» Romance » Operation: Loser by C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce (books for 8th graders .txt) 📕

Book online «Operation: Loser by C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce (books for 8th graders .txt) 📕». Author C. Joyce & Jessica Pham -or- Jessica Pham & C. Joyce

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“hurt her EVER again.” I gave her one last punch for good measure. Bitch, nobody messes with Jasmine without facing my wrath.

I was straddling her the whole time, so she couldn't escape. Like she cared, she was too busy protecting her ‘Barbie- gone- wrong’ face. I slowly got up and planted my foot on her stomach. Her cheer uniform had ridden up, so everyone could see her stomach and thong…

I leaned down till I was face-to-face with her. I ignored her wide, frightened eyes and the breath being knocked out of her. “And if you do.. well lets just say you won’t be so lucky next time.” I threatened.

After all the adrenaline rushed out of me, I was left with nothing but my heavy breathing. With my last shred of energy, I pushed off of her causing her to gasp again. The crowd parted for me as I made my way out of the circle they made around Brittney and I. There were whispers all around me. Some people cheered, some glared at me. Some looked at me like I was some caged freak.

I walked around for a while, searching for Jasmine. I didn’t care if I missed class. Shocker, right? A nerd saying that, is about as rare as a unicorn eating leprechauns. I only had like 2 periods left anyway. I’m not a nerd at all, now that I think about it..
An ex nerd who beat a cheerleader up..

Then, the shock of what had happened caught up with me. I beat a girl up… In front of the school! The teachers could see it! Then I might get suspended! And that’ll go on my permanent record… Then I might not go to college! No college means no money, and that means no house! And THAT can lead to living in the streets! And THAT can lead to death…
Jesus Christ, I’m gonna die.

Chapter 14

P.s. I was forced to write this from my good friend, Jessica...different Jessica.

~Jasmine's POV.~

"More than you'll ever be, Dalton." I said, my voice full of smug. Nate returned me a original Crimson the Cat grin.

"You get that dude," He pointed to a shaggy looking dude, who was the smallest out of all of them. I gave Nate a 'Really?' look, I'm not weak. "Yeah. Really, you can handle that little midget...right?"

"Look," I was so pissed off this very minute. "I know I'm short because I'm Asian, but that doesn't mean I handle the-"

"WATCH OUT!" I got interrupted...and roughly pushed to the wall. Dammit. Nate came rambling to my side, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah...just perfect

." I bluntly reply a lie, my back hurts like hell. I took a glance to see one of the guys smiling like a devil.

"Stay behind my back." Nate made himself into a shield for me. "You're safer behind me..."

I squeal a "NO!" I'm getting so...AGH! I'm not FUCKING WEAK! I dash to the guy who force me onto the wall and gave him a nice uppercut. My punch sent the douche bag falling downstairs, blood dripping from his nose. That's what you deserve asshole!

"Oh," The tone of the voice sounded like Nate's, "Not bad punch...not bad." Even though his words were full cockiness. There was glint of approval in his eyes. "But baby, I can do better, way

One of the douche bag's friend took a disapproval look at him, and was charging to Nate. I can tell he was planning to face Nate in the face. Nate only had a cocky smirk, then, kicked him in the balls. Ouch.

The jerk was on the cold and harsh ground, holding his 'spot' in agony. Damn, that's gotta hurt like a bitch! Serves him right! Nate chuckled in happiness and entertainment but a slight boredom. "Is that you can only do? I'm pretty sure this crybaby can beat you all." He swung his arm on my shoulders when he said 'crybaby'. Our eyes met something was odd though, his dark green eyes had transformed into a midnight black. "What? Had enough Jasmine?"

"It's not all we got, Blondie."

"Jasmine huh-?" Nate and I cast our attention to the main leader, "I got to remember your name at during our bed...I mean 'Playtime'." His words were not but just crepuscular, the way he said it made nightmares. Nate took his time to remove his arm away and shag to the main devil leader. The other three guys took charged at Nate to defend their leader.

It was an awful déjà vu moment...Nate bustled a few attacks on the three while he block their punches. One of the members was about to do front kick on Nate but I had to help also. A stereotype Asian me, I roundhouse the dude back into place. "You're barking up the wrong tree." My mind adjusted for a minute, "okay...trees."

The dude swiped a small trail of blood on the side of his mouth. "Okay little princess, I'm holding this against you during our bed time."

