» Short Story » Tale of A Slayer by Spirit.of.the.Stars. (best short novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «Tale of A Slayer by Spirit.of.the.Stars. (best short novels .TXT) 📕». Author Spirit.of.the.Stars.

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too!” The maid squealed with delight, sitting in a nearby chair.

The Slayer inwardly groaned. Not now, she thought agitated.

“Oh, how I wish I were you!” the maid went on, oblivious to Rhianne’s discomfort.

No you don’t, Rhianne thought with a measure of grim despondency. My life is not the kind of life you would want for yourself, she mused remorsefully. “Lydia, it’s late and I would like to get some sleep.” Rhianne faked a yawn and proceeded to go to her dresser mirror to brush her hair.

“Oh, but of course. I apologize, Lady Rhianne.” the maid quickly backed out and left, leaving Rhianne alone with her thoughts.

Rhianne let out a heavy sigh. Changing out of her garments, she undressed for bed. Getting underneath the covers, she blew out the bedside tallow candle and promptly closed her eyes. What if my life were different?, she contemplated. What if I were not the Slayer? Would I be happier? Would I be just like all the other women in town? Normal and without the knowledge that her days in this life were numbered, as any moment, any mistake on her part, any calculated move of the enemy she failed to anticipate, could mean her death?

She would have pondered more about these gloomy realizations but exhaustion then set in and soon the Slayer was sound asleep, the inky blackness of restful repose cradling her in its depths.



Kneeling in front of her Watcher’s grave, Rhianne brushed back tears of sorrow from her face. The cool, morning air brought with it a slight breeze, but Rhianne hardly noticed. Her mind was focused on the tombstone in front of her. Her eyes glistened with tears as she silently read the inscription on the headstone.

“In Memory of Celia Baker,
Beloved Friend and companion to all.
Pure of heart, a helping hand she lent,
Will be dearly missed.
Rest In Peace.”

Rhianne’s hands shook slightly as she finished reading the words engraved there. It had been nearly four months since that tragic event and she still had not gotten over her despair.

“If only I could have gotten there in time……” Rhianne murmured softly.

Her hand went to the top of the headstone and rested there a moment, thinking. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” Rhianne whispered in a low voice. “I’m sorry that I left you there. I’m so sorry…..”

She broke down in sobs, shoulders shaking violently. After a time, her sobs lessoned and she looked up with a determined face. “I WILL avenge your death, Celia, I promise you that. He will pay for what he has done. I won’t rest until he is no more. I will have my revenge and you will too.” Rhianne paused a moment, her eyes closed in contemplation. “He will pay sooner or later. Rest in peace, my dear friend. Rest in peace.”

With that, Rhianne stood up wiping away her tears. She started walking back home, but then turned one last look over her shoulder at Celia’s final resting place. Determination set in and Rhianne walked back, a glint in her eyes. She walked sadly, yet with purpose in her steps. With that mission in mind, Rhianne’s future looked very dark and foreboding indeed.


Rhianne was nervous. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but she was. Finally her quest was coming to an end. She could feel it in her bones. Dread. And fulfillment. They filled her senses, almost distracting her from her patrolling. But almost.

Stalking through the woods she crept about like a tiger, searching about the area with her Slayer senses. She was getting close. She could taste it almost. The confrontation with Borthezedar was near.

Onward she moved and only then became aware of a slight foreboding in the atmosphere. It was so subtle that any normal person would not have noticed it but as the Slayer, Rhianne felt it slowly creeping over her.

Turning about, she searched the area carefully. He’s near, she thought, a twinge of fear coming over her, but she forced the feeling away and instead, replaced it with a calm assuredness. Rhianne let the feeling spread through her, granting her strength and purpose. Because hell, she would need it.

Sensing a presence behind her, the Slayer sharply turned, holding her sword at the ready. The demon, Borthezedar, stood there in the shadowy mists of the trees, watching her. His cold, gleaming eyes, like that of burning embers, watched her with a cruel glint to them.

Rhianne froze, hand on her sword. They stood there awhile, staring at each other, the enemy before them, until finally Borthezedar spoke in a deep, guttural tone.

“I’ve been expecting you, Slayer.” the demon growled out.

Rhianne stood there not saying a word, ready to strike when the moment called for it.

“No words? How disappointing.” the arch-demon said, eyes glowing like fire. “No matter. You will be dead soon enough.”

Rhianne then spoke. “No, it is YOU who will die.” she snarled out, gritting her teeth. “You will pay for what you did to my friend, my Watcher. I will not rest until you are no more.” she ground out the words through her teeth.

