» Short Story » The lost road... by Lauren colman (best biographies to read .txt) 📕

Book online «The lost road... by Lauren colman (best biographies to read .txt) 📕». Author Lauren colman

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in the air, kyle was lifting flour bags. His brown hair was wavy, his slightly tanned skin looked damp from the heat and heavy labour, he had an angry grimace on his face. When he saw me, he stormed up to me.
"What the hell were you thinking! I-we were worried sick,you could have been killed, you are a stupid idiot! " I flinched away from his angry words, tears escaped my eyes then trickled down my face, he still looked furious till his face softened and he held my wrist. I wiped the tears away then grabbed the foul meals, then started to walk away but his face haunted mine. The doors swung open, emailie came over to me then smacked me in the face and yelled all the curses known to mankind. My face stung, it was still damp from when I had been crying, she looked like a vicious animal. What was wrong with everyone today, she yanked me roughly by my hair then hissed into my ear. "You stupid brat, do you realise how much kyle cares about you and you throw it all in his face, he should love somebody who would love him back, selfish cow,"
That wasn't the only pain I was feeling, I felt guilty, I never knew kyle loved me in a different way, he was more like a brother than anything else. I carried the plates to jakes table, he was slouched onto the sofa and he was alone, I wondered where his friends were, but weirdly I felt even more nerved. I didn't look at him, then started to back away, I could tell he was furious with me but I didn't care at the moment I needed to apologise to kyle.

Jake looked at me with a pure look of hatred, he sneered in a cruel voice "He is all you care about isn't he, what, you going to go run off to him now," I looked at him confused then he roared quietly which was a weird combination."That fool, kyle,"
My eyes widened then he dragged me to the sofa, my arms were pinned above my head and my legs pinned down by his. He was above me, crushing me with his weight, he swapped my wrists so he was holding then with one hand, then he grabbed the food. Shoving it in my face he sneered," Eat it," I moved my head away from the putrid food, showing my disgust, I spat at him.
His reply for that was a painful slap to the face, he whispered in my ear," Kiss me like you mean it or I will rip HIM a new look, how would pretty boy like that? Mmm, such a hard decision,"
I looked at him then then gave in to defeat, I couldn't move anywhere anyway. I squirmed under his strong grasp then as he kissed me, I bit him but it was too late, kyle had already seen me and this blonde stranger was looking horrified as well.

He snarled then brought his fingers to his bleeding lips, he was snarling loudly but then he smirked, chillingly he taunted" You want a taste? I bet you want to be one of us, all it would need is just a little blood..." He was looking at me, I had never seen him look at me this way. I quickly ran away from him but he was quicker, he grabbed my from behind and held me tightly around the waist. The blonde stranger was staring but nobody else was, his lips were pressed into a tight line and he looked furious, I didn't even know him so why was he acting like this. He wasn't the victim. I kicked and hit till he let me free, I knew he would get me soon, he had given in to defeat tonight but he wouldn't give in tomorrow. I clutched my aching stomach then walked outside, into the dark night. It was pitch black, at the moment I didn't really care what happened to me as long it wasn't done by jake, everybody hated me.

I walked further and further away, I was alone and out of sight, I heard a branch snap. Then there was the blonde stranger, he was only young and about my age, I didn't like the way he was looking at me, a stare filled of lust...

I hobbled in, I ached and the pain was unbearable, I was ruined now and I would never get married. I climbed up the stairs and cried till I could no more, I couldn't tell anyone because I was already dying from the shame of it. What would my weakened reputation be like? I could barely walk, I had no one I could trust, everybody that I now trusted was dead. I hated to think about it, the horrible Were went on a rampage and killed lots of people. I laid in my bed then slept for many days. I opened my eyes, kyle was beside me, holding my hand but also holding emmalie's hand. The light was dim, it flickered on the wall, I moved slightly but it hurt to do so. "Kyle, I'm so sorry, can I talk to you in private," He nodded then motioned for emmalie to leave as she left I hugged hi and burst into tears. "Kyle, I' so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He looked at me then wiped the tears from my face then hushed," Shh el, everything is going to be alright," I cried even more then murmured into his shoulder," No it isn't kyle, it isn't at all," His eyes flew straight open then he demanded," Tell me whats wrong," I sobbed.

