» Short Story » 1D - 1 Shots by A lot of People (you can read anyone TXT) 📕

Book online «1D - 1 Shots by A lot of People (you can read anyone TXT) 📕». Author A lot of People

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and give him a kiss before we can not do that for too long a time.
After our business video is finished, we come to the stage and be greeted by loud screaming fans. I like this feeling but love!
We begin to withdraw our show if we start with 'Up All Night'. The screaming is from song to song to song and more lights break lights everywhere and cell phones.
Niall does all the time something senseless what makes everyone laugh and Louis sings happy times in between songs.
When we got on the fly with 'Change My Mind' a block, we wave to the fans again and again, almost on the tip. This effect is really amazing.
The Twitter Questions were seen before, she seeks out the management, too. I make a joke of it again the fans make them laugh, then we go back to the platform where Zayn not it gets to strap themselves to the series.
After two songs we're back on the main stage and it continues normally.


I always look back at Harry and Niall, who Narry-moments. I think that's so not great! Niall should stay away from my Harry!
Harry noticed my glance, he looks at me reassuringly and walks away from Niall. I watch Niall again angry and then sing even further.
We begin to 'Summer Love' to sing and suddenly get almost all cardboard hearts out, it looks really great. I realize how to collect tears in my eyes. Our fans have been great.
We still sing the rest of the songs and then listen to 'What makes you beautiful' on, then we have also been off the stage for today.
"Have you done great," Liam says and draws us all into a daddy-like embrace, then we rush to get us off the bus to be away from their fans.
That's always a hustle, but we also need to come to our hotel. Luckily we managed to escape the mass storage and travel without disruption.
I cuddle me completely ready to Harry, but then wakes me up at the hotel. We get out and drag us into our room.
I make it just barely undress me before I fall into bed and Harry pulls me right in itself.
"That was great today, right?" Harry asked. I nod.
"Until that I was not allowed to you already." Harry pulls me even closer. "But now you must."
I nod and give Harry a quick kiss.
"I love you Hazza," I murmur just before I fall asleep and lay my head on his chest. Harry lays his head on mine.
"I love you too BooBear."

Vas Happenin ♥ -> How it all began (from jojo.w)


The incessant rain splashed on my umbrella when I pioneered with my brown leather lacing a way through the maze of puddles.

Meanwhile, my socks were soaked easily and I was infinitely glad when the narrow stone staircase came into view in front of the house of my friend Doniya Malik.

With numb fingers I pressed the button down brass. Dark tones echoed through the building and the trampling of feet reached me out.

"Jessie!", A dark-haired girl had opened the door and hugged me stormy. Their short fingers twisted into my brown curly hair and she laughed happily.

I took the little girl by the hand and together we walked into the tiled hallway. The home of Malik had become almost my second home. Doniyas dark mop of hair peeped at the door frame across from me over.

"Hey, there you are, and already I see Safaa was again faster than me."

A cheerful laughter filled the room. For today's afternoon was a tedious preparation for a lecture on Shakespeare.

I followed Doniya in the spacious living room and headed for my favorite chair to. On this already romped Borris, the small family dog. I was stared at by loyal dogs and sleepy eyes.

"Do not be swayed by Borris. He can also move quiet times" with a gesture she shooed the sluggish four-legged friend out of the room and I could finally take place.

"Here we go", full of resentment I rummaged in my bag for the right plastic folder.

"Can I offer you two something to drink?" Patricia, Doniyas mother had joined us.

"Sure," we replied.

"Orange juice, or whatever?"

Again followed by a nod. I let my eyes wander. The living room had a charming library, as many shelves clustered round the door frames and formed ideal storage space for the abundance of books.

A harmonious watercolor painting particularly caught my eye. In the painting of the Port of Venice was depicted. The ships were drawn with such a fine job, so you could even see the individual poles stand out.

"This has painted my brother," Doniya was followed my gaze and smiled at me.

"Looks great!" Flabbergasted I devoted myself again to my folder, which seemed extremely heavy to lie on my thighs.

"In addition to your apple juice have two pieces of cake sneaked added," Patricia put a tray on the glass table at my feet off.

With her nose piercing she looked even more like a teenager, quite unlike my stuffy parents. She was about to turn to leave, as a loud pop music boomed through the ceiling.

"Zayn!" Doniya groaned beside me and rolled his eyes.

"You Should Let Me love you. Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need."

This song lines caused goose bumps to me, they were singing as harmoniously and with infinitely more sense. Not only I had this opinion, because in Patricia's eyes I could see a flash of light film of water.

"This is just wow! Beautifully," I could manage.

"My brother was not taken in vain for X-Factor Audition."

"What?! X-Factor?" Disbelief I tore my eyebrows up.

