Cheering On The World by Cheyene Montana Lopez (book series to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Cheyene Montana Lopez
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to think about the things that trigger your positive emotions. We need to spend less time focusing on buying the material things which are not so important as it is spending time on those experiences we go through in life and being there as an emotional support person whether it be friend, mother, father, brother or sister or just a friend when they need you. Give someone a shoulder or ear to lean on by listening to him or her. In most of the personal growth advice you will read, positive emotions are considered the goal. Positive emotions, however, used to be considered too subjective and difficult to study. positive activities can boost your happiness increasing and sustaining happiness by creating bursts of positive emotions. Emotions your positive attitude and positive thinking. The key to happiness is inner peace. Happiness encompasses a whole range of emotions from certain. Positive emotions are powerful emotions that have the ability to affect you and those around you in good ways. Expand your awareness of the emotions you feel in this life. As you learn to name your emotions, you grow. Sometimes we feel that nothing can make us happy and we even forget how to smile. But we need to be surrounded with positive people that are content for what they have. Where is happiness? Happiness is from the heart as a result of what you make yourself steeling everyday in front of you another day. It’s the well being of health or to laugh and dream with a feeling of principals and emotional resilence as well as knowing you're loved. And let me let you know the signs of happiness have been in front of you all along. And these emotions help transform into happiness and peace from inside you right beneath the sunshine. However often times we only experience a very limited number of emotions. The implications sustain the power of harnessing happiness to transform lives. However emotions are very important reasons in our lives which has a remarkable ability to conjure up strong emotions in people that even help cheer us up when we're down and out in any adverse outcome. For instance if we see a huge rubber ball sitting still we're one way or another going to roll it or spin it thus watching it turn over and over till it finally spins to a sudden revolving stop at a point, in this we'll keep our eyes on the turning ball as it rolls and spins. In a world of negativity there are so many debates of the pros and cons considerable on through to its distinctions. I say it like it is, what's going on inside the brain is like a soup, that is what’s happening in the brain itself that its building a meaning of life along with what people are experiencing. Happiness is a pleasant emotion made out of contentment from ones state of mind. All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up. Consider this, negativity comes with anxiety, depression, constant weakness and fatigue, mental illnesses, and anger. Simply negativity is the outline of very simple exhilaration of attitudes. Problem is we need to get more motivated more often and get out of that dark dungeon fortress to which we have placed upon us. I know that it seems like a confrontation and perhaps it is to those of us whom only let it be so in our present state of awareness or state of mind. See when we go to buy that tag yearly for our cars we need to rid the old ones and place a new tag decal on the tag for the next year. See you wouldn't wear a new decal on that something you of the old past. See the new you wants to be whole and a solid new person in phase. We must phase out the old in order to have the new. We want to shine that we wear and have that new decal upon us because we're transformed into a whole new outlet function of a new person and let is shine from inside outwards good friends. We want to start out as young seedling but we want to grow and nourish into many branches that perch out. Yes it may look like a giant mega load. But I assure you that the price is well worth it all to have better. Please do not go to have yourself exiled and tormented. You'll see you'll have so many blessings to which you will
cherish what you did and went throughout to resolves out of the blooming transformation. The mirror will be all nice and cleaned onto which it will reflect all is completed a whole new you. Glow with the flow and the flow with the current upstream and not you downstream. Emotions changes has no season and seasons no reasons. A leaf falls in autumns and it comes rebirth in the springtime to a swing of full life. Think of it all this as an old photograph in an old scrapbook, picture that into mind and you will put new photographs and articles in front before the old. The old should last and the new next to the first. Ever noticed a tiny bug how it crawls and slowly inches its way along the ground among the grass and brown leaves as if it has nothing in way of any worries. That bug or tiny insect never lets anything get in its way or no hurdles are to big for that bug to overcome. See the bug gets along with everything in life and world. It transforms over a time. We should be as the bugs and insects and transform to be inspiring as all that is around us as the bugs and insects are with us beside them and that friends is how you're going to get along in this lovely world to with everyone exactly as it all goes step for step, mission for mission on into destiny. See we're creations magnificent to and creations made us as well all in all God's little perfect world of mystery and involvements developed and carried. I have always said that we're none perfect at all and we're never gonna be, in fact no one in the entire world is perfect and we need to stop trying to be so perfect at all. That will never happen. We're not some masquerade in some chalet of antiquity. Let’s now focus in on the positive recharges. See we do not want to be the negative terminal of life, we want to be the positive terminal post of the battery that resides in us to start us up on everyday living when we are awaken and up for the day every time. We want to be right on queue never missing a beat. We want to be a multi-color imaging apparatus utilizing a recharge step between two image creation steps, the device used to recharge us. All of us possess an inner reservoir of positive energy, some call it inner fire, the consciously healing. Limiting the recharge within reason, positive range will tend to stabilize flow rates. But only where negative pressures are still expected. You will need to locate the positive and negative thoughts and convert these negative thought waves to the positive charges. In other words fine the negative, focus and get what you want today and everyday you live each and every moment. Remember you seek to have a higher potential, clearly this will be you that is ever present and deserving. You never again want to have the quantity of unbalanced polarity inside you to carry the flows. For you are in charge of your attitude, efficient and enthusiastically. The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice as it is a positive attitude we choose to express. Your call will become clear as your mind is transformed. Attitude is that positive charge that will catapult your life. Age is an attitude of the mind. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance for generations. Very little anymore is it that we forget to have little of fun, to bring a joyful attitude, or to notice the funny things out of life. Life is lifeless and no price can be placed upon it. Let’s get some people positively charged for taking action and achieving positive results. Insight can transform the negative into neutral or positive. My attitude and outlook has become so positive and I have become such a cheerful person. One may never know what results come of
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