» Short Story » Tale of A Slayer by Spirit.of.the.Stars. (best short novels .TXT) 📕

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the Slayer, she always had a duty to fulfill.

Her mind returned back to the present, carrying a newfound sense of strength within her being. She stepped outside in the cool, morning air, the breeze ruffling through her red locks, making them gleam in the approaching daylight. Her wounds would heal soon enough. As the Slayer, she was blessed with fast healing ability. Part of the whole Slayer deal.

For a while Rhianne stood there watching the sunrise, its golden rays spreading throughout the sky, erasing away the dark night and the fear that went with it. It was quite serene, gazing at the spectacular golden light show in the distance.

And for just a moment, Rhianne felt at peace.


Rhianne reached up to touch her nose. Wincing a bit, she pulled her hand away. It had been two days since that encounter with Borthezedar. The rest of her wounds had healed up but her nose was still somewhat tender as it was sore to the touch.

Rhianne looked toward the open door of the shack where she had camped out the last couple of days. It was dark now. The sun had already set. She couldn’t have gone home as her injuries would have raised too many questions. Questions she couldn’t answer. So she was forced to wait out in the shack until she had healed. Her stomach grumbled in hunger. The last time she had eaten was before her patrol and encounter with the arch-demon those two days ago.

Rhianne stood up slowly from her spot on the wooden floor of the shack. The Slayer felt it was now time to end this once and for all. No backing down this time. He would die or she would. It was as simple as that.

Doing a few training warm-ups, the Slayer then grabbed her sword and a couple of throwing daggers, along with a well-sharpened stake. The stake would not help against the demon as it was in case she ran into any vampires while on her way.

Proceeding outside, Rhianne took a deep breath. A feeling of dread was rising up within her. Something was going to happen tonight. Something bad. Rhianne ignored these feelings and tried to breathe some measure of calmness into her being instead. It wouldn’t do to get all shaky now. She proceeded on.

Walking a half-mile, she encountered no hostilities as of yet. Interesting, she thought. That feeling of dread tried to force its way back to her but Rhianne brushed it off as if it were some annoying, pesky bug.

Soon the Slayer reached a clearing in the woods. She remembered this area. This was where…… She gulped back some bile rising in her throat. This was where her Watcher had been killed. Murdered, in front of her very eyes.

Her mind once again, flashed back to that horrible event.

“Rhianne!!” Celia her Watcher, had cried out.

“Don’t worry Celia, I’m coming!!”

Rhianne ferociously kicked, ducked and punched her way through the throng of vampires blocking her route to Celia and the demon, who was still holding her Watcher by the throat. Rhianne felt panic rising within her but tried to remain calm, not wanting her fear to control her. Celia’s life depended on this.

With a final battle cry, Rhianne took out the last bloodsucking fiend and turned then to help her friend and Watcher. Only she was too late.


Regaining her senses, Rhianne’s mind came rushing back to the present. She took a deep breath to compose herself. Rhianne listened around her, straining to hear any sound out of the ordinary in the deep woods. The air was quiet. Too quiet, she felt. Taking another deep breath, the Slayer took a step forward. The atmosphere had an ominous feel to it. It was if the trees around her were saying run! Run, Slayer, run! Rhianne swallowed hard.

A deep, guttural laugh sounded behind her. “You have come back, I see.” the demon rumbled.

Rhianne whirled around, her gaze meeting that of glowing, red angry coals in a hideous countenance.

“You just don’t give up. I might actually admire that if I weren’t trying to kill you.” the arch-demon Borthezedar rumbled in that deep, growling voice of his. “Oh, but I will make this quick.” he added in, “I will enjoy watching the life bleed out of you, you drowning in a pool of your own blood. There is no getting away this time.”

Borthezedar lunged at her then. She dodged out of the way and twirling around in a circle, Rhianne launched out with her sword and slashed it at the demon. The demon easily caught the tip of the sword and before Rhianne could register it, he yanked the weapon out of her hands and pointed it straight at her. Rhianne gulped. This was not good. This was an unexpected turn of events. Good thing she brought her throwing daggers at least.

The demon laughed, the sound of it reverberating off the trees.

Rhianne rolled sideways and flipped a safe distance from him. Quickly grabbing one of her daggers, she flung it towards the demon. It embedded itself in the demon’s side, but he barely flinched. This was so not good. A sense of fear settled over her and no matter how hard she tried she could not dispel the overwhelming feeling.

The demon grabbed hold of the dagger and yanked it out, greenish-black blood spilling forth from the small wound it had made. He tossed it aside behind him, grinning malevolently. It was a scary sight to say the least.

They circled round each other, gauging their next move, sizing the other one up, trying to find a weakness with which to strike. The demon suddenly lashed out, but Rhianne expertly avoided it, feinting to the side and rolling sideways into a crouch. Springing back up on her feet, they continued circling round each other.

The demon then tried to back lash her with his huge clawed hand, but Rhianne ducked out of the way and attempted to topple her opponent onto the ground. The demon stumbled but kept his stance. He kicked out viciously at the Slayer, sending her reeling back to the ground.

Jumping up quickly, she cart wheeled out of the way of the next attack from the demon with her sword he was wielding. HER sword. Anger started to rise within her, fueling her strength. Yelling out a battle cry, she kicked out with her foot at the arch-demon. It seemed to topple the demon some, but not enough. Not nearly enough.

The demon laughed again. “You will die, Slayer. You cannot best me.”

Rhianne whirled around in a circle-dance but he grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her to the ground some distance away, like she was nothing but a rag doll. Rhianne felt something jab into her painfully. A long thin branch protruded from the ground, impaling her side. She cried out in pain and coughed up blood.

The demon was already upon her. He raked his claws across her face, leaving deep, bloody gashes across her cheeks and nose. She tried to get up but the demon backhanded her. Again. And again. Blackness crept around her vision and she could barely see anything anymore through the black haze and the blood that streamed in torrents from her face.

He backhanded her one last time and just before the darkness engulfed her, she thought she saw the demon raise the blade of her sword. Her sword. Her eyes widened with terror. I’m going to die, she thought. I’m going to die.

Just as soon as she thought those words, the demon rammed the sword straight into Rhianne’s still beating heart. Screams echoed out across the forest. So much pain, she could barely think. The blood pooled out from under her, a bright red carpet against the forest floor. Sounds started to fade away as the rush of blood filled her ears.

The demon was laughing gutturally, but she could barely hear him. The pain started to ebb and soon Rhianne felt only numbness. The world faded away, slowly but surely. She thought she could see a bright white light far off in the distance just before the blackness took her, the light fading from her eyes.

The Slayer now lay in a pool of her own demise, red blood spilling out everywhere and soaking into the ground. The demon had left her there to die, her sword laying beside her, drenched with her own blood.

Thunder rumbled off in the distance and torrents of rain poured down in buckets. A wolf howled somewhere far off, a mournful howl. The Slayer lay on the ground, face white, eyes glassy, arms outstretched by her sides. A cold wind blew as somewhere else in the world, the next Slayer was called to take up the fight.




Text: Background is credited to Joss Whedon, however the story/plot and characters are all mine.
Publication Date: 02-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

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