» Short Story » 1D - 1 Shots by A lot of People (you can read anyone TXT) 📕

Book online «1D - 1 Shots by A lot of People (you can read anyone TXT) 📕». Author A lot of People

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the time intentionally wrong and pelted him with coins.

>> Guys, stop acting like little children! In addition, you must collect the money back later! <<, he instructed at Louis and my way.

We left it with the money and played "I see something you don't see". Louis always won, but >>Louis you crazy bird! You could at least help unpacking! << Liam shouted afterwards the two laughing. He and Zayn brought the rest to the place I had chosen.

>>I'll sun myself <<, Zayn said, grabbed his towel and layed down. Liam and I decided to play a football and Harry and Louis were raging in the water.

Eventually Louis was soaking wet as he was to me and hugged me.

>>BooBear you're wet! <<, I found sober.

>>Oh Good to know <<, Louis said back serious, putting his hands >>Good to know ...<< he repeated, and went over to Zayn. Because he had closed his eyes, he did not see Louis coming as Louis fell >> Louis, you're damn cold! << Zayn complained, who teared his eyes open and threw Louis down from him.

>>Cooling << Louis shouted delighted and just jumped up again. He ran into Harry's arms, and both fell to the ground. Crazy duo.

Zayn sat up and dried off. I unpacked the cookies and began to eat, while Harry and Louis secretly fell upon the unsuspecting Liam, who just hosted something with football.

The three fell >>Niall stop eating us everything away ! << Harry was outraged and threw me an apple >> But did not. We have taken enough with us! << I pouted and threw back the apple. Unfortunately, I had a little too much momentum and threw it into the water.

>> MY APPLE << I shouted frightened, dropped the bag of gummy bears and ran after the apple.

>>Yeah, only fixed on the food Niall! << Liam laughed and looked amused after me.

>>One of us could even drown and he would only run after food! <<, Zayn said, and I glared at him.

>> That's not true! But I might drown you after your comment! <<

Offended I ran past him, the apple in my hand and shook me intentionally, so Zayn got sprayed a load of water.

>>Why does everbody needs to make me wet? << He complained.

>> Because you always get upset so nice! <<, Louis answered his question and stood up. He went over to Harry and whispered something in his ear, then he came to me.

He explained his plan to me, which he had made in the period in which I was chasing the apple and sat down innocently back to his seat.

I stood up and took the football with me. Harry followed me.

>> Um, what are you doing? << Zayn asked and looked at us confused.

>>We are playing football ?! << I replied innocently and had to stop myself a grin. Zayn looked suspiciously back and forth between us, until we turned our attention to the football game.

>> Louis why are you smiling so funny? << Zayn's voice appeared behind me and I had to stifle a laugh again.

>>Just because I like to. Isn't the weather nice today? <<

That was the cue from Louis. Harry and I left the ball and ran to Zayn. He registered us too late and we had already packed him.
Harry got the arms and I got his legs, so he couldn't defend himself too much.
>>WHAT SHIT ARE YOU DOING?! << Zayn raged going >> Guys, you know I can not swim! <<

He struggled, but we had him in an iron grip. Liam and Louis laughed theirselfs to death behind us.

>>Zayn don't worry, we will never let you drown! << Harry said, and we both let him fall.

Zayn landed in the water and kicked around like a wild first, until he realized that it wasn't so deep, so that he could sit comfortably.

>>Just wait! <<

He already stood and sprinted behind Harry and me. Louis joined us and together we ran across the meadow.

We split up at some point, so that Zayn had to decide. And as might be expected, he followed our poor BooBear.

I was gasping for air at some point standing next to a tree. As I watched, grinning, as Zayn rushed to the poor Louis who defended himself with his carrots, I suddenly heard voices behind me, coming from the forest.

I turned around and looked into the puzzled faces of two girls. >> Hi <<, the brunette said gently, holding something clutched in her hand. When I looked closer, I saw a bird.

Instead of answering, I ran lady-like screaming away and ran behind Liam.

The four boys looked at me a bit puzzled, but then they began to laugh.

>> Glamorous appearance Niall, but that's still my job << Louis snorted and almost choked >> Niall, Niall, Niall ... You are now once again very gentleman-like. Runing away from two pretty girls ... <<
Harry shook his head laughing and looked at me in disbelief.

>>She's got a bird. << I said and glared at him. Zayn was a little irritated.

>> And what did she do that she has a bird? << He asked confused.

>>She has a real bird! In her hand! << I said, pointing to the brown-haired, which stood laughing with her friend.

>> Patty! I told you that he is afraid of birds<<, the blonde brought out laughing.

>>Super , you should have told me earlier! << Replied the brown-haired, pouting

I couldn't even know that stands before us sometime! <<, The blonde said again.

>> What do you have for a bird? <<, Louis asked curiously and the brown-haired was grinning at him.

>> A pigeon <<

>> KEVIN ! << The oldest shoutet immediately jumped up and took the bird out of her hand carefully.

Then he sat back in his seat and held the beast infront of my nose. How it already looked at me!