"Uh-huh. Tomorrow we travel to Manchester and all fingers crossed so that he can live in the next round."

"With the talent for sure."

I already know Zayn though, since I was very young. Singing I had never heard him. With its understated way, he stayed mostly in the background anyway.

"If you want you can come with you., We can use any further assistance."
I did not think twice and agreed to.

For the next morning we had arranged to meet at the station of Bradford. The sky was still overcast just like yesterday and the earth was dripping wet as I was heading on a narrow dirt road on the tracks.

In the distance I could already see six black-haired heads. The Malik welcomed me warmly.

"It really honored that you come along to support," Zayn's wide grin put me immediately.

The train came to a halt with a loud clatter. A small hand slipped into mine and Safaa gently nudged me in the side. I planted myself next to her and across from Zayn and Doniya.

We took a ride and the still bare trees moved past us. With their tips of branches scratching at the window, as if they would not let us go.

To relax, I leaned my head back and listened to the muted tones of Zayn's headphones that broke over to me.

In the music still mixed another voice. I craned my head up and went out for the votes carrier.

On the other side, across a young man sitting with brown hair that fell to him tightly around his face. He must have noticed that I was staring at him, because a little later I looked in gray-blue eyes.

They reflected in a thermos, the enthroned beside him. The mouth of the stranger flashed and he stood up.

I dedicated the window caught my attention again, but instead of the trees, the mirror image of the young man built up in front of me.

"Hey, this is now a stupid coincidence? Or are you about on the way to Manchester?"

I did not know what to say, chewing nervously on my bottom lip.

"But I am," Zayn's voice came in my ear and I turned around abruptly. Of embarrassment I would prefer disappeared under my black wool cap.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson," he introduced himself and stretched his opposite hand out.

"Zayn, I am pleased to meet you. This," Zayn showed with a gesture to all of us.

"Is my support team."

"Hey," I muttered, embarrassed and certainly had adopted a much darker shade of red as Zayn's burgundy coat.

But Louis did not seem to notice, and the rest of the trip, he exchanged ideas with Zayn about tips and tricks.

From the station we had to walk a few minutes. Before the studios waiting for us a huge mass of people that we were held for over two hours.

With a strong arm work we had pushed through to reception and found ourselves in the preparation room. The smell of food rose to my nose and my stomach was a tough growl.

"You have to eat, Jessie," Yaser Malik had laid his hand on my right shoulder. The breakfast was already moved into the distance.

"Real-time! The buffet is amazing!" Smacking gave me a blond-haired boy a sandwich under his nose.

"I must also say," next to the blonde curls appeared a head that looked me over from head to toe.

"Then I cross right at times."

While Malik and I filled our stomachs, Zayn was strained across the room and tapped to the tune of his song with his foot on the ground.

"We are the way Niall and Harry," the two boys had surrounded me and also watching the roving Zayn.

"Zayn Malik. Casting in ten minutes your appearance begins," it boomed from two huge wall speakers.

"Good luck!", Louis, Niall and Harry shouted after us and I could hardly believe that we had met the three likeable guys only today.

A taciturn man in black suit led us to the backstage area.

"! Deep breath my boy," Zayn was encouraged by his father and his mother added, stirred:

"No matter how it will turn out today, we are so proud of you."

"Mom, do not cry," he soothingly stroked Patricia's back and hugged us goodbye other. From the great room below us we heard a nice strong voice:

"I cried a river, now you can too. Cry me a river, cry me a river."

The last fragments of words sank into a thunderous applause.

"That was Liam Payne!", The presenter adopted a dark haired boy who appeared a little later in the backstage area.

"Shit, Zayn can not be! Where you left it more!" Zayn desperately rummaged through his backpack.

"What do you seek?" Wanted to know his sister Waliyha.

"My sanctuary, the hair spray can, without them I'm in a fix!"

"In my bag I had a perfectly acceptable life preserver for your hair," I pulled out a metal container that Zayn conjured a grateful smile on his face.

For a few moments the room wrapped in pungent steam and gave a perfectly styled Zayn Malik award.

"Then nothing can go wrong, it's not so bad out there," the voice of Liam struggled through the retreating fog.

With a loud "thank you" Zayn disappeared on stage. Also in me a slight restlessness was spreading, but lay down, as "Let Me Love You" worn by Zayn's soft voice came over to us.

His performance was also accompanied by loud applause. Full of expectation we waited for the verdict of the jury. It took an eternity until someone said something.

"Can they opt out!" Complained Doniya and I could not wait for the vote of the jury.

Finally, Louis Walsh began: "Yes", Nicole Scherzinger also agreed and even Simon Cowell had the appearance like.

Zayn had done it and

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