» Short Story » The Houdini Murderer by Jenna Thompson (the dot read aloud TXT) 📕

Book online «The Houdini Murderer by Jenna Thompson (the dot read aloud TXT) 📕». Author Jenna Thompson

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The Houdini Murderer
Chapter 1
“Who are you?” said Gabrielle, a short order waitress at McKinley Bar & Grill. Gabrielle is an average looking girl, 24 years old with long chestnut colored hair and big brown eyes. “I am your worst nightmare” said the shadow in the corner. The shadow had a deep and scary voice. A shiver ran up her spine as she realized she might not live to see another day. “Please, please don’t hurt me. I’ll do whatever you want me to. Please?” “I’m sorry Gabrielle there’s nothing anybody can do to stop me from killing you.” Then she heard the gunshot.

“Gabrielle? Can you hear me?” asked someone Gabrielle didn’t recognize. “Where am I?” she asked in a whisper. “You’re in the hospital Dear. My name is Ms.Anderson. You were shot in your abdomen and you are very lucky to be alive. The man who shot you has not been found. Do you know who he was Gabrielle?” asked Ms.Anderson. “No, I don’t know who he was he never showed his face.” She said breathless. “Well then Gabrielle,” “You can call me Gabby” “Okay Gabby, if you remember anything you can hit the nurse button to contact me.” “Okay. Thank you Ms.Anderson.” Ms.Anderson gave her a sweet smile as she shut the door.

Gabrielle lay there and thought about what had happened to her and how she was alive. Why didn’t he kill her? Why was she still alive? She had no answers, but she was going to get them even if it was the last thing she was going to do. She decided to rest, until she heard a knock at the door. “Come in.” She said as loud as her voice would allow. “Hello, I’m Dr.Northman. I came to check on you. Is that alright?” “Yes, I don’t mind. I’m doing fine.” “No pain, dizziness, nausea?” “No, I am a little hungry. Am I allowed to eat something?” “Not for another hour, we have to make sure your surgery went well.” She gave him a scared look. “I’m sure the surgery went well, but we still have to be sure.” He quickly rephrased. She felt a little relieved. “Thank you, Dr.Northman.” He nodded, and then he left. This left her to her thoughts again.

She drifted to sleep, and a few minutes after she started dreaming. “I’m sorry Gabrielle there’s nothing anybody can do to stop me from killing you.” He said. She heard the gunshot. Then she heard someone banging on the door. “It’s the Police. Open up!” “Crap! How did they know! Damn it she’s still alive!” She heard him whisper in her ear as he stroked her cheek. “I will find you again. And you won’t be so lucky next time Gabrielle.”

She gasped as she clutched her sheets in her hands. “What’s wrong Gabby? Are you alright?” asked Ms.Anderson. “Yes, I’m fine I just had a bad dream. It was about that night he said,” she started to tear up. “, he said he was going to find me again and that I wasn’t going to be so lucky the next time.” She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “You’re alright Gabby. You’re safe here. Don’t worry.” “I know, but what happens when I have to go home. I have nobody to protect me.” She sobbed. “The Police are making sure you have three personal guards around you at all times until this man is caught. You’ll be fine dear,” said Ms.Anderson, with a reassuring smile, which put Gabrielle at ease. “Thank you Ms.Anderson.”

Two days later she met her body guards. Lou was the tallest, Danny was the buffest, and Jackson was the fastest. Lou is as they say tall, dark, and handsome. He has green eyes, black hair, and a body to die for .Danny is strong, black hair, an amazing body, and blue eyes. Jackson has brown hair, with beautiful hazel eyes, and he’s the silent type. She felt much protected with them around. She was released from the hospital two days after she met her guards. Ms.Anderson wished her luck and told her to stay out of the hospital as long as she can. Gabrielle smiled at her and said she would try. Then she left the hospital and made her way home. On the way home she told her guards where they would sleep and they went over the schedule with her. She had never felt so protected since her brother died. She missed him he always protected her and he died protecting her. She would always be grateful for that.