>> Look! Isn't Kevin sweet? <<

>> Louis, go away with taht pigeon from my face! << I admonished him and leaned back to get distance between me and the animal.

>> Hey girls, how about you sit down until they stop arguing? << Liam offered to the two and they sat down laughing.

The blonde between Zayn and Harry, the brunette between me and Louis.

>> It would be nice if you wouldn't hurl the poor pigeon around because it is hurt! <<, The girl between Louis and me said and took back the bird. I moved away a little and she began to laugh again.

>>She has taken me Kevin away <<, Louis pouted and crossed his arms.

>>Who are you? << Harry asked.

>> My name is Hannah and this is Patricia <<, the blonde answered his question.
>>Ah ok. And Patricia, why are you walking around with a bird t? << Harry asked.

>>That is Kevin,<< Louis interupted and Harry held his hand >>Please call me Patty. And I have found the bird injured and took it with me <<

Louis looked at her cockeyed.

>>Why are you looking like that? You don't really think that I just walk around with a pigeon for no reason? << Patty asked, laughing and Louis looked away offended.

>> Ah, but because he is injured << Zayn asked, rolling his eyes, which meant so much as "typical girl: I-To-Save-The-Bird-".

>> Eh also. But HELLO! This is Kevin! You need to help him! << Hannah said and Patty nodded in agreement.

>> Hmph. Hmph! <<, Louis was talking merrily, but unfortunately no >> What do you want? << Harry asked and took the hand of Louis mouth.

<<I said, the two understand me! <<

>>Probably you are Directioners<< Zayn surmised and looked back and forth between the two.

>> Yes, but of the harmless kind! << Hannah said, and layed down.

>>Harmless ? << Harry dug deeper grinning and Patty nodded.

>>. Yes. Or do you hear us screaming or do you see us lunging at you? <<, she said laughing.

>> That is making our trip enjoyable. I just hope there aren't coming more ! We actually planned a boys day today. << Liam chattered merrily away without hesitation and looked around suspiciously.

>>Well then we go again << Patty said and started to get up, but I pulled her back and didn't let her go. The pigeon padded infront of us, and came pretty close to me, but I pulled >> Okay. But it would be very nice if you wouldn't crush me! << I heard Patty's voice choked and reduced the pressure, so that she could take a breath.

>>. Thanks. What's in that basket? <<

She peered around me and looked at the basket. I let go of her and clutched thr basket.
>> MY food! <<, I made clear and everybody laughed at me.

>>Typically Niall. Not even a girl in his arms is interesting enough! << Liam said and I gave him a mad look.

>>I just need the basket,you can keep the food! << th little girl next to me said and looked at me offended.
Louis grabbed the basket and put the rest of food in >> Niall, you've already eaten almost everything! << Harry said indignantly.

>> Don't worry Hazza, I will defend the rest for you! <<, Louis exclaimed with a straight face and pulled out >>Hey that is mine<<

Outraged, he lunged at me, but I had already passed the carrot next to Patty.

>>Hey Hannah << she called and the blonde sat up.



Patty threw the carrot to her and she catched it with ease, before Harry lunged at her to advocat for his best friend.

He tickled her and she fell into a yelp of laughter attack. Louis let go of me and lunged at Hannah.

He hadn't noticed that Hannah had already passed the carrot to Liam and he hid it behind his back.

I haven't got it anymore! << Hannah screamed , because she got tickled by Louis. He paused and looked first at Zayn, then at Liam,.

>>And who has it now? << He asked, puzzled.

>>I threw them into the lake! <<, Hannah said, looking at him innocently.

Louis left her alone immediately and fell into the water. Hannah got a fit of laughter, and the rest as well.

>> You lied<< Louis pouted and came back soaking wet.

>> Iiih you're wet! <<, Hannah shrieked and ran away a piece.

>> Tell me where is my carrot! <<, Louis called after her.

>>BooBear because Zayn basks again and probably the whole of it here hasn't noticed anything, I'll just go assuming that Liam has your carrot! << Harry said with a grin and looked at Liam.

>> Hey! I realize everything pretty well << Zayn protested.Harry and Louis are not paying attention at Zayn and fell >> Ouch <<, he pouted and was lying next to her. Patricia next to me had leaned her head >>BooBear get off of me! << Daddy Direction complained loudly and tried to free himself, which failed because Louis cling to him.

>> Hey Louis, I think Kevin feels quite alone in the basket! <<, Patty said, after she had calmed down again.

Louis let go of Liam immediately and sat next to the basket to eat his carrot and talk with the pigeon.

Crazy guy but we love him like that.

>> Thanks <<, Liam taught at Patty and sat bringing air back down.

>> Who want's to play football? << Zayn asked us and the two girls immediately jumped enthusiastically. We four others followed affirmativ.
>> But only if we make a group photo before << Hannah affected and pulled out her cell phone.

>> Yes! One of those days you just have to hold on! << Harry agreed immediately and we got together Louis with Kevin in his hand. Hannah deposited her phone on the basket leaning (second set trigger) and got to us.

After the photo we built teams began to play. A perfect, crazy day with the boys!

With them there was never a dull moment and I'm glad that I met them. ♥

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