"Sorry..." I started my voice was hollow, "but I don't have a bed time." The jackass just smiled a smile own by the evil doll Chucky. AGH, I hate Chucky...creepiest red-head doll.
The jackass came up to me and well...I did as many kicks as I can. Even while trying to dodge his punches, kicks, any attacks. I practiced front kicks, side kicks,roundhouse kicks, back kicks,crescent kicks, stomp kicks, and axe kicks on him. The only reason why I do more kicks than punches is because I'm stronger on my legs not my arms. My practice doll finally fainted and crashed on the floor.

I once-over to see Nate fighting another blockhead, nonstop punches were sent to each other. Nate had thrown an jab, followed by cross punch, and finally a hook punch. The fatigue and imbecile guy fell to his knees. There were cuts and stains of blood on his face. Nate took a peek of his knuckles, bloody-stain knuckles. Nothing but red was on his hands. It look like a scene in a horror film. Nate glimpse at me and flashed his famous smile.

My eyes blink for a quick half-second, then a gun shot bang in an echo. I force my eyelid to reveal..The first thing I saw was Nate falling to his knees. He was standing in-front of me, like he was shielding me.

Oh god.

"You FUCKING dumb ass! Look what you just did! You killed a fucking ass boy!" A hatred filled voice belong to the main leader.

"I-I dunno...I was aiming for the girl, I-it was an in-incident-"

"AN INCIDENT?!" The leader bark in exasperation, "Oh, yeah. Like the cops will take killing a teenage boy as an 'Incident'!"

My eyes were on Nate, who was almost life-less on the filthily stone ground. He doesn't deserve this, dying. Sure he's a annoying, harsh, jerk but he doesn't need to die. I mean, look at Brittney, she's the princess of hell and the daughter of the devil.
I could feel one of the member's eyes only on me, "Lo-look..if we kill the girl, no problem right?"

"'re right, shoot her." Two simple words 'shoot her' will sent horror down your spine. The psychopath did as told and aim the gun directly on my head.

I'm really going to die.

My body felt stronger, like supernatural powers were steaming in my body. "HOLY SHIT!" I heard both of them curse. I peek open my eyes to see the bullet floating before my body. Huh? Not just that, the assholes running away like babies. My head was spinning, full of air that felt like carbon monoxide. Before I knew it, my body was crashing down to the floor. The last thing I saw was Nate trying to whisper my name.

Then...darkness took over my body.

Chapter 15


~Jake's POV.~

Social Studies class was such a bore. I mean, how the hell can you not

fall asleep? Must be magic then. Mr. Davis kept talking on and on and on about random things. One minute the class was on the Civil War and then he started about 'Back in the day'. My eyes were directly on the clock, nailed to the wall. 11:57, just a few more seconds.






"Everyone, homework is on text book page 399, numbers from 1-30!" Okay...what? NOW, you just tell us!




Almost Jake, almost, don't be upset.



"Oh! The big 13 chapter test is tomorrow also!" 1.

I pace away from the lame hole as fast as I can.
My body slammed open the black door and I yelled out loud, "FREEEDOOM!" I took a glance at Mr. Davis, who was shaking his head in disappointment.

"JAKE! JAKE!" I paused my heel to see one of my friends, Chase, chasing after me.


"Dude. Mr. Davis was so pissed off of you when you did that."

My voice was in monotone, "So? He's boring as hel-"

Then...I got interrupted. "Jake!" There was Chloe walking to where Chase and I stood. Her arms were full of text books, reading books, and other stuff.

"Need help?" I asked kindly, since I knew Chloe wasn't so...strong. She shook her head in an answer of 'no'. There was a grin growing on Chase's mouth. The grin had me irritated, "What?"

"Oh," Chase started still smiling like a fool, "nothing..." He turned his head to Chloe was, "Chase Britton, by the way."

Chloe just smiled like a love struck weirdo, "Ch-Chloe..."

Chase was about to walk away when he said, "Cool-ie-yo. Well, don't what to be a third wheel in you two...lovebirds. So, see ya in the assembly."

Me and Chloe just scream out loud to Chase, "WHAT?!"



As the assembly was about to begin. Our principal, Mrs. Foster, was getting ready. She took the microphone and the loud speakers started to buzz. "Attention, fellow students of Ridge Way High. There - has been an accident with two Seniors of this school." Every student gasped, o.k., everyone except me. "It seems yesterday, two Seniors were assaulted by a group of gang. The defilement happened on October 27, 2013 at the time of 10:05, in Elm South street. It has been an over obliged, one of the Seniors made to the hospital just a second no later."

"What happened to the students?!" Some random Freshman questioned. There

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