Cheering On The World by Cheyene Montana Lopez (book series to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Cheyene Montana Lopez
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much onto the negative and not enough on the positive. Your brain is a gold mine of ideas and abilities. The power of the mind is so underestimated. Anyone can do it by bolstering the emotional health. All thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to lead to a material thing. That is why we must learn to be more positive. The environment and all the experiences in life are the result of habitual and predominant thoughts. Negative thoughts can tell us about something that needs attention. So, thoughts lead to discovering what needs to be done, and one can think positively or negatively to take care of it. Many people fail to see a negative occurrence as a learning experience and continue to feel victimized and helpless, ultimately blaming others for what they drew to themselves. Being positive requires a conscious move toward optimism and away from pessimism. We must recover from problems and maintain the negativity recovery. A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. The power of positive thinking is immense, the value of a positive mental attitude is priceless. It is a value everyone must have. External factors can be dealt with by taking positive steps to repair or at least address the root problem as best as you can. We need assurance of positive, especially of our selves. We pride ourselves in being able to provide meaningful surety. Do not be arrogant or to selfish. Attitude. It can be the one thing that can make you or break you. This is a key part of your abundance and personal growth journey. It's when you face your greatest challenges that you have to respond in the most positive ways. Breakthroughs. Well lets look a bit closer at this mainstay. Personal experience is important in keeping a positive attitude to pulling through and making things better. A positive outlook in life causes positive things to happen. With a positive outlook you see much more. Everything involves a reflection mirror. Lets go over a few of them. We have the people mirror which is what you really feel such as being annoyed or angered. Then there’s a different side of mirroring which I think is much more fascinating. It happens when people are showing you your own innermost beliefs. Beliefs that you may not even be aware that you have. It can be the key to understanding yourself in ways you've never thought of before. With this type of mirroring you won’t find that people think like you instead you will find that they will treat you exactly how you feel about yourself. Then there is the morning mirror. That is your deepest sincere feelings. The morning mirror is more of defensive feeling. This mirror is where the negative can come in when you first wake up and stretch but then you have this self- centered attitude of being hateful, rude, and the happening. We have this curious mirror – the wondering kind of thought where you think about involvement and if others like you. This is the eye opening moment when you spend valued time with yourself. If people had time for you then they would see you but not if they had to make any extra effort to do it. People are simply mirroring the belief. A belief which you hadn't known about yourself. It is a life altering experience. Last but least and most importantly there is the dramatic change mirror. You discover how amazing it is that you've noticed how want to make some room for big improvements and make some big time changes in your lifestyle and the inner you self. You have this resolving awareness as if something needs to be completed. You come to a creating point and you write down what you lack and the finer parts of you. You being mirrored is always instantly obvious. You come to understand. You discover you have a gift a key to you to be open the door to a whole new you. You've probably come to the realization that you have some core beliefs that may be causing you to constantly seek approval from others and are basically hindering you from achieving what you really want. You're not alone. We all have some deep thought processes that we'll come
to realize are no longer relevant to our current lives. Sometimes, the core belief you think you have isn't really the one that's causing the problems. You might think you're a really positive person but in reality what you're saying to yourself and those around you could be quite negative. One way to really determine what your true core belief is to notice what you say to yourself during times of great stress. That's the core belief you need to change. Awareness is the next step to changing core beliefs. Simply observe how you behave and you'll soon see the results that you're creating for yourself. Changing those old patterns becomes much easier when you see it's been due to how you were thinking, reacting, and behaving. Sometimes, just the sudden understanding of why you react the way you do, is enough to let go of old thought processes. It's a matter of being aware of when you have your old thought and replacing it with your new one. If you can, also be aware of what triggers your old thought. Remember, these old beliefs were originally created to keep you safe. You no longer need them to do that for you. One other thing to remember is that nothing has any meaning until you give it a meaning. You are the only one who gives meaning to anything and everything in your life. You have the power to put a new meaning on some aspect of your life. This will change your life because you're seeing it in a completely new way. A very effective way of working on re-programming this core belief is to use a mirror. If you feel like you don't deserve money, you could try writing yourself a check and hand it to yourself in the mirror. At first, you may not even be able to look at yourself in the eye and it may feel really, really uncomfortable. Keep trying. Every time you do it, it will get easier and each time, your subconscious begins to believe it a little bit more. For some people, changing core beliefs like this happens quickly and for others, sometimes it can take a few months. It does work though. Discover who you know with the core belief you want and then hang out with them. The goal isn't to just copy them or pretend to be that person, it's more about learning from the experts, listening to new ideas, seeing new ways of thinking and then working to incorporate those ideas into your own beliefs. You'll still be you but you will have grown your mind to include this new thought process. At first when you're working on changing core beliefs, you may find it hard to believe your new thought. Remember that it's your past experiences which have provided you with this core belief. Many times, it was created in order to keep you safe and to protect yourself from more pain and suffering. Know that this isn't true. You're safe without that old thought. It doesn't serve you anymore and you can change it. Have the courage to embrace positive beliefs and get on with your life. You attract to yourself those experiences that match your existing belief system. You may even fight it when someone else tries to show you that these beliefs have a positive side, until you begin the process called balancing and transformation. Balancing negative and positive core beliefs is a better way - use your grown-up self-awareness and self empowerment. Core beliefs are the ideas we hold as the truth. They are the source of thoughts, feelings and actions. These beliefs are the foundation of our personality. Positive beliefs set no limits on what you believe you can achieve, and therefore do not impose any limitations or restrictions on your thoughts or actions. And that may be your starting point. As long as you can recognize that you do have positive beliefs, it won't be so hard to assume that you can have more. Develop a deep and natural belief in your ability to succeed at anything - Rewire your mind for positivity and a winning attitude. We need to condition ourselves to have positive beliefs about ourselves. You need to create strong beliefs about yourself and what you believe you can become. It is because of your belief system that you are where you are in life right now. You have created your success or
failure with the beliefs that you have. You are growing and changing, we find ourselves face to face with beliefs that just are not working in our lives. Positive affirmations are designed to challenge those negative beliefs and start to stem the flow of negative thoughts and words that seek to bring out your belief. See povitive thoughts start with the thoughts of what you bring out. Daily positive thoughts encourage you, they are profound insights of inner strengths. Today’s daily reflection to meditate on is that peace is the great gift of serenity. Let’s focus on some points. It’s just started to rain here tonight in the dark. We see it is warm outside, it is springtime. We think wow we'll be so glad this rain is over. Now we'll all soon go off to rest in that deep sleep for the night thinking well maybe it'll stop raining
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