» Short Story » Love Blabber by Kalai Selvi Arivalagan (novel24 txt) 📕

Book online «Love Blabber by Kalai Selvi Arivalagan (novel24 txt) 📕». Author Kalai Selvi Arivalagan

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Chapter 1

"Listen to the voice of nature for it holds treasures for you." - Huron wisdom


When a man does not hesitate to drain his seed anywhere he wishes to, a woman always wants to implant it inside her womb and nurture till the seed grows into a blessed infant who is willing to breathe its first breathe of life in the world. For man is considered as a mammal, the instinct to dominate a female sexually and bring her under his control is considered a natural way.


The dictionary meaning for mammal reads “a warm-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that is distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, females that secrete milk for the nourishment of the young, and (typically) the birth of live young.”


Who gave the instinct to those birds to take the risk of flying thousands of miles and reach a place where it would be ideal for them to start their families? Even after man destroyed their habitats and made them a concrete jungle, why should they come back again and again to a place where their ancestor birds migrated for breeding?


One of the vacant lands near her house beamed with a flock of migratory birds. The tall grasses on the marshy area protected those birds from their predators. During the day she could not hear much of their activities for they leave early to nearby lakes in search of food.


In the evening, the parent birds returned with the food for their baby birds. Listening to their noisy conversation became her favorite evening past time activity. With a chair nested close to the balcony rails she would sit there for hours until their noisy conversation transformed into a golden silence that enveloped the darkness.


The monsoon rains arrived late.   Usually Saranya could watch a flock of migratory birds flying in the early morning sky toward water bodies.   This year, only a few birds flapped their wings toward their migratory destination.


One early morning on the open terrace brought a surprise for her. A flock of cranes flapped their wings in the sky above her head.  


“How lucky are these birds? God has given them two mighty wings that can take them high above the sky.”  


The instinct to find a place where they could build their family tree is simply amazing. Why man is not adorned with such sense?   When a bird with five senses had the instinct to migrate thousands of miles to find a suitable place to breed, it is sad sometimes a man had to migrate to a distant place and live alone without his family.


While talking with another person online using the messenger, it is not a face to face conversation. But it is a mind to mind conversation. 


The wave length matters much when we could not judge a person from his/her facial expressions.


“Do we have the same wave length?”


“Are they compatible that can make us feeling comfortable?”


The questions she posed before him always ended with serious conversation that involved deep meditation and other spiritual related queries. She at last found a solid platform where she could analyse things that had been happening in her life so far.


A peculiar question popped on her mind while travelling for work. She had read from some old books from the local library that compatibility between persons resulted mainly from the animal signs specific to the stars they are born.

Chapter 2


“Hi, look at her mobile phone.   How would she spend the day without any ping?”  


Saranya heard the whispering gossip behind her. How can these girls act so mean? Is chatting their main priority and what pleasure do they get by gossiping? Saranya could not decide.


Exchanging meaningless words anytime of the day showed their addiction to gossip. Now the messenger has become a convenient platform for them to gossip any nonsense they wished to share.  


Saranya wished she would ignore such comments and move on her way. Yet, sometimes such cheap conversation made her feel low and think if she is unfit to live in a society that worshipped materialistic wealth.


Saranya is not new to chat or to messengers. She had been chatting with her long distant friends using the free messengers. She would always do it on her desktop computer and once in a while she had done it using the messenger installed in her mobile phone.


Sharing information using the modern technology brought in such a fun in the beginning. Saranya loved to be online 24/7 and be with her online friends for maximum time possible.


Every day at work after she logged in her computer, it is a must to be online in the messenger. Her presence online showed availability at the work place and that ensured the day’s attendance and being present at work for solving any work related issues.


Her online presence during night for 8 hours brought in other cyber related issues also. She could meet both good and bad personalities. Most of the conversation was short lived for they ended in discussing sexual interests or meaningless empty conversations. Both men and women turned bold and shameless to talk to their extreme level possible.


Whatever they hesitated to talk in person, they talked shamelessly.   The only criteria that the face of the person who chats on the other side is not visible gave the advantage. Trolls roamed freely online and they enjoyed unrestricted pleasure in word abuse.


