» Short Story » The lost road... by Lauren colman (best biographies to read .txt) 📕

Book online «The lost road... by Lauren colman (best biographies to read .txt) 📕». Author Lauren colman

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I snuggled up to the warmth of my mother, inhaling her exotic spicy perfume and the smooth feel of her silk dress, soon my eyes began to droop, then my body went limp and I was asleep...

I woke up, the harsh icy wind blew at me, almost knocking me over, I cried for my mother, for my father, for my sister but no one helped me. I was stuck in deep, grubby black mud which clung to me as a second layer of skin, I gripped close my dear china doll and wailed some more. The mud was knee deep, it was dark and the bright glazing moon was out in all of its glory but I was terrified, I was only five years and two days old, I was too young to die. The twisted black trees tried to claw at me, the mud tried to devour me whole and the darkness left me blind. An eerie howl sounded but it got louder and louder, there were more howls now but then I heard the sound that changed my life forever, a blood curling scream followed by a second scream. I felt strong with determination, I threw my doll to the side, then started to yank myself out of the mud, praying for a miracle, I was out. Shivering in my tiny long blue silk dress, which was now torn, muddy and ruined, I ran and ran to the sound of the screams. I tripped over a log, scrapping my knees, but I continued to run, sharp thorns and branches scratched me and red ran onto my dress. I was in a small clearing near the road, tipped to the side was the carriage, the horse was laying almost dead on the road, its deep black eyes crying for a quick painless death which would never come, I walked over to the horse and her breathing was ragard. I picked up the rock near her head, then swiftly dropped it. She was out of her misery, she was torn, her guts spilled onto the floor but whatever had done this was sick, leaving a poor horse nearly dead in this state, I looked over to the carriage and it was torn as well. I had to admit, I was terrified beyond belief, all I wanted was my family and to be curled up beside them. I saw a long trail of blood, I followed it along then entered another clearing but the trees were more spreaded apart.

Then I saw them, tall creatures almost wolf like but stood upon two legs, their breath smelt like rotten flesh and the smell of damp and decay was overwhelming, they had dragged my family here, there was many decaying rotting bodies here but none of them were recognisable as human as they were shredded beyond belief. The largest was stood over a body... It was father! I fell to the ground and silently sobbed for the loss of my father, if he was dead then it meant they would be too.

I felt a warm breath tickle the back of my neck, I was too terrified to look behind me, I heard light snarling and I knew one of those things was behind me. I closed my eyes, just waiting to be struck dead but the blow never came, shaking I turned around and there was the creature. It was a light golden yellow, its fur stained with blood, its sharp teeth were dripping with saliva but were a shinny white colour, I didn't look it in the eyes because supposedly thats the one thing you don't do with wild animals. It took a step forward, It was only a small one, taller than me only by a bit but it was a creature none the less.

Timidly, I looked up to see what it was doing then the sharp golden amber eyes stared into mine, I was frozen to the spot, I heard the screams of my mother and sister. Quickly I turned around, picked myself up off the ground as I began to run to the clearing, the creature jumped on top of me, it was just playing with me, giving me a small bit of hope then crushing it. It had me pinned to the ground, its sharp claws cut my arms and I let out a little welp. Then it snarled loudly in my face, distorted words came from its...His mouth, " Shut up, your mine and I'm not letting them have you...Don't forget your mine, ever..." Then he was gone, I picked my self up and stumbled into the clearing, all was heard was the eerie sounds of animals, I ran over to my sister, I felt for a pulse but she was dead, not a single mark on her. Her glassy grey eyes were open but lifeless, I stroked my hand over her face then closed her eyes, I crawled over to mother. Her red dress was torn, showing skin which was not allowed to be seen, she had a large puncture in her stomach and blood continued to flow, her eyes were open but then they blinked. "Mother.." I sobbed quietly. I grabbed her hand then felt her grip tighten then it went limp, I shoved her hand away then saw what she had left in my hand, It was her most prized possession. A necklace, it was a unique black diamond but it was ragged and rough making it not that valuable but it was going to all I had left of her. I hugged her body, not caring if I got blood all over me, in her last words she faintly whispered," Run, they will be coming back, don't look back just run because if they catch you they will do terrible things," I cried into her shoulder then told her that I loved her then left her to die in misery. I ran and ran till I got to a fence then climbed over but dropped from exhaustion.

I felt a cool rag brush my head then my eyelids fluttered then opened, the light was dim and a young woman was caring for me. I looked at her, she had lovely black hair which tumbled down her back, she has soft brown eyes that showed love and compassion, I looked down and saw that I was changed into a white night gown. The oil lap flickered, it was still night. "Where am I ?" I whispered. The woman just stroked my hair then sweetly said," Shhh hon, you safe now, my name is mary, come on just go to sleep," I slowly closed my eyes then fell into a deep sleep filled with nightmares. I woke up chilled, slightly damp with sweat, a set of plain clothes were left out, I pulled on the grey cotton dress, then pulled on my little black button up boots then walked downstairs to find the lady called mary. I ran over to her, she was in a large kitchen, I could hear the roars of people outside and the occasional screams, she pulled me up on the table.

" Ok hon, these people outside are the things you saw, yes I know what you saw, don't look them in the eye and don't talk unless are are told to talk,, you can help in the kitchen but sooner or later you will have to serve them, don't worry, just don't leave the building with anyone no matter what they look like, ok hon," She gave me a little kiss on the head then pulled my down, she wrapped a little apron around me then set me to peeling potatoes. " My name is Illina Catrin , not Hon, I am five," She smiled then said," Silly girl, Its just a nickname not an actual name, well my name is mary belle and later I will introduce everyone to you," She gave me a little pat on the head. My days from then on were simple, doing the same job over and over which was preparing food, all days mixed into a blur and I began to forget things, things that I hoped I wouldn't. Before I knew it, it was my sixth birthday, a day I wouldn't forget, I did my usual routine, put my clothes on then go down to the kitchen.

I picked a mop up, then began to clean the stone floors, everybody was busy doing their own thing. Then they all faced me then began to sing, I was given a pile of string and wool wrapped gifts, I smiled knowing they didn't have to cause a fuss. I smiled then sat on the counter as I opened the gifts I saw that sammie, a young brunette had given me a new comb which meant I didn't have to pinch marys, I said thank you then hugged her, millie, an old redhead gave me some ribbon to tie my hair up, I hugged her and then said thank you. In the end after a million of hugs, I had been given, a comb from sammie, some ribbon from millie, a scarf from lillie, a pair of shoes from annabelle, a apron from becky, a bracelet from kyle, a necklace from sam (kyles brother), then two dresses from Mary. I was so happy than I decided to try on all my new things, so I tried on my ice blue dress from mary, my bracelet and necklace from kyle and sam, my apron from becky and my shoes from annabelle.

I started to peel carrots when, lillie burst through crying, she had been serving them when two of the got into a fight and she got badly scratched, she was holding her lip arm as blood ran. Mary gave me two plates then pointed to a table, she shoved me out then their was silence, harsh glittering eyes stared my way and I heard whispers about me as I walked to the table. I didn't realise I still had my smile plastered on my face, I put the two plates on the table.

Sat at the table was a young boy, a bit older than me and he had golden blonde hair and I didn't know what colour eyes because I didn't directly look at him and an older man which looked like him. I turned around to walk about then the man roughly grabbed my wrist then hissed," Don't you know it's impolite to have your back turned when you walk away,"
I looked slightly away from him, trying to be careful to not look him in the eye but he saw it as an act of rudeness. "Look at me when I speak to you,"
I looked in his direction but not his eyes and yet he saw it as an act of rudeness.
" What am I not

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