“Stay in the car with Danny. "While we check the house.” Said Lou as he handed her a gun. “Okay.” She said a little shaky. She watched as they sprinted out of the car. Danny was silent next to her listening for any type of danger. It was a half hour until they were back. “All clear.” said Lou as he helped her out of the car. “You should go get some rest,” said Danny “you’re looking sort of pale.” “I’m fine Danny. I’m going to make dinner what would you guys like to eat?” “What are our choices?” said Jackson. It was the first time she had heard his voice. He had a Cajun accent. She had to admit it was sexy. She tried clearing her head as she unlocked her door. “Umm. . . I have spaghetti, steak with mashed potatoes, chicken, and homemade pizza.” She said as she walked down the hall into the kitchen. She noticed they had fallen behind to marvel at her house. She turned around to see all three men gazing at her home. “Wow. You have a very nice home Gabrielle.” Said Jackson. “Please call me Gabby.” “Alright Gabby.” “So what do you guys want for dinner?” She asked as she sat down because she felt her knees were going to turn into Jell-O from hearing Jackson say her name. “Hmm. . . Steak sounds good. Is that alright with you guys?” asked Danny. “Yeah steak sounds great.” Said Lou. “It’s alright with me.” Said Jackson. “Alright Steak it is. How do you guys want it cooked?” “I could cook Gabby. You just sit down and rest.” Said Danny with a little crooked grin that made her heart skip a beat. What was she thinking? She can’t be thinking that way about her guards. “I’ll cook don’t baby Me.” she said with a grin. “So how do you guys want the steaks? Rare? Medium Rare? Well Done?” “I’ll have mine Medium Rare.” Said Jackson. “Same.” said Danny with that crooked grin again. “Well done please.” Said Lou. “Okay, coming right up.”

She turned and headed for the fridge and grabbed four steaks and started to season them. She felt someone eyes on her. “Do you need any help?” asked Danny. “Yeah sure could you wrap the potatoes in tin-foil for me?” “No problem” he flashed her that smile again. Thank goodness she was chopping onions she needed to clear her mind. “So where are your parents?” asked Danny. “My Mom died when I was two years old she had a heart attack I wasn’t old enough to know her. My dad was killed in a car crash when I was 13.” She didn’t meet his eyes as she told him. She didn’t like to talk about her families deaths. “I’m sorry to hear that. Must have been hard for you.” “You have no idea.” “So nobody has cared for you since?” “My brother took care of me for awhile until he died when I was 23.” “How did he die?” he asked with a curious edge in his voice. “He pushed me out of the way of a drunk driver and got run over.” She said as she pushed back tears and tried focusing on not cutting her fingers off. “Do you need help with anything else?” “No I’m fine. Go watch TV.” she gave him a little grin, which he returned. She couldn’t help but stare at him as he walked away.

“Okay, Steaks are ready.” She said as she put the steaks on the table. “Mmm. . . they look delicious.” said Lou as he sat down. “Thank you.” She said with a little bit of female empowerment. She went back to the kitchen to grab the potatoes. On her way she heard nothing but forks and knifes scraping against the plates. She put the potatoes on each of their plates, and then she sat down and started eating.

“Gabby you really know how to cook. The steaks were amazing.” said Danny with that smile again. “Thanks Danny. My brother taught me everything I know.” She got up and started to clear the table. “No, no you cooked I’ll clear the table.” He said as he steered her towards the couch and sat her down nicely. She started pouting as soon as she sat down only to realize that it kind of hurt. “Ouch!” she said as she clutched her abdomen. “What’s wrong?” they asked in unison. “I moved wrong and it started hurting a little bit. Don’t worry I’m fine. I just need an aspirin.” As soon as she said it Danny was already up and getting her an aspirin and a glass of water. Within minutes he was standing there with the pain killers. “Thanks Danny.” She gave him back the glass and lay down on the couch and watched TV until she drifted off to sleep. Later she realized she was being carried by Danny. He put her down in her bed and put the covers around her. He didn’t know she was awake when he whispered “Goodnight sweetheart. Sweet dreams.” When he closed the door she smiled.

The next morning she woke up and washed her hair. She thought to herself as she blow-dried her hair. Was Danny falling in love with her? Was she falling for Danny? She couldn’t stop thinking about what he said last night. He was falling for her and she was falling for him. Suddenly she was in her closet picking out something to wear. She chose a pair of short shorts and her favorite black tank top that showed of all of her curves. She left her hair down, she would have to cut it soon it was almost to her waist. She went down stairs and put some cinnamon rolls in the oven and went outside to water her flowers. When she was watering her white roses she heard someone coming down the stairs. “Mmm. . . I smell cinnamon rolls. . .” Danny obviously saw her outfit. She couldn’t help but smile to herself as she put the watering can down. “Yeah I decided to have breakfast here today I want to stay home for awhile. Are Lou and Jackson awake?” “Umm. . . yeah their checking the house.” “Okay that’s good.”

“Do you still have the gun Lou gave you?” “Yeah it’s right here.” She pointed to the back pocket of her shorts and she could have sworn she saw him catch his breath. “Good. We’re going to install an alarm system today.” “I have an alarm system already.” “The one we’re installing is the top of the line. No offense but the one you have sucks.” “Its’ kept me safe for five years. So it can’t be all that bad.” She said with a little smile. “Well we’re getting you a better one.” Lou and Jackson walked into the house before she could say anything else to Danny. She went to the oven to check on the cinnamon rolls. She heard both Lou and Jackson stop dead in

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