Being an introvert, the online chat provided a platform for her to discuss whatever she shunned to talk in person with her friends. The main hurdle that prevented her from moving freely with her friends is her appearance. She looked plain and not attractive.   No one took any interest in her. Even a guy with simple looks, did not turned his eyes toward her.   At the first glance, every one rejected her and at times some people made canny comments that brought tears to her eyes.


But on line is a place where there is no place for outward appearance. Whether you look good or not, until you carry on with your conversation, someone stayed there to listen to you.


“Would you mind sparing some time?” A message popped up in her messenger. The conversation which started with a simple greeting developed into a friendship that delved deep into her inner soul. Whenever she chats with Ram she felt the frequency level to be highly compatible. Slowly the conversation developed into a serious discussion related to spiritual and healing of the inner soul.


“You are a migratory bird” Saranya wrote in the middle of a conversation.




“Yes. You have been to a place in search of better living.” She smiled.


“True, but my family is not here with me.” Ram sighed.


“Nothing can prevent you from taking them there.”


“Birds and men are not similar. Birds migrate along with its pair to a distance place mainly to find a better place to raise their young one until they are strong enough to fly.”


“Yes. Birds are better placed than mankind.”


“Do you find any migratory birds there? I can watch so many flocks of birds now.”


“Enjoy watching birds.   They teach us so many valuable lessons than human beings.”


“Don’t you feel lonely living away from your family” She could not avoid asking such a question.


“Yes. Sometimes when I feel exhausted, I yearn to be with my kids and have dinner with them”.


Slowly, the conversation helped them to build a bond of friendship that made her feel a void whenever she could not chat with him.


The conversations helped her build a trust that relied mostly on instincts to decide if it is safe or unsafe.

Chapter 3

The heavy blow of the whistle jerked her from deep sleep.   Wiping her eyes, she looked around.


“Madhya Kailash” the public address system in the bus announced the name of the stop.  


“Still there are five more bus stops to reach my place.” She murmured to herself and looked at the evening sky. Dark clouds sailed across the sky predicting rain. The cool breeze brought in some showers also. The smell of summer rain!!!!


The cool breeze relaxed her tired nerves. In the morning it was really an ordeal.


Walking in the hot sun, she had been searching Oxford University Press for more than forty minutes. Whomever she enquired just returned a cold stare.


“We don’t know. Please check there at the book shop. They might know.” Even the people at the book shop did not know the location of the address.


The changing infrastructure of the city changed the entire look of the city also. The locations she visited more than a decade ago were beyond recognition.   Even the familiar streets and shops have changed their look with their added electronic and infrastructure facilities. Luckily, she brought a bottle of lemon juice that helped her to feel energized.


After walking down the road for more than twice, she decided to check at the local post office.


“I don’t know. Please check at the despatch section. They might know.” Blaming herself for whatever happened, she walked around the post office searching for the despatch section.


A middle aged man sitting at the Help Desk at the entrance helped her out of the situation.


“You have come a long way from the place. Please go to the bus stop at the opposite side.   Get into the bus 23C and get down at Oxford University Press stop or Church Park”.


“Incident like this show god is there. The world goes on because of these good hearted people only.” Saranya thanked him whole heartedly.


When she got down from the bus and reached Oxford University Press, she felt rejuvenated.


“Why am I going through this unnecessary ordeal?” Several thoughts swirled inside her mind as she sat working on the test paper. When people whom she had trained enjoy enviable positions, it is fate she is left alone to face the world with short-lived assignments that didn’t satisfy her quest.


Some bad karma keeps me chasing wherever I go.   Why it is so I don’t meet even a single good soul that can bring in some peace into my life.


There are seven karmic shadows:
1. Abuse
2. Addiction
3. Violence
4. Poverty
5. Illness
6. Abandonment
7. Betrayal


Saranya could not decide if her life has been overshadowed by any one of those seven karmic shadows. But whatever that happened in her life confirmed the influence of those shadows.

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