had a friend! A FRIEND! My actions to over my brain, and I hugged him. Dalton, last name kid's cheeks reddened.

I kept on hugging him, "So...I'm guessing I help? Cool, now let go." His voice was low and harsh sounding. I stopped and flinched at his tone, and took a look at his face. Dalton had dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, and..dimples. He lowered his heard to the hard ground. "Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you, it's just-it's just. Girls have cooties, and I don't want your cooties."

Cooties? I giggle a few times then laughed at him. "What are you laughing at?!" Dalton yelled a pinch and started to laugh also.

"I'm Nate, by the way." So, Nate is his name. Nate had a full smile on his face, showing all his pearly white teeth, "Nice to meet you."

His right hand was out, and I took it as a handshake. "Jasmine Ling, the pleasure's all mine." I gave back a smile to Nate. The cold blasting wind got me shivering.

"You're cold?" Nate asked while getting something out of his book bag. "here, take this." It was a jersey jacket, slightly bigger than me but then again I was smaller for my age.


Nate ignored my answer and put his jacket over my shoulders. "It's not problem, jeez, you're such a little baby." His words made a few more tears to fall out. "Wah-stop it Jasmine! I was just kidding!" All of the sudden his soft yet cold fingers we're wiping my tears. As my crying ended I show Nate pulling another thing out of his book bag. It was a cute little brown stuff dog. "I-don't use Car so much anymore, you can have him. If you promise to take care of him..."

I nodded and stick out my pinky, "Pinky swear?" Nate rolled his eyes but did so.

And that's how I met Nate Dalton.

- F L A S H B A C K O V E R -

My mind was set on Eminem's song 'Not Afraid', besides the road. The endless road, my helmet was swear with my dry tears.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
To take a stand, to take a stand
(Yeah, it's been a ride)
Everybody, everybody
(I guess I had to)
Come take my hand, come take my hand
(Go to that place to get to this one)

We'll walk this world together through the storm
(Now some of you)
Whatever weather, cold or warm
(Might still be in that place)
Just lettin' you know that you're not alone
(If you're tryin' to get out)
Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road
(Just follow me, I'll get you there)

What the hell happened to me?

You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em
'Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say I'ma do something, I do it, I don't give a damn what you think

I'm doin' this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up if it thinks it's stopping me
I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtably
And all those who look down on me, I'm tearing down your balcony

When did I get so weak?

No if, ands, or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he
From "Infinite" down to that last "Relapse" album
He's still shittin' whether he's on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him

Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck-you for Christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the earth, he's got
The urge to pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the whole universe

Before I knew it, I had pause into a dark alley. Fuck...where the hell am I?! "Lookie here boys, a new play toy." Shit...A low cold, and emotionless voice that went up my spine and not in the good way. I got off my bike and slowly walk to an dead-end. Wow, I should really win the 'Dumbest Asian' award. Do I dare to turn around and face a new monster...?

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid
To take a stand, to take a stand
Everybody, everybody
Come take my hand, come take my hand

FUCK! I already had enough! Oh well, why not look? I did a slothful turn to face them, six monstrous body-built men stood face-to-face. Shit... They all looked bitter and displeased but had lustful glint in their eyes. DAMN, can't this day get any worse! My wish was answered when a black Hennessey Venom GT Spyder swarm behind the jackasses. The front lights of the car was shiny enough to blind me. Out stepped the one and only, Nate Dalton. The guy I despise the most, even out of all humans on Earth. Yes, including Brittney.

"Oh, Jasmine Ling, aren't you a trouble one?" Nate said full of annoyance. "But then again...I love trouble." He started marching to where I stood, "Guys, playtime's over, go back to your mommys'." That did not make them happy, in-fact, the bastards started charging to punch Nate. The annoying jerk managed to duck most of them but got hit by one. Once down all the monsters played 'Beat the crap out of Nate.' TSK, that dumb ass! I had

to help, I couldn't just leave him to rot. I took my chance and started to punch some of them, even to get them to leave Nate alone.

"Feisty chick, I like it~" The main leader said with full pride.

"Leave.Her.ALONE.", Nate was trying to cough some of the blood coming from his mouth. While he stood next to me arms-on-arms ready.
His dark green eyes went inside of my eyes, "Ready Ling?"

A devilish smirk had grown on my lips, "More than you're ever be, Dalton."

Chapter 13

~Chloe's POV.~

I couldn't help it; I took a menacing step towards her. “You wanna say that again?” I said through clenched teeth. Jasmine and I have been through so much shit. We stuck together and we had each other’s backs. And that bitch made Jasmine cry, shit’s gonna go down. I wanted to throw a piece of crap at her fake ass face, just to see how many pounds of makeup it can wipe off. That hoe pissed me off to no end.

“I SAAAID, I’m not done with you LOSERS yet.” Brittney taunted in her annoying, high pitched voice.

“THAT’S IT.” I yelled as I rugby tackled her to the ground with an ‘oomph!’ Brittney cushioned the fall for me; I didn’t feel sorry for her at all.

I could faintly hear cheer of the people around us, but all I could think of, was jacking up that hideous face.

My mind was clouded with red anger. My fist pounded mercilessly at her face. “Don’t..” –punch- “ever” –punch-

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