» Thriller » The Cyber War Conspiracy by Thomas Biehlig (best way to read e books .TXT) 📕

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The Cyber War Conspiracy













A true techno sci-fi thriller


by Thomas Biehlig



































T. Biehlig Media



Text © by Thomas Biehlig, D-24111 Kiel

Date of publication: April 2015

Version 2.0

Foto Cube © GraphicCompressor -

Foto Computer Code© Edelweiss-

Graphics by Caroline Klett

Translation by Trevor Steele



All rights of dissemination, including through radio, television

and photomechanical reproduction, sound recordings of all kinds and printing of excerpts, and electronic reproduction and translation, are reserved. Please cooperate and protect copyright laws.

ISBN 978-39817310-3-3 (ePub)

ISBN 978-39817310-1-9 Print



On the internet







The book


Marc Jansen works or the firm Technology News Research as a specialist on semiconductor technology. While preparing a market analysis on network chips for Victor Navarro’s office that specialises in the international law on patents, he learns that Orlando Lopez, famous for his work in the area of quantum computer science and semiconductor physics, has been found dead in a canal in Bangkok. It is alleged that he took to his watery grave a scientific sensation.

When Marc Jansen unexpectedly gets an offer of first-hand collaboration with Navarro’s office, he suddenly sees the possibility of immediately changing his life, which till then had been rather boring. The first assignment he is to work on is, of all things, research for an international consortium into the alleged discovery Lopez was working on up to his death.

With no hesitation Marc resigns from his job and agrees to take it on. For the task the mysterious South American woman Lana de Vries is assigned as his partner. A bizarre contest to find Lopez‘s alleged discovery starts. The maelstrom Marc and Lana are caught up in is one of murder, corruption, and intrigue that goes right up to the highest nerve centres of international powers.


The author


Thomas Biehlig, born in 1969, lives and works in the Hamburg area. As a business economist he worked for several years on the purchase of technical equipment for well-known industrial enterprises. With Cyber War Conspiracy Thomas Biehlig combines professional knowledge and complex technological questions in an entertaining and exciting thriller. This book is his debut.

The publication of a second book is a work in progress. The book is going to be another explosive hightech thriller against a current background. The story will have links to Cyber War Conspiracy.

At the end of the book there is a glossary. Further information can be found at




The „Who’s who“ in the book


Technology News Research in Hamburg

Marc Jansen: hero of the story, market specialist in semiconductor technology

Rolf Behrendt: proprietor

Sebastian: colleague of Marc

Teresa: female colleague of Marc


The Navarro office

Victor Navarro: proprietor of the Navarro office in Bogotá

Lana de Vries: heroine of the story, specialist in applied nano

Martin Keller: Arbeitet in der Berliner Niederlassung und ist Jurist

Marieta Brandt: Victors linke und rechte Hand in der Berliner Niederlassung

Roman Wlazlo: a Berlin specialist in semiconductor electronics

Alexander Hellwig: allrounder in Berlin

Kerry: Irish security specialist in Berlin

Franco Martinez: worldwide security chief of the office

Carlos Marquez: Japanese branch of Victor’s office, special assignments

Raoul: personal assistant of Victor in Bogotá

Andre: chef and responsible for personnel in the Caribbean

Angelo: boatswain, deputy chef and weapons expert

Rolfo: garden, house, and security technologist in the Caribbean

Esmeralda: housekeeper in the Caribbean

Florence and Vivien: housemaids in the Caribbean

Lian: his firm works as management operator for Navarro’s office and solves ticklish situations all over the world

Leon Kulikow: staff member of the consortium from Russia

Pedro Ruíz: staff member of the consortium from Brazil

Taji: South African security man in the Caribbean

Josef and Ole: IT specialists in the office


Other characters

Orlando Lopez: specialist in quantum computer science, works at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Julia Schmidt: friend of Marc and staff member of Hummel Agency in Hamburg

Yoo Xianghong: works at AICD (Asian Institute of Chip Design) in Bangkok and is a specialist in chip design

Keserci: Russian scientist, specialist in quantum IT

Sven: Marc’s best friend, works in a media business

Elena: Sven’s girlfriend

Volker Freising: co-proprietor of the firm C+F Electronics, main profession: son

The „Old“ Freising: patriarch

Jagran Ebrahimi: manager of the firm First Tronic in India

Vera Sweta: works in the Marquard Office, Russian woman

Karl Marquard: boss and co-proprietor of Marquard Office & Partner in Berlin and Moscow, international legal office

Charles Cunningham: proprietor of American venture capital financier Venture Capital Group VC7

Klaus: Ssecurity boss for the Freisingers

Mr. Xu: Taiwanese chief negotiator for Dazuhuang

Blackstone: general

Rahi a Har Bashi: Indian, works for First Tronic in Bangalore


The firms in the semiconductor industry

First Tronic: US firm with a branch in India

Dazuhuang: Taiwanese conglomerate

Shimondo: Japanese high-tech firm

Microntec: produces semiconductors and chips in Bangkok

Kim Young: from two comes one

KPN: from two comes one

KMC: can do magic with money

C+F Electronics: formerly Advanced Technologies

Spin Tec: specialist in computer capacity technology


Other firms

Firestone & First Move: consulting and development

Dreibach &. Partner: detective agency in Hamburg

Agentur Hummel: event planning agency in Hamburg, Julia’s employer

DCG Ltd.: Chinese firm


Explanatory note

All persons and the actions in this book are fictional. Similarities with living or deceased persons are fortuitous. Some of the places, product names and technical processes used in the book do in fact exist. If I have in some way offended against the rights of a name, a description, or a procedure, that happened without my knowledge. I ask for notification if that is the case.