“Then you will die.” the demon said, looking amused. “Say hello to your precious Watcher for me in death, little one. I so love reunions.”

And with that, the demon pounced.

The fighting was fierce.

Rhianne leapt out of the way of the demon’s claws that were aiming straight for her throat. She back flipped over him and swiped at the demon which he easily blocked her attack ramming his fist into her, sending her flying into the tree behind her. She hit the tree with a thud! almost blacking out at the intensity of the blow. Sitting there dazed somewhat, but she would not give in that easily.

Springing up to her feet, she dodged out of the way of the demon as he once again attempted to slit her throat with his sharp claws. Rhianne lashed out with her sword, propelling her weight into the attack. The sword punctured demon flesh, but it only seemed to nick him slightly.

With that, he moved and punched the Slayer hard in the face, drawing blood from her. He licked some of the blood from his claws as Rhianne attempted another assault at the demon. The demon didn’t let her. Soon, she was flying through the air again, landing on her back. The air whooshed out of her and she gave a sharp intake of breath. That hurt, she thought as she struggled to get up. The demon was on her in less than a second.

He back lashed her across the face again as she attempted to swing her weapon at his arm, intending to hack it off. Intense pain shot through her as she felt her nose break, blood gushing down her face. She coughed and hacked and tried dodging out of the demon’s way. Rhianne didn’t quite make it.

The demon grabbed her around the throat and squeezed. Hard. He held her up in the air as she attempted to break loose. She felt her windpipe starting to yield and feebly tried to scratch out the demon’s eyes, but to no avail. Her vision was starting to get hazy. He’s too strong, she thought in panic as she tried to think clearly of what to do. Dark spots swam in front of her eyes as the blackness started to close in. As a last resort, she made a claw with her right hand and drove it into the demon’s left eye. The demon roared in pain and promptly dropped her, his grip on her now gone. Rhianne did not waste any time as the demon was making another move at her. In fear for her life, she did the only thing she could.

She ran.

Far away she ran. She could hear the demon coming after her. Dodging into the shadows of some bushes, she hid in fear. The demon looked about for her, roaring with extreme rage and pain. His roars filled the woods and shook the ground. Rhianne trembled as she knew what would happen if he found her. Tenderly, she rubbed her throat and held her nose to staunch the bleeding. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, so Borthezedar would not hear her. For what seemed like hours she hid and waited, the demon lashing about, bellowing out hateful curses and raging fury.

Finally, he gave up and disappeared. Rhianne waited awhile to make sure it was not a trap, that he wouldn’t reappear, then she ran the rest of the way home, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.


Rhianne’s hands shook as she bandaged up her wounds. He almost finished me, she thought, trembling. This started to anger her. This was the second time she had ran away from him. Her cowardice seemed to know no bounds.

Out of frustration and anger she punched the mirror in front of her, shattering it into tiny, jagged pieces. She hissed, drawing in air. Hoping that the sound wouldn’t awaken everyone, she froze waiting for any sign of noise.

There wasn’t any.

Letting out a deep breath, she finished bandaging herself and tending to her wounds. Every part of her ached. She had barely managed to get away. For a brief second, she wondered if she should have just let the demon kill her. Stop it, Rhianne, she thought to herself harshly. I will not be that weak! she reprimanded herself.

A moment passed and Rhianne pondered her next move. Showing her face to everyone was obviously not an option. She had to get away for a time. And she knew just the place.


Rhianne paced around the room. It was now starting to get light out, the sun rising up on the horizon, golden orange bars starting to show. Standing at the doorway to the dilapidated shack, she watched the sunrise. It seemed to symbolize a new beginning to her. It sparked within her a bit of hope. But it was fleeting as the feeling soon passed, to be replaced with dread as deep as a black pit of doom.

Rhianne briefly recalled a conversation that she had had with Celia when she was still alive.

“Never let fear get the better of you. It dulls the senses, makes one’s movements unsteady, makes one unfocused. Instead, focus on what gives you strength. Let that feeling spread through you, empowering you, granting you courage and purpose. You will need that to destroy even the most deadliest of foes.” Celia had explained to her. “Always be on your guard.”

Rhianne had responded to that with a nod. “I know you’re right, Celia. As always, you are right. I will definitely keep that in mind and strive not to let negative emotions overwhelm me.”

They had conversed for awhile that day, talking and sometimes laughing with one another about this and that. Rhianne had felt a true friend in her, someone she could always confide in. She had always appreciated her advice, her support and her friendship. Celia had trained her well and Rhianne vowed to show her that, even in death. Even though Celia was gone, Rhianne still had a duty to fulfill. As
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