» Short Story » The Houdini Murderer by Jenna Thompson (the dot read aloud TXT) 📕

Book online «The Houdini Murderer by Jenna Thompson (the dot read aloud TXT) 📕». Author Jenna Thompson

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their tracks to admire her outfit choice. “Find anything?” she asked. “Uhh. . . no all clear. Not a thing out of place.” Said Lou clearing his throat. Jackson was still staring which made her smile. The cinnamon rolls were ready, perfectly golden and frosted. “Cinnamon rolls are ready.” She said as she laid out plates for all of them. “The cinnamon rolls smell amazing.” said Lou. “Thanks Lou. I just followed the directions.” She said with a friendly smile. “Well then keep following those directions ‘cause they’re leading you the right way” said Danny as he headed toward the couch. She sat down at the table and ate her breakfast as she flipped through a Vogue magazine. Then the phone rang.

“Hello.” She said. “Hi Gabby it’s... It’s Mac.” Mac is her boss. He’s a 6’3 blonde and blue eyed hunk. “Hi Mac, what do you need?” “I was just wondering when you were coming back to work” “I’ll be back tomorrow.” “Okay thanks for telling me.” “You’re welcome Mac.” “I have to go I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Gabby.” “Bye Mac.” She put the phone down and resumed her breakfast. “Who was that?” asked Danny. “My boss.” “Oh you’re going back to work tomorrow?” “Yeah.” “One of us will have to go with you.” “You go Danny we’ll stay here and guard the house.” Said Lou. “Alright I’ll go.” Oh gosh her uniform shorts are way shorter than the shorts she’s wearing now. He’s going to have a heart attack tomorrow. And she couldn’t wait.

As she put the dishes in the dishwasher she thought about how she could tease him without teasing him. “Hey do you guys want to go dancing tonight?” She asked. “I know this great place by my work.” They started discussing it then Lou said “After we install your alarm system we can go.” “Okay.” “Is it ballroom dancing or casual dancing?” “Casual.” “Thank God.” He said with a smile. She turned on the dishwasher and walked to the living room and curled up on her couch across from Danny. She could feel his eyes on her and she loved it. “Hey Danny the guy with the alarm is here.” said Lou from the front door. “Okay be right there.” He said as he got up from the couch and walked over to Gabby. He leaned down so he was inches away from her face. “I want you to listen to the guys’ voice if it sounds familiar I want you to shoot him in the legs or feet. Don’t kill him.” He said. “Okay.” She said a little shaky. Danny picked her up from the couch and set her on her feet and hid her behind his back.

They walked to the door he hid her on the left of the door so she couldn’t be seen. “Hi, I’m here to deliver the alarm system.” He handed it to Lou. “Do you need any help installing it?” “No thank you, we can handle it.” said Lou. He shut the door and turned to go install the system. “Did you recognize the voice?” asked Danny with concern in his voice. “No it didn’t sound familiar.” “Okay good. Do you want to go lie down and take a nap it may be awhile until the alarm is fully installed?” “I’m going to take a shower then I’ll lay down for a little bit.” “Okay whatever you need me to do I’ll do it.” “Can you stay in my room while I’m in the shower so no one can sneak in the house?” “No problem.” She headed up the stairs first making sure to put a little more swing in her hips. She walked into her room grabbed her robe and walked to her bathroom and closed the door. She turned on the water and got in. The shower felt nice she needed to relax and the hot water and knowing that Danny was in her room made her even more relaxed.

She turned off the water then grabbed her robe checked her makeup then walked out to choose something comfortable to wear. She saw Danny sitting in her chair by the window as she walked to her closet. She chose to wear her purple sweatpants with the word “Cutie” on the back and an old blue tank top. She headed back to her bathroom and shut the door. She put her pants on then her shirt and she hung her bra up on the hook on the door and then she blow-dried her hair. She put on a little more eyeliner and some blush and walked out to her bed. She saw Danny catch his breath as he saw her. She had to keep a giggle from escaping as she saw his facial expression. She climbed in bed and pulled her covers over herself. Minutes later she heard Danny get up and walk over to her bed. “Gabby are you awake?” he asked. “Yeah I’m awake.” She sat up and saw him sitting on the foot of her bed. “Can I ask you something?” “Yes, of course.” “Why do you want to go dancing tonight?” He said with a hint of curiosity in his tone. “I want to get out of the house, have a little fun, and forget about what’s happening for a little bit.” She said as she looked down and fiddled with her sheets. “Don’t worry we’re not going to let anything happen to you. I promise.” He moved closer to her and sat to the right of her and gave her a little hug. “Thank you.” She said as she nuzzled closer to him. “Lie down and go to sleep.” He started to move away. “No please stay you’re warm.”

