» Family & Relationships » The Adventures of Kimmi and Naomi by Anna Spicer (best ebook reader for chromebook .txt) 📕

Book online «The Adventures of Kimmi and Naomi by Anna Spicer (best ebook reader for chromebook .txt) 📕». Author Anna Spicer

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Chapter 1

“So, how is your family doing? I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I was beginning to worry about you.”
“Oh Kimmi, my momma, baby sister and I went to India to visit with my grandparents. They said that they miss my family a lot. They would write, but they cannot afford the postage to mail a letter.”
“Oh, I am so sorry. Well, I hope you had a fun time while you were with your grandparents.”
“I did. Thank you for asking. I brought back a souvenir for you.”
“Oh, really? I cannot wait to see it. Thank you very much.” Kimmi said happily.
“I’ll give it to you after school. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see it.” Naomi said to Kimmi.
Kimmi and Naomi walked over to their lockers and then Kimmi grabbed her algebra book.
Naomi walked over to her locker also and grabbed her English textbook and then looked up to see Kimmi closing her locker.
Naomi smiled and then said, “Kimmi, who were those people on your poster in your locker?”
“Oh, those were just guys from a rock band that I listen to. That is all.”
“Oh, I’ve never seen them before. In my family, we listen to a lot of classical music like Beethoven and Mozart. I just love Beethoven’s 3rd symphony!”
“I play the piano too. I’m not really good at it, but I’m not expecting to be a famous composer someday. I just play for fun.”
“I love to play the piano too. I wish I could learn how to play the piano just like you. However, at this moment in my life, I only know how to play the flute. I am not very good at it though, but I do like to play it. Music is a big thing in our culture.”
“I have piano lessons today at 4:30.” Kimmi said. “You can come and listen if you like. I am sure that Mrs. Storkelson wouldn’t mind.”
“Oh, I would love that! Thank you so much. I have always wanted to see a piano up close.”
“Now is your chance. See you after Algebra class.”
“Bye Kimmi.” Naomi said as she waved to Kimmi, who walked down the hall and out of sight.
As Kimmi walked down the hall to her first class, she couldn’t stop thinking about the surprise that Naomi had waiting for her after school.

Chapter 2

“Oh Naomi, it is gorgeous! The jewels are amazing, where did you get this?” Kimmi said as she put the necklace around her neck.
“My grandma gave it to me. I told her about you and she told me to give it to you.”
“It is so amazing. Thank you so much.” Kimmi said as she gave Naomi a great big hug.
Suddenly, Kimmi looked down at her watch and then said, “I have piano lessons in 10 minuets. We had better get going before Mrs. Storkelson gets impatient.”
“Ok, I will follow you.” Naomi said happily as she followed behind Kimmi.

Soon, Kimmi and Naomi arrived at Mrs. Storkelson’s house.
Kimmi knocked on the door and then Mrs. Storkelson answered it with a friendly smile.
“Hello Mrs. Storkelson, this is my friend, Naomi, the girl that I was telling you about. She wanted to come and listen to me practice.”
“Come in child. Take a seat on the couch.”
“Thank you Mrs. Storkelson. You are very kind.”
Mrs. Storkelson walked over to the couch and then introduced Naomi to her two granddaughters.
“Naomi, these are my granddaughters, Elizabeth and Emily. As you can see, they are both twins. They are 10 years old and they love comic books and fashion.”
Naomi smiled at the two girls and then said hello.
Elizabeth sneered and then said, “You are friends with her?”
“Why would you want to be friends with a weird girl like Kimmi?” Emily said in a snobby tone of voice.
“I like Kimmi for who she is. I like her as a friend and if you got to know her better, then you would like her too.” Naomi said happily.
The two girls rolled their eyes and then went back to reading their comic books.
Naomi sat down on the couch and then listened to Kimmi play the piano.
“You did a very good job Kimmi dear. Now play this chord again and then we can move on to another song.” Mrs. Storkelson said happily to Kimmi who nodded and continued to play.
Naomi just sat on the couch and smiled as Kimmi played the piano; letting the sweet sound of the piano keys being played fill her ears and dance around in her head like sugarplum fairies.
Soon, Kimmi moved on to the next song and Naomi continued to smile and stare in amazement as Kimmi played one of Mozart’s songs.
She imagined Kimmi playing Beethoven’s 3rd symphony in the school’s talent show and how everyone cheered her on when she finished and took a bow.
Kimmi had such great piano-playing skills that Naomi wished she had as well.
However, she knew it wasn’t right to envy other people, so she just admired her friend’s talent.

Chapter 3

Soon, Kimmi’s piano lessons were finished and the two girls went to get an ice cream cone.
“I loved your piano-playing skills. You are so good. I wish I could play as well as you do.”
“It just takes practice Naomi. I’m sure that you play the flute just as well as I play the piano.”
“I wouldn’t say that. I don’t want to brag about myself. That wouldn’t be right.”
“Maybe you can come over sometime and play the flute while I play the piano. With the two of us playing together, we’ll be awesome.” Kimmi said, licking her pistachio ice cream come before it melted.
Naomi liked her vanilla ice cream cone and then said, “Maybe tomorrow I can come over and play my flute for you, I don’t mind. It is just that I have never played for anyone outside of my family before.”
“I’d love to hear you play Naomi. I can’t wait till tomorrow.”
“Me either. I’m still a little nervous though. I guess I will be alright as long as I am with you.”
“I was nervous too when I first started playing the piano in front of mom and dad. However, I soon got over it after playing in front of them for a while. You’ll soon get over how nervous you are just as soon as you play in front of someone other than your family.”
“Are you sure? I sure hope so.” Naomi said nervously.
“I know it. How would you like to come over to my house today and play on my piano? I don’t mind and I am sure mom and dad won’t mind either. I know that I am excited about hearing you play for the first time that I have goose bumps, see?”
Kimmi showed her arms to Naomi, who giggled and then said, “I’d love very much to play your piano. I’ve always wanted to play a piano just like the people on the classical music channel. I cannot wait to tell momma about it. She will be so proud.”
Kimmi giggled and then continued eating her ice cream cone.

Chapter 4

Once at the house, Kimmi showed Naomi the piano and Naomi jumped for joy.
Kimmi gave Naomi a chair to sit in and then Naomi sat down in front of the keyboard and played a few keys.
“I am so excited; I don’t know what to play.”
“The piano is electric so it can help you decide what to play.” Kimmi turned the piano on and then just as soon as she turned it on, it started playing, “America the Beautiful” really loud.
Naomi watched the piano keys in amazement as the piano played on its own.
Naomi put her fingers on the keys that were moving and pretended that she was a famous concert pianist.
“I have never seen a piano like this one before. I’ve only heard of great composers playing them. I am so excited that I finally got to see a piano in person!” Naomi said excitedly.
“You are welcome to come over here and play the piano any time that you like. I don’t mind and so do my parents.”
“Oh thank you Kimmi. I appreciate the offer. Maybe I will come over tomorrow and play some more.”
“That would be great.” Kimmi said happily.
“Maybe you could also bring your flute and we could play together. I would love to hear how well you play.”
“Oh, I would love the sound of that!” Naomi said excitedly.
Naomi sat back down at the piano and then played a few notes. She loved the way the piano sounded when each key was played.
Oh how she wished she could play the piano just like Kimmi!

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