In a small voice I chocked out," I'm ruined." I couldn't bare to talk anymore. My life was ruined.

Kyles P.O.V

Illinas life went down hill from that day on, she refused to leave her room, fearing the stranger that always waited day and night downstairs for her. Many days she just sat then stared at the wall, she had lost her spark and it was like part of her had died that night, it pained me to see her like this. I loved her but now more like a sister ever since me and emmalie started to see each other, her room was bare, she kept everything in a trunk and never opened it. Each night she screamed from horrible nightmares and during the day she stayed silent, she never spoke to anyone from now on.

Illinas P.O.V

I could feel it inside of me, I was with child but I couldn't bare to tell anyone, the bump was large and rounded. The pain was getting worse, we all knew, all females either died right when it happened and it was a miracle that I was alive but it wasn't because it was a curse to me. Kyle was looking at me but everybody had given up on me, I decided to make a change. I creaped off my bed then opened my trunk, I think I was ready to face the day today. I slipped on a black loose dress then left my hair down in a large mass of curls. I had been the first time I had been downstairs in a few months. Everybody looked at me in shock but then came up, reassuring me and giving hug and kisses. I smiled weakly but then a burning pain burned in my stomach, it felt like I was being torn on the inside, I gasped then it became worse. The room spun, I screamed then fell to the floor clutching my stomach and wailing loudly. To my surprise a few Weres actually burst into the servers quarters, which was right next to their rooms. I rocked back and forth wailing louder, the searing pain was unbearable, I felt like I was being ripped to shreads on the indside. Blood began to run on the floor, I cried louder, a few people ran up to me and held me asking me if I was alright. I wasn't and they could tell but it was an act of kindness. More Weres popped into the room, murmuring about what was happening. I held kyles hand then whispered to him,"They know whats going on," I motioned my head to them.

I blacked out...

A darkness that consumed me and swallowed me whole. White noise filled the air, I felt weightless as if I was drowning, slowly sinking and then it struck me. I chocked, unable to absorb air, was I truly dying?

She lay in the bed, her matted hair spilled across the pillows, droplets of sweat covered her whole body, her chest rose and dropped, her weak feeble body could not hold the thing within her. Her skin had lost all colour, she was pale and looked like clear glass, her eyes closed in an endless sleep but she flinched as it moved, the bump dominated her and she could not cope. The humans refused to have her in the area once they found what she was carrying, yet they were fine with us being here, the weak pathetic humans feared the unknown but yet again they lived within the dark. When I had seen her when I was young, I knew it was different, she was made to be mine and I hoped that she survived.

Drowsily I opened my eyes, the light was so bright that I flinched but then all the pain flooded back to me, I was covered with a thick white cover and in a large soft bed, sat asleep by the bed was the blonde stranger. I moved slightly because it pained me to stay in this position, then his eyes flew open and looked straight towards me. I cowered away.

His soft silky voice reassured,"Shh it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," A tear slipped down my face at the memory of when he did hurt me. I chocked out," Yo-uu hu-rt m-e be-fo-re," His eyes widened then he shook his head. He made a reach for my hand but I pulled it away. His swirling honey eyes looked deeply into mine and he pulled a sad face, how could he dare pull a sad face when I'm like this. I felt a vile substance rising up in my throat and I leaned right over to the side of the bed and accidentally was sick all over his shoes. I wiped my mouth and shakily leaned back against the headboard. I whispered out an apology then closed my eyes peacefully but I was deeply shook up and my stomach felt like it was butter being churned.

I heard a familiar tune being hummed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. I remember the song my mother use to sing to me, was she my mother? She wasn't mary, but she looked so familiar, I listened to the song being sung.

It was a sweet

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