“Okay I’ll stay.” Ha said as he cuddled with her under her sheets. Five minutes later she was asleep. Twenty minutes later she woke up. He was awake he was running his fingers through her hair and doodling circles on her arm. He knew she was awake. “Good Afternoon.” He said. She giggled. “Back at ya.” He smiled. She sat up and stretched. He sat up and got her robe for her and led her down to the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” he asked. “A little bit.” “What would you like?” “Hmm. . . pancakes.” “Coming right up.” She watched as he made her pancakes. Lou walked into the kitchen and told Danny that the system was fully installed and working. “That’s good. We’ll go dancing after Gabby gets dressed so go take a shower. Tell Jackson to take one too.” Said Danny. “Alright.” Said Lou.

Danny handed her pancakes to her, which smelt wonderful. He went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and poured it into a glass for her and set it on the table. “I could have gotten that for myself, you know?” She said as she took a bite of pancakes. “I know, but you were already sitting down.” There was that smile again. Gosh something about that smile made her heart skip a beat. “Well thank you for getting it for me.” “You’re welcome.”

She ate her breakfast and then she hurried up the stairs to get dressed. She was having a hard time choosing what to wear. She went through all her drawers. In the last drawer she found a pair of jean shorts and she couldn’t help but smile when she thought of all the guys’ faces when they see her in these. She rotated to catch every angle in her mirror. She had to admit she was looking pretty good.

She walked down to the kitchen and giggled when she saw all three of their eyes pop. “What do you think?” She asked as she rotated to give them the full outfit. “Wonderful” They all said in unison. “Did you guys rehearse that?” She smiled her million dollar smile. “No we all just agree that you look absolutely wonderful.” said Danny as he smiled that smile again. “Well thank you all.” She had to admit they all cleaned up nicely. Danny was wearing a black t-shirt tucked into his jeans. He looked like a male model with the way his jeans made his butt look amazing. She had to mentally slap herself to think clearly. Lou was wearing a white dress shirt tucked into his jeans. He was also looking good. Jackson was wearing a black dress shirt and also in jeans, but his wasn’t tucked in. They were all wearing cowboy boots. She thought about wearing high heels but decided they wouldn’t go well with her vest. She chose her favorite vest. Low V-neck, black, and very nice in the bosom department. She usually wears a shirt under, but she decided to play up the eyes a little bit tonight.

“You’re welcome.” said Lou as he cleared his throat. “We should get going.” She said as she grabbed her keys off the key rack. She walked out to her favorite car out of the two. It has been her dream car for years and when she saw it. She just had to get it. “Wow a Red 1968 Mustang GT 390 Fastback.” said Danny. “Wow Danny you really know your cars.” She said as she admired her dream car. “Yeah, I know.” Lou and Jackson slid into the backseat. She turned on the radio to 102.7 Kiis fm. She put down the top and drove to the bar singing to all the tunes.

She pulled into the parking lot and found a spot closest to the door just in case they needed to make a quick escape. Danny opened the door to the bar for her. The second she walked in she felt at ease.

Chapter 2

She hasn’t been to The Black Stallion in a long time, but she could never forget the vibe she always got from the place. It was a home away from home kind of feeling. She noticed one of the girls there, about 22, eyeballing the three men. She was kind of pretty. She was already pretty drunk, but other than the general wobbly legs and dilated eyes. She was an exceptionally pretty girl. Her clothing choice was a little risqué. The shortest shorts ever made with torn white fishnet leggings, a white tube top with a bright neon pink bra. Everything about her said “Come and get me!” Neither of the guys acknowledged her staring, which made the girl a little jealous. She decided to try her hand at flirting with Danny. “Hey, my name is Heather. Would you like to dance with me?” “No thank you.” Danny said with a hint of disgust, but she didn’t catch it. She instantly went to Lou who said the same and then to Jackson who said the same thing also.

She was mad at Gabby. Practically radiating hate towards her. “Why won’t you guys dance with me?” she whined. “We are all here to protect Gabby. We can’t let her out of our sight.” said Jackson. “That’s not fair! I deserve more attention than her!” she shouted. “I’m going to find the owner. So he can get rid of little Miss. Tipsy.” Whispered Lou. Minutes later he was back with Donald trailing behind him. “Heather you need to go home. You’re drunk.” said Donald with the utmost authority in his voice. “I’m not going anywhere until someone dances with me.” “Heather, don’t make me call the cops to come get you.” “Fine! Jeez everyone ruins my freaking night!” she said as she stomped out the
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