» Short Story » The lost life... by Lauren Colman (ebook e reader .TXT) 📕

Book online «The lost life... by Lauren Colman (ebook e reader .TXT) 📕». Author Lauren Colman

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I thought about the birth, giving life to a monstrous boy, and to my innocent baby girl, leaving with her. I looked at the hell hole where I would have been trapped, then I turned away and left. memories played back in my mind...

A darkness that consumed me and swallowed me whole. White noise filled the air, I felt weightless as if I was drowning, slowly sinking and then it struck me. I chocked, unable to absorb air, was I truly dying?

She lay in the bed, her matted hair spilled across the pillows, droplets of sweat covered her whole body, her chest rose and dropped, her weak feeble body could not hold the thing within her. Her skin had lost all colour, she was pale and looked like clear glass, her eyes closed in an endless sleep but she flinched as it moved, the bump dominated her and she could not cope. The humans refused to have her in the area once they found what she was carrying, yet they were fine with us being here, the weak pathetic humans feared the unknown but yet again they lived within the dark. When I had seen her when I was young, I knew it was different, she was made to be mine and I hoped that she survived.

Drowsily I opened my eyes, the light was so bright that I flinched but then all the pain flooded back to me, I was covered with a thick white cover and in a large soft bed, sat asleep by the bed was the blonde stranger. I moved slightly because it pained me to stay in this position, then his eyes flew open and looked straight towards me. I cowered away.

His soft silky voice reassured,"Shh it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," A tear slipped down my face at the memory of when he did hurt me. I chocked out," Yo-uu hu-rt m-e be-fo-re," His eyes widened then he shook his head. He made a reach for my hand but I pulled it away. His swirling honey eyes looked deeply into mine and he pulled a sad face, how could he dare pull a sad face when I'm like this. I felt a vile substance rising up in my throat and I leaned right over to the side of the bed and accidentally was sick all over his shoes. I wiped my mouth and shakily leaned back against the headboard. I whispered out an apology then closed my eyes peacefully but I was deeply shook up and my stomach felt like it was butter being churned.

I heard a familiar tune being hummed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. I remember the song my mother use to sing to me, was she my mother? She wasn't mary, but she looked so familiar, I listened to the song being sung.

It was a sweet silky tune, almost like the hush or the sea or the noise of the breeze.

Here in the forest,
dark and deep,
I offer you,
eternal sleep.

Then I remembered what happened when I was five.

I woke up screaming, it was now dark, the room brightened up by the stranger coming in but when the room eluminated, I saw my mother.

I stuttered but then I realised she wasn't the woman I remembered, she was more kind and gentle and didn't have the evilness and fierceness of the person before me. My eyes widened and she nodded gently. The stranger burst threw, then said harshly," Mother, go away, your frightening her," I shook my head then grabbed my mothers hand then hissed at the stranger," She's my mother, not yours," He just looked at me with disbelief and went to feel my head. He cuddled me then murmured into my ear," Honey, your running a fever, she isn't your mother, she's mine," Her clean crisp voice cut over his humming in my ear and she said," Christain, she is my daughter, but your not my real son but your like my own flesh and blood," Feeling sorry for him, I stroked his hair then said," The tune you were singing was what she use to sing to me," I had no idea what was coming over me, how could I possibly have feelings for this man, I don't even know his name and he is a were! He did this to me, I'm falling into this places trap.

He left the room swiftly, dragging my mom along, I waved bye and she did too. I closed my eyes and I fell ito a deep deep sleep. I was starting to remember everything...

I felt like I was standing on plain glass above the world, clouds surrounded me and I could see the forest below.

I snuggled up to the warmth of my mother, inhaling her exotic spicy perfume and the smooth feel of her silk dress, soon my eyes began to droop, then my body went limp.

I fell down and down to the forest and landed with a thump.

