» Family & Relationships » Look Beyond What You See by Saviour Willie (best beach reads of all time txt) 📕

Book online «Look Beyond What You See by Saviour Willie (best beach reads of all time txt) 📕». Author Saviour Willie

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Your Eyes Are For Wonders

Have you ever imagine what cause God to discover how beautiful his creatures on Earth were?

Have you ever imagine what melted the heart of mother's to produce children? Your eye can see wonders!


God purposefully knew that Eye would be of a very important tool to man and so made an eye and put it in man. Your eye was not just for seeing, you were created with an eye to vigilant other branches of the body and be concious of the contaminants.. This is why God said "I am the apple of your eye—keep it pure..


You can make a difference with your eye, only if you can stay clear from seen wonders—pollution of heart. You may think that pollution of heart comes through an initiation, notwithstanding, there are minor chance of which evil can either be trace in your memories. Yes! Pollution sometimes comes from heart but what alerts the heart of how toxic or cheap an evil is, Is the eye. Every wonders both evil and good becomes real when the eye shares the profit. And you keep thinking, wandering of a possible change to what can easily wipe off that pollution in the heart! It's true, you've approach the altar for remedy but you still need to put over an authority your eye; not every wonders that blurred the eye are for naturality. Some come for spicing and once you are treated in such look, take a look at the mirror, your eye tells you how beautiful you're. If you're ugly, let's cover up, your eye depicts.


If you're shiny, let's cover up, your eye depicts. Of course biblically every person on Earth were describe as God's image and so I would not say God was ugly but he was beautiful and handsome like every folks would claim. What about the images, how do you read yourself when applying a reflective donor. Are you part of those blood that can't stay without a happening? Bringing to life a shameless history?. You can't lie what you see with your eye. Your heart can't tell you how dirty your nostril are, neither can it open to your lights how tiny or figure-shape your body is. All those are jobs implemented by the eye. Your hearts can't tell you how large P's boobs is or D's ass is, it is your eye that sharpens everything up. Makes it comfortable for you to live within and without the pleasure that surrounds. Makes it comfortable for you to relay your trust on personal wants. For you to buy everything you desire just in a miles without having a second thought.



Many had withdraw from listening to the message pass from their eye to other branches of the body. I must tell you that without the eye coming into functionality: your penis, vagina, boobs, ass and even your so-called kissy mouths would become impossible. Every messages that are converted by the eye are channeled through these passages and when you're not cautious, easily would melt you to zero and bring into productivity the motion of what you've seen. That is why, majority of persons got bleeded by the heaviness of the wounds when it happen.



I stop criticising friendship years back when I discover it's not easy to be in a relationship with an opposite without getting injured by the storms. Lot of us had experience difficulty in handling relational matters especially when the movement of what your eye see's began to manifest rapidly. At the moment, you're becoming a tropical Forest and the branches are wild in a way that any stab can injure the opposite. You need to run! You got to flee before the apples turn into orange and the wine turns into alcoholic. Your life is much more important to yourself and God; Except you want a diver change, maybe something harder than that to happen to you.



Must you believe that thousands had been swallowed by same eye—challenge! Especially when it comes to mind-leading, heart-driving and conscience-riding? Some, their unattentiveness to what the eye value had led to futility—destruction of future goals. Whether you like it or not, bet me, truth pays and you could store this simple truth about eye-challenge and be for real. Have you tasted the apple responsible for shaving a females mind about love? It is the eye. And that's why I prefer talking to a girl without looking directly to her eye. Because if it happens that both of you are looking at each other's eye, bet me, you're not Superman neither are you God; It only takes the Grace of God for you to pass through that level of communication without yielding to hearts reflect. Have you wandered how lukewarm the heart is once it approach a color human? It look exceptionally different, in a way you can't explain.



Looking directly to an opposite eyes as a guy chases out fear but produces an evil imaginations and bring to your perspective some wandering thoughts and what could that possibly be? Your eye defines how the next person by your side is. Infact apart from love, the most minor checkmator of any person before getting engage with either a male or female gender is the eye. You may want to quote me wrong after considering some folks without eye who still marry! Of course marriage is for everyone. But let me ask you a question, Can a blind man or woman marry a blind man or woman? Nobody would agree to say yes because already it's impossible. You can only see a merge marriage interms of that.



Now what is a merge marriage? A merge marriage is the union of two people [disable and non-disable]. An example is a blind woman marrying a complete man Or a deaf man marrying a complete woman.



Forget the wonders that comes out from the eye. Look beyond what the eye itself see's and place yourself over authority. Try to meditate on God's word because it is the only herbs that can make pure your eyes.

How Can You Look Beyond What You See


You are a medal in God's hand and you are expected to think, walk and live exactly like God. If God only depended on what he saw with his eye, human beings wouldn't have come into existence.



He saw and saw, that was beyond what he firstly discovered with his eye. If it was that God discovered the value of human as first, we would have become the first creatures after heaven and Earth creations. You can look beyond what you see if only:



You can spend your hours monitoring the flying thoughts that comes into you for pollution


It's never easy trying to do what you haven't done for a year. But you have to, because it's part of the marching song you sing while rendering a pledge to your nation. You can spend hours monitoring the flying thoughts—evil messages transmitted through the eye to the hearts.


Read a Bible that contains true history of Salvation and then make it an habit meditating on every vital information derive from your read. By so doing you're building a wall of protest against the vices.




Always pinch your eye when the motion picture comes


Doing this awaken your eye from evil transmission.I thought it was some false idea and so I apply it and all of a sudden, my eye stop connecting. I became real in my conversation with people, lust entirely disappears. If you think it's for invalidity, then try it. Remember, you can't keep a red-witch in your cupboard and still aim to think big and look beyond. You must do something before its boil down on you.





Play with people


You can't do without playing with people. If you keep an enmity or malice, God won't be happy with you. And so you have no choice. But you know what? Before you think of playing with people, first of all checkmate the kind of persons they are and know how you can walk and talk with them. Some may not be playful.



Also check what they love most. That alone would make it easier for you to play with them. If only you can apply this method, I'm telling you the full truth nothing would be left in your cupboard, not even a limiting force. You'll be free and of good and simple mindedness.




Be self-motivated


You're not a speaker and at the same time you're not a motivational speaker as well. But do you know that many persons survived without even been born as a speaker? Now, what makes it easier for them! Constant practice. Yes, for real you are a prelim and can't even stand at a public to speak but you can build yourself through constant practice.


I do that every morning. In my yard, thousands say I'm mad. No, not at all. It's just that for you to become real, you must learn to grow beyond your imagination and that's by activating to speak like never before. You got to try this. Just a trial could turn your life around.





Be a bookworm


If you must succeed on the race you're running over, book shouldn't be an escapee of you. I don't why I'm fashion to reading all kinds of book, but I do it without getting stress—just giving out a whole day to get my brain filled with solid words that will either bolster my spirit and keep it fresh. You are my same if only you can buy a whole day just for this millennial. Don't say I'm not a bookworm.


Ok! Assuming you're not a bookworm then what are you? Been alert always shape you for better, prepares you for any confusion ahead. If you live to be a bookworm personnel, congratulation, you'd also live not to become a victim of defeat but a student of success. You can't loose nomatter how drastical other fans are, you'll always be at the top because you've prepared your bed right from scratch.

You Can Look But Can You See?

 Here comes another ladder you must climb without looking back. The ladder comes as a question boiling: Can you see what you cannot look? It's impossible.


I mean, seen what you can't look not even for a minute. Jesus said, if you need something inexhaustible from me, just look and see. You have what it takes to look at

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