Four weeks earlier


Lopez was squatting knee-deep in an ooze of excrement in a sewer conduit in Bangkok. He could hardly hear anything but the monotonous constant clatter of the monsoon rain. Next to him floated the refuse of the city of many millions. Above him there was an old metal grille, to left and right filthy cement walls. Was that to be his last view on earth, an old canal outlet with a rotting stench? That was what he was thinking when he could again make out his pursuers. And yet everything had started off so well. As a scientist of the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology he was in charge of his own research section on quantum computer science. It was the task of his section to develop a computer that using as its basis so-called Q bits was capable of carrying out complex calculations. A by-product of his research into that was the creation of a link into the old hitherto existing digital world of zeros and ones.

But at some point everything slipped out of his hands. His family, his friends and his job. At the start he had been attracted by the prospect of a lot of money. To get it he had merely to relay certain information and occasionally contribute his expert knowledge, of course parallel to his actual research work. Who had given him the assignment had not interested him at first, so long as the payment was correct and the efforts involved were tolerable. But the situation had changed in the course of time and he was blackmailed. He was threatened that something would happen to his family if he did not deliver as desired. It even went to the extent that he was supposed to spy on colleagues and frighten them in order to get hold of the desired know-how. He had found himself in a vicious circle without even the breath of a chance of escaping.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard the voices of his pursuers; they were trying to be heard over the noise level of the heavy rain. They were looking for him, the traitor.

Then he heard footsteps above him. Careful footsteps, but the squelching sound of wet shoes let him know they were damned close on his heels. He had made a special trip to Thailand to meet a representative of the US Congress inconspicuously on the periphery of a symposium on chip design. He wanted to get out of it, wanted his old life back. He just wanted to put everything behind him, confide in somebody. But it did not happen that way. While he was waiting on the terrace of the luxury hotel Riverside to meet his contact, he suddenly saw the muzzle of a pistol glittering in the night. With presence of mind he jumped into the dark, murky river. There he swam as quickly as he could and took advantage of the slight current at the edge of the water. It was his misfortune that the pursuers had reacted as quickly as a flash, and had prepared not only strong torches but also a boat and several men who obviously would stop at nothing. He just managed to flee in the nick of time into one of the many sewer conduits before he was caught in the boat’s floodlights. Unfortunately his pursuers nevertheless succeeded in following him across land on the bank path. He had an instinctive intuition that now he had only a few possibilities of staying alive. One option would have been to wade deeper into the sewer conduit. Another, to try to cross right over the river by half diving, half swimming. If only they didn’t have that boat, he thought in complete despair. In feverish thought he weighed up what he could still do, when unexpectedly an extremely strong gush of water from the middle of the canal grabbed him and dragged him in the direction of the middle of the river. In panic he wildly threw his arms about to rise up again to the surface. After what felt like five minutes in the raging river he finally was able to catch his breath again. At first glance he knew he had passed by the boat and had crossed fully a third of the river’s width. But because the surface current pulling in the direction of the middle of the river got stronger and stronger, he was now overcome by the fear that he could simply drown. Never again to escape from that stinking cesspool, get caught up in the rubbish, or be run over by the boats which were still moving in big numbers.

His thoughts were going round in circles; his wet evening wear kept impeding him and pulling him again and again under water. He noticed that his strength started to give out and he was looking for something he could cling to. Then suddenly the flashlights of his pursuers were again dancing on the surface. Only a few meters more and they would see him. Then it was too late. A string beam of light caught him. The sounds of the boat’s motor got inevitably closer. In desperation he mobilized the last of his strength and again swam for his life. He heard his pursuers yelling in excitement, then the boat was next to him. He felt a boathook catch his jacket and jerk him closer to the boat. He had no chance of escape and almost without resistance let himself be dragged. His pursuers grabbed him and lifted him with strong arms out of the water. They brutally hurled him onto the deck and began to beat him with kicks and punches. He writhed and turned himself, but that gave him no protection. After he had been beaten almost unconscious a man with a good English accent said, „That’s enough! We have to find out who else he may have betrayed something to.”

„All right, O ... ah, Boss, I mean,” answered a second voice, and they stopped beating him. Instead he was tied up with cable wire around his hands and feet, and they stuffed an old wet rag that tasted of oil and petrol into his mouth. He was aching all over and could no longer move

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