The harsh icy wind blew at me, almost knocking me over, I cried for my mother, for my father, for my sister but no one helped me. I was stuck in deep, grubby black mud which clung to me as a second layer of skin, I gripped close my dear china doll and wailed some more. The mud was knee deep, it was dark and the bright glazing moon was out in all of its glory but I was terrified, I was only five years and two days old, I was too young to die. The twisted black trees tried to claw at me, the mud tried to devour me whole and the darkness left me blind. An eerie howl sounded but it got louder and louder, there were more howls now but then I heard the sound that changed my life forever, a blood curling scream followed by a second scream. I felt strong with determination, I threw my doll to the side, then started to yank myself out of the mud, praying for a miracle, I was out. Shivering in my tiny long blue silk dress, which was now torn, muddy and ruined, I ran and ran to the sound of the screams. I tripped over a log, scrapping my knees, but I continued to run, sharp thorns and branches scratched me and red ran onto my dress. I was in a small clearing near the road, tipped to the side was the carriage, the horse was laying almost dead on the road, its deep black eyes crying for a quick painless death which would never come, I walked over to the horse and her breathing was ragard. I picked up the rock near her head, then swiftly dropped it. She was out of her misery, she was torn, her guts spilled onto the floor but whatever had done this was sick, leaving a poor horse nearly dead in this state, I looked over to the carriage and it was torn as well. I had to admit, I was terrified beyond belief, all I wanted was my family and to be curled up beside them. I saw a long trail of blood, I followed it along then entered another clearing but the trees were more spreaded apart.

I realised, I had killed before, but yet I left my mother to die in pain but she didn't really die.

My vision went red, it was a blood red, I touched my eyes and pulled back. Was I crying blood?

Then I saw them, tall creatures almost wolf like but stood upon two legs, their breath smelt like rotten flesh and the smell of damp and decay was overwhelming, they had dragged my family here, there was many decaying rotting bodies here but none of them were recognisable as human as they were shredded beyond belief. The largest was stood over a body... It was father! I fell to the ground and silently sobbed for the loss of my father, if he was dead then it meant they would be too.

I felt a warm breath tickle the back of my neck, I was too terrified to look behind me, I heard light snarling and I knew one of those things was behind me. I closed my eyes, just waiting to be struck dead but the blow never came, shaking I turned around and there was the creature. It was a light golden yellow, its fur stained with blood, its sharp teeth were dripping with saliva but were a shinny white colour, I didn't look it in the eyes because supposedly thats the one thing you don't do with wild animals. It took a step forward, It was only a small one, taller than me only by a bit but it was a creature none the less.

Timidly, I looked up to see what it was doing then the sharp golden amber eyes stared into mine, I was frozen to the spot, I heard the screams of my mother and sister. Quickly I turned around, picked myself up off the ground as I began to run to the clearing, the creature jumped on top of me, it was just playing with me, giving me a small bit of hope then crushing it. It had me pinned to the ground, its sharp claws cut my arms and I let out a little welp. Then it snarled loudly in my face, distorted words came from its...His mouth, " Shut up, your mine and I'm not letting them have you...Don't forget your mine, ever..."

I realised, that was MY christian then, he had saved me and wanted me as a child. Wait...did I just say MY christian? I felt different now, as if I was out of my child body.

Then he was gone, she picked her self up and stumbled into the clearing, all was heard was the eerie sounds of animals, she ran over to her sister, she felt for a pulse but she was dead, not a single mark on her. Her glassy grey eyes were open but lifeless, she stroked her hand over her face then closed her eyes, she crawled over to her mother. Her red dress was torn, showing skin which was not allowed to be seen, she had a large puncture in her stomach and blood continued to flow, her eyes were open but then they blinked. "Mother.." She sobbed quietly. She grabbed her hand then felt her grip tighten then it went limp, she shoved her hand away then saw what she had left in my hand, It was her most prized possession. A necklace, it was a unique black diamond but it was ragged and rough making it not that valuable but it was going to all the girl had left of her. She hugged her body, not caring if she got blood all over herself, in her last words she faintly whispered," Run, they will be coming back, don't look back just run because if they catch you they will do terrible things," She cried into her shoulder then told her that she loved her then left her to die in misery. She ran and ran till she got to a fence then climbed over but dropped from exhaustion.

It felt weird experiencing my childhood nightmare as me as a child and then experiencing it as another person. Suddenly I heard children giggling, a flash of white ran to the clearing, I chased after

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